New puppy.


Well-known member
We got her at about 9 and a half weeks. We have had her 4 or 5 weeks now. She is NOT fully potty trained yet,....but not being an expert on this stuff I do think she is way ahead of the curve. IMO she should be fully house trained in another 4-6 weeks. And THAT is a good thing as I have understanding,....but low tolerance to accidents. LOL We keep it simple. We let her out in one spot, stay with her....when she does her job we tell her good girl, pet her head, and give her a treat. When she has an accident we pick her up....bring her to it, make her look at it while holding her and pointing at it,...we say NAUGHTY in a stern voice,....then she goes in her portable kennel for a half hour time out. We KNOW this is working because when she does have a slip she feels shame,...that means she knows she did wrong. Those slips are getting fewer and fewer thank goodness. I know that a few of you are old pro's out there....Top and LIG come to mind. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Oh...lastly....we started off by having one of us take her out once every hour because pups cant hold as much...LOL Now we are up to every hour and a half, hour and three quarter.
Her and our older dog are so good for each other. They REALLY love each other. He is almost like a little mother to her. Lets her curl up and sleep right on his back or by his belly. They are having a BLAST!
We got her at about 9 and a half weeks. We have had her 4 or 5 weeks now. She is NOT fully potty trained yet,....but not being an expert on this stuff I do think she is way ahead of the curve. IMO she should be fully house trained in another 4-6 weeks. And THAT is a good thing as I have understanding,....but low tolerance to accidents. LOL We keep it simple. We let her out in one spot, stay with her....when she does her job we tell her good girl, pet her head, and give her a treat. When she has an accident we pick her up....bring her to it, make her look at it while holding her and pointing at it,...we say NAUGHTY in a stern voice,....then she goes in her portable kennel for a half hour time out. We KNOW this is working because when she does have a slip she feels shame,...that means she knows she did wrong. Those slips are getting fewer and fewer thank goodness. I know that a few of you are old pro's out there....Top and LIG come to mind. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Good luck with the puppy, Stone. Be a good father.

She's a real cutey,....but holy moly Im seeing how much work goes into this. My wife house trained our other dogs throughout our marriage because I worked a whole lot more back then. Now that Im older I am home much more then back then so I help with the breaking in period. Takes a lot of time and patience. I think I might need to work MORE! :laugh: of our favorite movies is " its a Wonderful life" . Our older dog is named Bailey, so we named her GEORGE even though she is female. We call her Georgie too. we have George Bailey! of our favorite movies is " its a Wonderful life" . Our older dog is named Bailey, so we named her GEORGE even though she is female. We call her Georgie too. we have George Bailey!
LOVE that!!
We got her at about 9 and a half weeks. We have had her 4 or 5 weeks now. She is NOT fully potty trained yet,....but not being an expert on this stuff I do think she is way ahead of the curve. IMO she should be fully house trained in another 4-6 weeks. And THAT is a good thing as I have understanding,....but low tolerance to accidents. LOL We keep it simple. We let her out in one spot, stay with her....when she does her job we tell her good girl, pet her head, and give her a treat. When she has an accident we pick her up....bring her to it, make her look at it while holding her and pointing at it,...we say NAUGHTY in a stern voice,....then she goes in her portable kennel for a half hour time out. We KNOW this is working because when she does have a slip she feels shame,...that means she knows she did wrong. Those slips are getting fewer and fewer thank goodness. I know that a few of you are old pro's out there....Top and LIG come to mind. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

My advice: Enjoy! They're so much fun! Congrats!!!
Top????? Lig???? I know you guys are the old Pro's...ANY ADVICE? I'll take it! I read it takes 4-6 MONTHS to fully house train a pup. I think "hope" she will be early though. Like say after having her 2 and a half months or so. She seems so smart. Any ideas on how to hit that time frame?
Try taking her to her elimination spot as opposed to showing her the accident. She will not understand why she is naughty. They only connect the dots when the events are milliseconds apart. If you SEE her wizzing, then naughty WHILE its happening might take.

Under 6 months she may not even realize she has wizzed so there is no connecting the dots in her head.

Does she have free access to food/water ? While this is good once she is house broken, its hard to know when she needs to be let out.

Dogs are pretty predictable on elimination. Water in and about X minutes later water out. Same with food.

Try and work out what your dog's internal clock is and get her out when she ought to be ready. Yes its some busy work but you said your tolerance is low so...

Oh and ANYTIME she wakes up from a nap, out she goes.

One trick that seems to help her learn to let you know whe its time to go out is to hang a bell on the door you use to go outside. Ring it when you take her and in time she will ring it herself.
Try taking her to her elimination spot as opposed to showing her the accident. She will not understand why she is naughty. They only connect the dots when the events are milliseconds apart. If you SEE her wizzing, then naughty WHILE its happening might take.

Under 6 months she may not even realize she has wizzed so there is no connecting the dots in her head.

Does she have free access to food/water ? While this is good once she is house broken, its hard to know when she needs to be let out.

Dogs are pretty predictable on elimination. Water in and about X minutes later water out. Same with food.

Try and work out what your dog's internal clock is and get her out when she ought to be ready. Yes its some busy work but you said your tolerance is low so...

Oh and ANYTIME she wakes up from a nap, out she goes.

One trick that seems to help her learn to let you know whe its time to go out is to hang a bell on the door you use to go outside. Ring it when you take her and in time she will ring it herself.
All good tips\ advice... ;)
All good tips\ advice... ;)

I try to pay attention when my dog friends who are actually educated in this talk.
The young lady who taught ME obedience (not my dog, she already knew how) had a master's degree in Dog. I had no idea there were such things ! LOL
I try to pay attention when my dog friends who are actually educated in this talk.
The young lady who taught ME obedience (not my dog, she already knew how) had a master's degree in Dog. I had no idea there were such things ! LOL
There are Doctorates in DOG..... and, of course, the (I. too, pay close attention to the experts...;)
There are Doctorates in DOG..... and, of course, the (I. too, pay close attention to the experts...;)

Cindy was just amazing she could walk up to any dog (with one exception) and have it sit, stay heel etc.

She used to say any dog can be trained to behave UNLESS it was brain damaged. As it happened we knew the people who owned that one exception and he really was whacko. He was a very lovable Weimaraner but wound up tighter than a tick ALL THE TIME. Took his toy with him everywhere he went, it was a sofa seat cushion not much different size wise as him. I saw him jump over his human dad's head (dad was > 6ft tall) INDOORS with an 8 ft ceiling WITH THE SEAT CUSHION IN HIS MOUTH. Ya had to be there, that was a trip (it was in the middle of a bably shower for my wife. Imagine the looks of horror on all the party goer's faces as it happened right in the living room where the shower was taking place ! lol
Try taking her to her elimination spot as opposed to showing her the accident. She will not understand why she is naughty. They only connect the dots when the events are milliseconds apart. If you SEE her wizzing, then naughty WHILE its happening might take.

Under 6 months she may not even realize she has wizzed so there is no connecting the dots in her head.

Does she have free access to food/water ? While this is good once she is house broken, its hard to know when she needs to be let out.

Dogs are pretty predictable on elimination. Water in and about X minutes later water out. Same with food.

Try and work out what your dog's internal clock is and get her out when she ought to be ready. Yes its some busy work but you said your tolerance is low so...

Oh and ANYTIME she wakes up from a nap, out she goes.

One trick that seems to help her learn to let you know whe its time to go out is to hang a bell on the door you use to go outside. Ring it when you take her and in time she will ring it herself.

Great advice. We are already pretty much doing everything you said accept the bell on the door. That sounds like a REALLY good idea. I think we are going to try that. Sure cant hurt.