New workout routine

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So trog how is the yoga shit? I've thought about doing it but I never wanted to be seen doing it lol.

I'm pretty flexible for a guy, so I think I could do some of them. Some of the stretches I've seen look inhuman though.
The poses tend to isolate individual muscles or muscle groups - there's no hiding the weak ones in a good routine, and you might even rediscover some you had forgotten you had. Movements are slow and your core 'vibrates' because you're maintaining balance. The variant I am in uses the vinyasa as the standard transition move between poses or from 'left' to 'right' within a pose. I didn't count but I guess that the routine I do has about 100 vinyasas in it.

The vinyasa is this:
From whatever pose you are in move to "plank" (the 'up' position for a push-up), lower into "chatuaranga" ('down' position),
go to "Upward Dog" (extend arms to raise upper body only, forming the body into a crescent from toes to head),
go to "Downward Dog" (make body into an inverted V by raising butt as high as possible and pushing back with arms, keep legs and back / neck /arms straight). To make the workout harder, during the transition from Upward dog to downward dog, pause at plank and do a slow pushup. While in Downward Dog, float one heel skyward, and then thrust it forward into the chest to establish / change the foot position.

Make sure to eat your carbs before the routine, you will need it.

EDIT: In Cawacko's video, the Upward and Downward Dog positions are shown within the first ~30 seconds.
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The poses tend to isolate individual muscles or muscle groups - there's no hiding the weak ones in a good routine, and you might even rediscover some you had forgotten you had. Movements are slow and your core 'vibrates' because you're maintaining balance. The variant I am in uses the vinyasa as the standard transition move between poses or from 'left' to 'right' within a pose. I didn't count but I guess that the routine I do has about 100 vinyasas in it.

The vinyasa is this:
From whatever pose you are in move to "plank" (the 'up' position for a push-up), lower into "chatuaranga" ('down' position),
go to "Upward Dog" (extend arms to raise upper body only, forming the body into a crescent from toes to head),
go to "Downward Dog" (make body into an inverted V by raising butt as high as possible and pushing back with arms, keep legs and back / neck /arms straight). To make the workout harder, during the transition from Upward dog to downward dog, pause at plank and do a slow pushup. While in Downward Dog, float one heel skyward, and then thrust it forward into the chest to establish / change the foot position.

Make sure to eat your carbs before the routine, you will need it.

You have a dvd of this Trog, and you use that? What is it called? I totally want to do this.
I've actually been working out a lot lately.

I do a lot of jaw-ups (some people call that eating) and finger releases on my keyboard. The foot press (aka driving) has been giving me great results.
I've actually been working out a lot lately.

I do a lot of jaw-ups (some people call that eating) and finger releases on my keyboard. The foot press (aka driving) has been giving me great results.

I hear normal breathing yields good results too.
I have been improving my side extention stretch. Its best done on the couch with the remote in one hand.
Oh, I forgot to tell Epic that the "Extended right angle pose with grab" is frickin' insane!

I've fallen over a couple times; luckily, not on my head (yet).
I've actually been working out a lot lately.

I do a lot of jaw-ups (some people call that eating) and finger releases on my keyboard. The foot press (aka driving) has been giving me great results.

LOL. Now I totally fell for you again!
oh, yeah. I try to get in a minimum of 1000 breathing reps in a day. I'm dedicated - my body is a temple.

LOL! I'm doing a lot of physical work around the house, including some yardwork, and have become pretty involved in dog agility. Now there's a good cardio workout! I'm also busy building more equipment for that. We have a pool that we'll be opening this weekend, I think, so I'll start doing laps more seriously.
LOL! I'm doing a lot of physical work around the house, including some yardwork, and have become pretty involved in dog agility. Now there's a good cardio workout! I'm also busy building more equipment for that. We have a pool that we'll be opening this weekend, I think, so I'll start doing laps more seriously.

I want to go to the gym tomorrow. I just need to get a kick start again. I've been so bad lately. Well with the exception of my jaw curles and finger presses.
I want to go to the gym tomorrow. I just need to get a kick start again. I've been so bad lately. Well with the exception of my jaw curles and finger presses.

I’m going to buy a bicycle tonight, seriously. I love exercising outside, and I decided I’ll ride my bike to the track in the mornings, I’ll have to get up earlier, and stop posting at this stupid place before work, but then that’ll get me more of an overall workout. Strength training, which I have unfortunately dropped, will have to wait until summer is over. I just don’t want to be closed up in a hot gym, I am finding too much peacefulness outside, in the early mornings right now.