New TIME poll has McCain/Clinton at a TIE!

Do YOU think Newt is a man of LOW moral character?

I'm not sure. I know him personally, and he's always shot straight with me. Never gave me any reason to believe he wasn't sincere on his thoughts, or -true to his word. Most politicians I have known personally, had fairly high moral character. It's one of the things that gets them elected to office. I know some people want to post all kinds of allegations and tales, but anyone can do that on the internet... I can say that Maineman, Beefy, and Robdawg met up in Vegas last weekend, and had an orgy together... it doesn't mean it happened.

I think we might see something interesting happen with this, I want the liberals to get all 'holier-than-thou' on this, and show their asses, like they always do. It's just like, when I piss off one of you pinheads, you start hurling personal insults at me... it's a victory! I live for it!

You go ahead and talk about Newt's sex life... Newt is going to talk about the issues, and he is going to beat your idiot pinheads senseless, as you figure out what the Republicans did... people don't care! They don't want to hear the dirty gossip... they just want someone to lead the nation with a vision.

-YOU said Newt was your favorite candiate.

-Yet, YOU said cheating on your wife and forsaking your vows to God are indicators of low moral character, especially when considering giving the highest office in the land to an adulterer.

DIXIE: "There is also a matter of ethics here, and I think good ethics are an important attribute for the man we elect to the highest office in the land. Men who cheat on their wives, and more importantly, forsake their vows to God, are not men of very high moral character."

Are you a hypocrite?

Or, were you lying that moral character matters?
my God,'d think that Dixie would be really tired of you bitchslapping him with his own words day after day!
I SAID that democratic officials or candidates would not do anything other than decry the mudslinging. Democrats will not need to attack Newt...the press will..

It's like you requested an old page from the Republicans playbook. This is exactly the strategy the Republicans used against Clinton. Don't you recall Trent Lott, repeatedly having no comment, and saying we need to wait and see, let the system work, reserve judgement... etc?

and the republicans will be left with the chore of explaining why morality and integrity was so fucking important to them when Clinton was in the White House, but now seems irrelevant today.

That was already explained to us by the Clintonistas. It was determined, character doesn't matter, what happens in a person's bedroom is no ones business, what happens between two consenting adults is not our concern. As I said, YOU sold America on this idea, now you will have to UNSELL it. Good luck!

And the result of the republican strategy of going after Clinton personally was: the president was impeached and his sitting Vice President was defeated in what should have been an easy election to win.

The President was impeached because he committed impeachable offenses and was tried by Congress for lying under oath to a grand jury. It didn't have a thing to do with the personal dirt Republicans churned up. The VP lost the election because he is an idiot, and no one liked him, even his own home state. Go look at Clinton's approval ratings before and after Lewinsky... you'll see, the more the Republicans threw out, the more popular Clinton became. The strategy didn't work, and Dole lost miserably.

But... You are pinheads! Of course, you know more about everything than anyone else, and no one can convince you otherwise! It hasn't dawned on your pinhead, that whoever the Democrat challenger is to Newt, they will likely have some skeletons in their own closet, if it's Hillary... good god! So, all the negative personal shit you can throw out on Newt, will be met with the same negative shit about your own candidate, and the negative shit just ends up cancelling itself out, and people vote on the issues. So, spend all your time focused on trying to personally attack Newt! I hope the fuck you make that mistake, because Newt will eat your lunch and hand you back the lunch pail with your ass in it!
my God,'d think that Dixie would be really tired of you bitchslapping him with his own words day after day!

I put him on ignore, that's how I keep from getting tired of it. I agree though, it does get a little frustrating having a retard snip and clip your words to convey things you totally never said, and continually lie about it.
my God,'d think that Dixie would be really tired of you bitchslapping him with his own words day after day!

I put him on ignore, that's how I keep from getting tired of it. I agree though, it does get a little frustrating having a retard snip and clip your words to convey things you totally never said, and continually lie about it.


DIXIE: " it does get a little frustrating having a retard snip and clip your words to convey things you totally never said"

Here's where you said it:

DIXIE: "There is also a matter of ethics here, and I think good ethics are an important attribute for the man we elect to the highest office in the land. Men who cheat on their wives, and more importantly, forsake their vows to God, are not men of very high moral character."
-YOU said Newt was your favorite candiate.

Didn't say this, sorry. I said Newt had a good chance of winning the nomination. Newt is also the only potential presidential candidate I know personally, and it would be cool to actually KNOW the president, don'tchya think? I'm not sure who I will vote for at this point, I've not heard what the candidates have to say, and while I like Newt, and think he has a legitimate shot to win the nomination, I am not sure I will vote for him yet.

I make my determination on Newt having a good chance, with the fact that Newt is one of the most brilliant political minds of our time. I think he runs circles around McCain or anyone else in the Republican party, and we'll just have to wait and see how it all shakes out.

Are you a hypocrite?

Or, were you lying that moral character matters?

I'm not a hypocrite, but I also don't just gulp down whatever koolaid is spewed about someone, either. Just because some retard on a message board CLAIMS Newt did this or that, doesn't mean I believe them and just accept their version as the Gospel. I don't worship at the alter of the Democrat talking heads. I know Newt, and he is a man of integrity, regardless of whether you choose to believe that or not.
So Dixie... are you saying that because you weren't in the bedroom while he was fucking his slut mistress while his first wife was dying of cancer that you can't know that it happened? That because you weren't there in his congressional offices while he was sexing up the hired help and cheating on his second wife that you won't worry about it or consider what such behavior means to Newt's presidential qualifications?

My guess is that you have never seen the Great Wall of China.... do you, therefore, claim that it does not exist?
So Dixie... are you saying that because you weren't in the bedroom while he was fucking his slut mistress while his first wife was dying of cancer that you can't know that it happened? That because you weren't there in his congressional offices while he was sexing up the hired help and cheating on his second wife that you won't worry about it or consider what such behavior means to Newt's presidential qualifications?

My guess is that you have never seen the Great Wall of China.... do you, therefore, claim that it does not exist?

Were you there? In the bedroom, I mean? Was it one of your sick perverted weekends or something? And where is the splooge-stained blue dress? hmmm? Is there one? You have this evidence, do you? I've seen pictures of the Great Wall of China, I've not seen the pictures of Newt and his mistress... is that what you did? Newt hired you to take the pics? WOW! Well... let's see what you have, Maine?

Awww.. I bet you don't really have anything to show us! You know why I bet this? Let me tell you.... Because, if you could give legitimate evidence to prove your slanderous charges, it would have been all over the news and in the press, and this man would not be running for the highest political office in the country. What you have, are rumors, allegations, and trumped up liberal propaganda. Oh... and your koolaid-soaked partisan hack opinion! Let's not forget that!
Newt's infidelities WERE all over the is OLD news. It is well documented that he filed divorce proceedings on his first wife while she was hospitalized in order to marry his second wife. It is well documented.

Let me google Newt Gingrich + infidelity and list just two of the 23000 webhits:

There was a second jolt soon after. Newt Gingrich, now 56, informed his wife that he was having an affair with a congressional aide, a woman 23 years his junior, Ginther said.

"I was totally shocked," Marianne Gingrich, 48, said yesterday in an interview from her home in Marietta, Ga. "I had no idea."

(this from!)

"Back in 1999, whilst Gingrich was in the midst of a nasty divorce battle after admitting to years of infidelity with a paid staffer..."

Like I said... it HAS been all over the press for eight years. Or maybe you were doing time for goat fucking and missed it all?

Anne Manning, one of his other mistresses from that time period has admitted in an interview with Vanity Fair that she gave him a blowjob in the car while his KIDS were playing within sight! Oh yeah.... Bring on the Newt '08 banners Dixie.... you fucking hypocrite.
So, did Newt lie under oath to a grand jury about this? Did someone file a sexual harassment suit against him? I'm missing the connection to ethics that we had in Clinton, other than what went on in the bedroom, which I know you're not using as criteria, since you liberals don't believe in that. In fact, you keep talking about Newt's sex life, and he could start getting a bounce from liberal pinheads who are attracted to that sort of behavior. It worked for Clinton!
-YOU said Newt was your favorite candiate.

Didn't say this, sorry. I said Newt had a good chance of winning the nomination. Newt is also the only potential presidential candidate I know personally, and it would be cool to actually KNOW the president, don'tchya think? I'm not sure who I will vote for at this point, I've not heard what the candidates have to say, and while I like Newt, and think he has a legitimate shot to win the nomination, I am not sure I will vote for him yet.

I make my determination on Newt having a good chance, with the fact that Newt is one of the most brilliant political minds of our time. I think he runs circles around McCain or anyone else in the Republican party, and we'll just have to wait and see how it all shakes out.

Are you a hypocrite?

Or, were you lying that moral character matters?

I'm not a hypocrite, but I also don't just gulp down whatever koolaid is spewed about someone, either. Just because some retard on a message board CLAIMS Newt did this or that, doesn't mean I believe them and just accept their version as the Gospel. I don't worship at the alter of the Democrat talking heads. I know Newt, and he is a man of integrity, regardless of whether you choose to believe that or not.

So you'd put aside all your alleged principles about not supporting a dude who cheats on his wife -- because it would be cool to personally know a president?

Why am I not suprised your bible-thumping morals and ethics are phony, skin-deep principles that you only apply to people with a (D) next to their name?
So, did Newt lie under oath to a grand jury about this? Did someone file a sexual harassment suit against him? I'm missing the connection to ethics that we had in Clinton, other than what went on in the bedroom, which I know you're not using as criteria, since you liberals don't believe in that. In fact, you keep talking about Newt's sex life, and he could start getting a bounce from liberal pinheads who are attracted to that sort of behavior. It worked for Clinton!

again...Dixie...I am on your side on this one. I WANT you to nominate Newt. I think it would be great for you to personally know your party's candidate for president. I am not going to make a big deal out of your preachy hypocrisy where you said "There is also a matter of ethics here, and I think good ethics are an important attribute for the man we elect to the highest office in the land. Men who cheat on their wives, and more importantly, forsake their vows to God, are not men of very high moral character." I realize that the idea of knowing someone running for the white house would make a redneck goat fucking loser like you wililngly toss all his principles for a shot at some form of second hand noteriety.... Please....don't let those democrats who point out the apparent weakness of Newt as a candidate sway you...don't let those of us who would think that saying what you said about how fidelity is an important attribute for a president and then supporting Newt was the height of hypocrisy.... don't let any of that get in the way of you pushing your man Newt to succeed your loverboy in blue jeans.
Please....don't let those democrats who point out the apparent weakness of Newt as a candidate sway you...

Oh, I have no intention of doing that, and I don't know any Republicans waiting to get Democrat blessings on someone, before supporting them.

You see, we don't need your approval of someone, especially not your 'moral' approval. Warm spit means more than your opinion here. It will be amusing watching you run around acting like the moral authority... maybe you will look good in the Church Lady outfit?

In any event, the more you run your yap, the more you demonstrate what a hypocrite you really are. I want America to get a good dose of it! I want them to fully understand where your principles rest, with your pathetic pinhead party. You don't give a shit about ethics, you just think you can sway someone who does! Good luck fucktard, people know what kind of sleaze you've supported, and they don't need a lecture from you on who to vote for.
So you'd put aside all your alleged principles about not supporting a dude who cheats on his wife -- because it would be cool to personally know a president?

I didn't say that. Man, it's getting old correcting you every post, why can't you just stick to the actual words I post? Why do you have to rephrase everything? Yes, I think it would be cool to actually know a US president, don't you? As for the cheating on his wife deal, I haven't the slightest idea of what you are talking about, it sounds like rumors regarding his personal sex life though, so I know you aren't bringing that up, being you are a liberal.

Why am I not suprised your bible-thumping morals and ethics are phony, skin-deep principles that you only apply to people with a (D) next to their name?

I don't consider myself a thumper of the Bible, and I am not really sure where you get off classifying me as such. Have I said something to indicate I am a Bible Thumper? My principles are very deep, and they apply across the board, I deplore gossips and cheats, and low life people who think they can act self-righteous, and it doesn't matter what letter is beside their name.

You see, I have not stated who I plan to support, you assume I am going to support Newt, and you have proceeded accordingly. It's part of what makes you a pinhead, the inability to comprehend anything you don't want to hear.

I actually think Newt scares the holy dog fuck out of you liberals, because you know damn well he can eat your lunch in debate on the issues. This is why we are hearing all this early sex scandal talk, you plan to throw every possible personal allegation you can at Newt, and hope something sticks. I don't blame you, if I was an immoral prick liberal, I would do the same thing!
I really hope Newt is the Republican Nominee... Ha... it would be a blood bath for him, even if the Democrats nominate the dog Catcher, and it would be the end of the modern Republican party!

THen again maybe he would have a change... he is no worse than GWB. Newt is a PT BARNUM of Conservative television and radio.
let me reiterate:

again...Dixie...I am on your side on this one. I WANT you to nominate Newt. I think it would be great for you to personally know your party's candidate for president. I am not going to make a big deal out of your preachy hypocrisy where YOU said "There is also a matter of ethics here, and I think good ethics are an important attribute for the man we elect to the highest office in the land. Men who cheat on their wives, and more importantly, forsake their vows to God, are not men of very high moral character."

Now...either you think that high moral character is important, or you are a hypocrite who thinks it is important only for democrats. It would seem to me that your hypocrisy is pretty much inescapable here.
So, did Newt lie under oath to a grand jury about this? Did someone file a sexual harassment suit against him? I'm missing the connection to ethics that we had in Clinton, other than what went on in the bedroom, which I know you're not using as criteria, since you liberals don't believe in that. In fact, you keep talking about Newt's sex life, and he could start getting a bounce from liberal pinheads who are attracted to that sort of behavior. It worked for Clinton!

Yes, Newt lied under oath about an affair in his second diviorce procedings. I dont think anyone has filed a SH lawsuit against him.