Truck Fump / h1b
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so for you renegades.
Put a random id number there.
Put a random id number there.
damo thinks he's getting away with things....
Maybe he's been promised immunity in exchange for compliance. Would anyone blame him? He has a family and a career to think of. Being slammed into a FEMA camp wouldn't be a good fit for him.
You just use it as a tool to hide the shittiness of your argument, fool.
My thoughts EXACTLY.
Your reputation is on the same level of puppy shit, McRickets.
There is no harm in one virtual username calling another virtual username a lowlife cocksucking whore. Say "Hi" to your mom for me, kid.
Please jesus and the angels, send love rays of grace to remove the demons attached to the hearts of the identitarian globalist fascistocrats. amen-ra.
Disagreed, Fredo. Why would I do that? It's silly.You just use it as a tool to hide the shittiness of your argument, fool.
Disagreed, Fredo. Why would I do that? It's silly.
because you're nearly always wrong.
You generally flood the zone with bullshit when you're cornered
If that's true then you can easily list three things I'm wrong about. If you are lying then you can't.
LOL I knew you couldn't quote me and then prove me wrong. You really do need to get out more, Fredo. Go find a girlfriend, son.
Those are things you're wrong on.
and here you are flooding the zone with bullshit in the form of moved goalposts, like I said.
You're a fraud and a failure.
How am I wrong? Quote me....or doesn't little Fredo know how to work his computer?
You don't understand how fraudulent the covid numbers are.
You think 1/6 was an insurrection.
You think globalization is inevitable and great.
You're wrong on all counts.
You're an idiot, and a terrorist.
Translation: You're correct, Dutch. It's not libel or defamation.....We are done here.
Bye now.