Creepy Dutch tosses Damo's salad.This is just so unfair Damo. I’ve been on this board far longer than Dutch Uncle and I’ve been far more obnoxious. Yet he get’s a rule named after him first?!
Creepy Dutch tosses Damo's salad.This is just so unfair Damo. I’ve been on this board far longer than Dutch Uncle and I’ve been far more obnoxious. Yet he get’s a rule named after him first?!
I don't "weport" anyone. Ever. Ask the little board minions whose asses you kiss constantly.While I'm truly enjoying all the gay ass* humor, does it really not bother anyone how many people think letting their friends slide on a violation is ethical? I know most of them report others. The difference there is that I don't hide it like a chickenshit.
*waiting for Jimmy the dark soul
Kind of like that gay ass thread you started when creaming over Top.
Silence is consent. You support murder and terrorism by applauding those who support it and condemning those who report it.I don't "weport" anyone. Ever. Ask the little board minions whose asses you kiss constantly.
Correct. I don't make "weports".Silence is consent. You support murder and terrorism by applauding those who support it and condemning those who report it.
You said that already. If you saw Kitty Genovese being raped or murdered, you’d close your curtain and turn up the TV. I get it.Correct. I don't make "weports".
That's a fact.
It is a stupid and chickenshit thing to do.
We'll call this new rule the Dutch Uncle rule.
Quote Box Altering:
One can alter a quote box by removing some of a wall of text to expose the specific part you are responding to, or splitting it apart so you can respond to each item one at a time. However, altering the words posted and changing the meaning of what they said for whatever reason (a joke for instance) is not allowed unless you change the "quoted by" portion of the quote to make it clear that the original poster did not post what you are "making" them say. We will begin by deleting these posts, and if it continues we will get into banning.
A bad "quote" that we would delete:
An altered "quote" that would not be deleted:
I don't "weport" anyone.
Correct. I don't make "weports". .
This is just so unfair Damo. I’ve been on this board far longer than Dutch Uncle and I’ve been far more obnoxious. Yet he get’s a rule named after him first?!
When you two cowardly eunuchs tell that to Grokmaster, Truth Detector, Into the Night, gfm175, Lionfish and other RWNJs then maybe I'll give it some creedence. Until then, comments like yours simply reveal your hypocrisy and willingness to lie in order to attack innocent Americans.
Dookie is a fucking Putin cocksucker, but Dark Soul is clearly an American domestic terrorist supporter. If Dookie is in the US, his neighbors will take care of him. Dark Soul will end up in a trailer home in a few years for his just desserts. LOL
We'll call this new rule the Dutch Uncle rule.
Butch Uncle thinks forcing Damocles to make a rule named after his trolling ass is something to be proud of. [/QUOTE]
Can I get you anything? Tissue, glass of water, Tampon?
It also - theoretically - is libelous defamation.
Defamation is a statement that injures a third party's reputation. The tort of defamation includes both libel (written statements) and slander (spoken statements).
To prove prima facie defamation, a plaintiff must show four things: 1) a false statement purporting to be fact; 2) publication or communication of that statement to a third person; 3) fault amounting to at least negligence; and 4) damages, or some harm caused to the person or entity who is the subject of the statement.'
Great rule.
Besides being lame/not cool?
It also - theoretically - is libelous defamation.
Defamation is a statement that injures a third party's reputation. The tort of defamation includes both libel (written statements) and slander (spoken statements).
To prove prima facie defamation, a plaintiff must show four things: 1) a false statement purporting to be fact; 2) publication or communication of that statement to a third person; 3) fault amounting to at least negligence; and 4) damages, or some harm caused to the person or entity who is the subject of the statement.'
Smart rule Mods.
Your reputation is on the same level of puppy shit, McRickets.
There is no harm in one virtual username calling another virtual username a lowlife cocksucking whore. Say "Hi" to your mom for me, kid.
I actually believe changing the name should not make it ok. There should be no altering of quotes at all. It's a big flaw. Please modify the rule according to my design. Thanks in advance for your compliance. That i.d number is in the quote too. Thats for hosing up whole conversations for deepstate analysis. If that id number in the quote is the same, its still attributed to you. Nice preemptive bad rule design.
Good point.