New workout routine

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As part of my continuing therapy for anger management and depression, I have started a new extreme fitness workout routine. I did the Kenpo, Cardio, Core, Shoulders and Arms, Back and Legs routines - no problem. The one routine that has kicked my ass is....


Yeah, frickin' 'fag a$$' (or so I used to think) yoga! Endless Vinyasas beat me into submission and I loved it.

Today's workout adventure - Legs and Back, then Abs. Working on my 8-pack!
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I need to get into Yoga. I like the flexability part of it for my quickly approaching old age.
As part of my continuing therapy for anger management and depression, I have started a new extreme fitness workout routine. I did the Kenpo, Cardio, Core, Shoulders and Arms, Back and Legs routines - no problem. The one routine that has kicked my ass is....

Hatha Yoga.

Yeah, frickin' 'fag a$$' (or so I used to think) yoga! Endless Vinyasas beat me into submission and I loved it.

Today's workout adventure - Legs and Back, then Abs. Working on my 8-pack!

Wow that sounds really cool Trog
You should see my triceps - they are GOR-GEOUS! I'm working on getting back to being a stud.

LOL. I need a workout routine like that. All I do lately is go to the track, and the older you get the more you need to do other stuff. Like Desh, I have been thinking of taking up Yoga but I figured it’s a lot tougher than its reputation.
In the mornings I jog and do pullups, pushups and crunches.

After class 3 days a week I hit up the gym and work the upper body.

I started using HGH about a month ago and I am seeing crazy results. I am fucking huge compared to where I was a month ago.
If I had to limit my work out to two options, I would do Cardio and Astanga / Vinyasa Yoga.
Is that stuff safe or will your tool fall off?

It's not a steroid it's actually supposed to be a synthesized version of the hormone your body produces. There are long term effects to prolonged use but I'm only doing 2 months.

You heal faster and have more energy. You can work out two days in a row without damaging your body.

It's probably not safe in the long term though.
You should see the size of my index finger on my mouse hand?

Maybe if I took some HGH I could improve its circumferance
So trog how is the yoga shit? I've thought about doing it but I never wanted to be seen doing it lol.

I'm pretty flexible for a guy, so I think I could do some of them. Some of the stretches I've seen look inhuman though.
So trog how is the yoga shit? I've thought about doing it but I never wanted to be seen doing it lol.

I'm pretty flexible for a guy, so I think I could do some of them. Some of the stretches I've seen look inhuman though.

Here's some good Yoga for you Epi...
