New TIME poll has McCain/Clinton at a TIE!

Here's what you said about Clinton's BJ mere days ago:

DIXIE: "There is also a matter of ethics here, and I think good ethics are an important attribute for the man we elect to the highest office in the land. Men who cheat on their wives, and more importantly, forsake their vows to God, are not men of very high moral character."

Why aren't you applying that same standard to Newt?

Were you lying about your alleged attachment to "moral values" in our leaders?

why? because Dixie puts party above country every time.
Here's what you said about Clinton's BJ mere days ago:

DIXIE: "There is also a matter of ethics here, and I think good ethics are an important attribute for the man we elect to the highest office in the land. Men who cheat on their wives, and more importantly, forsake their vows to God, are not men of very high moral character."

Why aren't you applying that same standard to Newt?

So, I take it you think the three-time married, serial adulterer Newt, is a man of low moral character?
you push that Dixie...PLEASE! I just can't wait for the party that impeached Bill Clinton because he didn't want to come clean about a BLOWJOB to nominate a serial adulterer who was fucking around on his FIRST wife and divorced her when she was dying of CANCER to marry his slut mistress and then, couldn't keep his dick in his pants and started fucking around on HER with one of his young staffers. PLEASE. Newt in '08 is like a fucking dream come true for me!

LOL... It'd be a dream come true for me too... to see you low-life scum suckers try to act like you are "above" all that! I'll take great pleasure in watching your poll numbers crash and burn, as you hypocrites try to figure out why your 'Bash Newt's Sex Life' strategy is not working so well. Yes... bring Newt's sex life up! By all means! Let's compare the escapades of Newt with those of Clinton! Let's see if America is a bunch of hypocrites, or if they even give a shit! They decided, with Bill Clinton, that what happens in the bedroom between consenting adults, is no ones business... Clinton was more popular after Monica than before! You sold them that idea, now, try to UNSELL that idea, and see how far ya get! Go for it! PUNK!
LOL... It'd be a dream come true for me too... to see you low-life scum suckers try to act like you are "above" all that! I'll take great pleasure in watching your poll numbers crash and burn, as you hypocrites try to figure out why your 'Bash Newt's Sex Life' strategy is not working so well. Yes... bring Newt's sex life up! By all means! Let's compare the escapades of Newt with those of Clinton! Let's see if America is a bunch of hypocrites, or if they even give a shit! They decided, with Bill Clinton, that what happens in the bedroom between consenting adults, is no ones business... Clinton was more popular after Monica than before! You sold them that idea, now, try to UNSELL that idea, and see how far ya get! Go for it! PUNK!

I'm not interested in what America thinks.

I'm interested in what YOU think: You are holding out Newt as YOUR ideal candidate.

Yet you said this mere days ago:

DIXIE: "There is also a matter of ethics here, and I think good ethics are an important attribute for the man we elect to the highest office in the land. Men who cheat on their wives, and more importantly, forsake their vows to God, are not men of very high moral character."

Do YOU think Newt is a man of LOW moral character?
I'm not interested in what America thinks.

I'm interested in what YOU think: You are holding out Newt as YOUR ideal candidate.

Yet you said this mere days ago:

DIXIE: "There is also a matter of ethics here, and I think good ethics are an important attribute for the man we elect to the highest office in the land. Men who cheat on their wives, and more importantly, forsake their vows to God, are not men of very high moral character."

Do YOU think Newt is a man of LOW moral character?

Dixie? Is Newt a man of low moral character?

DIXIE: "There is also a matter of ethics here, and I think good ethics are an important attribute for the man we elect to the highest office in the land. Men who cheat on their wives, and more importantly, forsake their vows to God, are not men of very high moral character."
LOL... It'd be a dream come true for me too... to see you low-life scum suckers try to act like you are "above" all that! I'll take great pleasure in watching your poll numbers crash and burn, as you hypocrites try to figure out why your 'Bash Newt's Sex Life' strategy is not working so well. Yes... bring Newt's sex life up! By all means! Let's compare the escapades of Newt with those of Clinton! Let's see if America is a bunch of hypocrites, or if they even give a shit! They decided, with Bill Clinton, that what happens in the bedroom between consenting adults, is no ones business... Clinton was more popular after Monica than before! You sold them that idea, now, try to UNSELL that idea, and see how far ya get! Go for it! PUNK!

and Dixie....we don't have to BASH Hewt's wex life at all.... Democratic leaders don't need to say a word. Just let 60 minutes do a story on Newt...let the mainstream media chew on him a bit.... our candidate can even decry the actions of bringing this up...the damage is already done. The issue is not whether or not America things that sexual misdeeds are important or not... the issue is that YOUR party painted itself as this uprighteous and moral party so disgusted at the inability of Clinton to keep his dick in his pants.... the issue is YOUR hypocrisy. That your party would even CONSIDER nominating Newt after the stink you made about Clinton HIGHLIGHTS the incredible hypocrisy of today's republican party.

And man... are you a tough guy sitting there with your cowardly yellow blood hiding behind your computer monitor. "punk" ....not something you would ever say to anyone's face. You ARE good for a laugh, however!
Dixie? Is Newt a man of low moral character?

DIXIE: "There is also a matter of ethics here, and I think good ethics are an important attribute for the man we elect to the highest office in the land. Men who cheat on their wives, and more importantly, forsake their vows to God, are not men of very high moral character."

Dixie, it seems like you dissapeared. When you get back to pondering this question, in the context of your views of moral character and the presidency, keep in mind that:

Newt has been married three times.

He's cheated on his wives.

He gave his first wife divorce papers, when she was in the hospital with cancer.

He married his third wife, who is something like half his age, after cheating on his second wife.

DIXIE: "There is also a matter of ethics here, and I think good ethics are an important attribute for the man we elect to the highest office in the land. Men who cheat on their wives, and more importantly, forsake their vows to God, are not men of very high moral character."

Now, given your quote above is Newt a man lacking in good moral character?
Newt is Dixie's top choice...which, I think we all know, says a lot about Dixie's moral character as well.

birds of a feather....
Newt is Dixie's top choice...which, I think we all know, says a lot about Dixie's moral character as well.

birds of a feather....

I didn't say Newt was my top choice, I have not decided yet. As for my moral character, I wasn't aware it was judged by who we vote for... you voted for Clinton, so, does your wife know you like blowjobs from 24-year old interns?
Do YOU think Newt is a man of LOW moral character?

I'm not sure. I know him personally, and he's always shot straight with me. Never gave me any reason to believe he wasn't sincere on his thoughts, or true to his word. Most politicians I have known personally, had fairly high moral character. It's one of the things that gets them elected to office. I know some people want to post all kinds of allegations and tales, but anyone can do that on the internet... I can say that Maineman, Beefy, and Robdawg met up in Vegas last weekend, and had an orgy together... it doesn't mean it happened.

I think we might see something interesting happen with this, I want the liberals to get all 'holier-than-thou' on this, and show their asses, like they always do. It's just like, when I piss off one of you pinheads, you start hurling personal insults at me... it's a victory! I live for it!

You go ahead and talk about Newt's sex life... Newt is going to talk about the issues, and he is going to beat your idiot pinheads senseless, as you figure out what the Republicans did... people don't care! They don't want to hear the dirty gossip... they just want someone to lead the nation with a vision.
as I said, Dixie...liberals won't have to do much of anything. The media will latch onto Newt's lurid life and then it will be the conservatives who will have to do something...they will have to explain why moral character was SUCH a big deal when Clinton was in office but of no consequence today. Democratic politicians will hopefull take the high road on this and decry this sort of journalism **wink wink**. They';; remember back to all the talking heads and radio pundits talking about what a big deal Jennifer Flowers and Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky were. Hell....I don't even KNOW the name of the young staffer that Newt was fucking while he was still married to the slut he left his dying first wife for...but I have no doubt that the name will be common knowledge if you all nomintate Newt....and it won't be any elected democrats bringing it up, that's for sure. really won't be able to run away from your hypocrisy...but I always enjoy watching you try.

Really? You seem to always be running away from your hypocrisy, so why do you think I would have a problem doing the same thing? How come you didn't answer my question... you voted for Clinton, so... does your wife know you like to get blowjobs from 24-year-old interns?

I think, what you are going to learn, is the same lesson the Republicans learned in 1996, it's better to keep the focus on issues people care about, and stay out of the gory details of the personal lives. If you go back and look, the Democrats are in the same exact situation as Republicans were, in 1996. They have some momentum from the mid-term, they have a little confidence in their message, and it appears they are going to shift the focus off the issues, and go after Newt personally, which is what the Republican strategy became with Clinton, as well. Now, look what the result was!

Oh, I know! It's soooo tempting! It seems like, it would work to your advantage! On paper, it's a beautiful way to go after your opponent, it's a classic political maneuver... create controversy... infer scandal... dig up dirt.... expose personal details... The problem is, it don't work. With Clinton, it actually drove his numbers up. The more Republicans dug up, the more sympathetic Americans became, and he gained enormous popularity.

So, you go out, and you bash the man personally, don't address the issues, don't debate him in the arena of ideas, and watch what happens.
I thought that "populist" was a dirty word now. Damo certainly seems to think so.


Okay, I've had my fun.

I think you're basically right. The pendulum has already passed its apex and the slow swing back has begun. Funny things can still happen; the political journey won't be anything like a straight line. If, for example, the "surge" strategy actually produces results in Iraq, that could delay things by another election cycle or two. No more than that though.

hmm I thought populism was what "Democracy" is all about ?
Ohh, the hypocracy! Dixie you are nuthing more than a court Jester around here now days!
Jarhead, it's not hypocrisy to point out hypocricy, sorry.

No you dont understand the word.

There is a difference when it comes to our leaders between personal failings and intentional on the job lies.

Many conservatives have said that a personal failling should prevent a President from serving.

TO have that position yet support Newt for president is Hypocritical. I know this is a lot for you to understand but just try!
Really? You seem to always be running away from your hypocrisy, so why do you think I would have a problem doing the same thing? How come you didn't answer my question... you voted for Clinton, so... does your wife know you like to get blowjobs from 24-year-old interns?

I think, what you are going to learn, is the same lesson the Republicans learned in 1996, it's better to keep the focus on issues people care about, and stay out of the gory details of the personal lives. If you go back and look, the Democrats are in the same exact situation as Republicans were, in 1996. They have some momentum from the mid-term, they have a little confidence in their message, and it appears they are going to shift the focus off the issues, and go after Newt personally, which is what the Republican strategy became with Clinton, as well. Now, look what the result was!

Oh, I know! It's soooo tempting! It seems like, it would work to your advantage! On paper, it's a beautiful way to go after your opponent, it's a classic political maneuver... create controversy... infer scandal... dig up dirt.... expose personal details... The problem is, it don't work. With Clinton, it actually drove his numbers up. The more Republicans dug up, the more sympathetic Americans became, and he gained enormous popularity.

So, you go out, and you bash the man personally, don't address the issues, don't debate him in the arena of ideas, and watch what happens.

do you even read what I write beyond the first sentence...ever? I SAID that democratic officials or candidates would not do anything other than decry the mudslinging. Democrats will not need to attack Newt...the press will.. and the republicans will be left with the chore of explaining why morality and integrity was so fucking important to them when Clinton was in the White House, but now seems irrelevant today. My guess is that democrats will be talking about new directions and Newt will be left explaining how he could mastermind the attacks against Clinton whilst doing exactly the same thing himself...

And the result of the republican strategy of going after Clinton personally was: the president was impeached and his sitting Vice President was defeated in what should have been an easy election to win.

What result - other than that - was there of your party's full court press against Bill Clinton?

Your recent fall from grace had no roots in the non-stop obsession with Clinton from a decade ago.... it had to do with Iraq. America agrees with MY assessment of Iraq and totally disagrees with yours. That is why you lost congress... and the "too little too late" "surge" of the 21.5K troops will have little to no real impact on the sectarian struggle raging in Iraq...will only serve to put more brave Americans in harm's way for someone ELSE's freedom and, therefore, more of them coming home in body bags..... this war is an albatross around your party's neck and it won't go away by November of next year.... but nominating Newt will mean the top of the ticket for you guys will have TWO big albatrosses around their necks. I am all for it.