New Year - same thought about guns.


Shaken, not stirred!
If gun ownership was treated like purchasing and owning a car in America (licensing, transfer of ownership papers in a sale, transfer of license when moving to a new state, etc.), I BET YOU we'd of had far less mass shootings and all around gun violence. Think about it!
I think the gray market would expand exponentially as all the law abiding gun owners would simply skip it as does most of organized crime.

Criminals are literally defined by their unwillingness to obey laws.

Do you really want to push the law abiding public to do this ?

Before you say yes, consider how much pot traded hands (Still does in most states) despite being illegal.
If gun ownership was treated like purchasing and owning a car in America (licensing, transfer of ownership papers in a sale, transfer of license when moving to a new state, etc.), I BET YOU we'd of had far less mass shootings and all around gun violence. Think about it!


There's sites for betting. Fuck off with you gambling American lives on your hunch. You have no authority to do that. :nono:

There's sites for betting. Fuck off with you gambling American lives on your hunch. You have no authority to do that. :nono:

Your response is that of a junior high schooler who does not have the intellectual capacity/knowledge to debate the OP's proposal.

Stop and think: is it not gambling with American lives to continue to allow weapons designed for assaults on military targets to be available to a general public where unbalanced and vengeful individuals have already demonstrated a penchant to use such in mass murders?

And neither you or I have "authority" in such matters directly....we do that through consensus partitioning and voting with our Congressional representatives. Thought you should know that.
I think the gray market would expand exponentially as all the law abiding gun owners would simply skip it as does most of organized crime.

Criminals are literally defined by their unwillingness to obey laws.

Do you really want to push the law abiding public to do this ?

Before you say yes, consider how much pot traded hands (Still does in most states) despite being illegal.

Let's not play word games.....BLACK MARKET is what your 1st sentence refers to.
So rather than legally purchasing a gun and registering it like a car, you would seek a black market like any thug or career criminal.

That doesn't say much for your character, because YOU would be supporting organized crime.

As to your comparison....last time I checked, the marijuana plant was NOT used in any of the mass shootings that have occurred in the last 25 years. And yes, there are people doing hard time in jail for just selling marijuana on a low end scale (friends, neighbors, college kids). Those attempting large scale transportation and selling of marijuana can get you serious federal time in jail.
Let's not play word games.....BLACK MARKET is what your 1st sentence refers to.
So rather than legally purchasing a gun and registering it like a car, you would seek a black market like any thug or career criminal.

That doesn't say much for your character, because YOU would be supporting organized crime.

As to your comparison....last time I checked, the marijuana plant was NOT used in any of the mass shootings that have occurred in the last 25 years. And yes, there are people doing hard time in jail for just selling marijuana on a low end scale (friends, neighbors, college kids). Those attempting large scale transportation and selling of marijuana can get you serious federal time in jail.

I have no real issue with background checks at purchase but you went far beyond that.

[FONT=&quot](licensing, transfer of ownership papers in a sale, transfer of license when moving to a new state, etc.)[/FONT]

Transfer of ownership in cars is for the purpose of collecting property taxes and there is no transfer of license.

And about how many criminals go to a federal firearms dealer to buy guns ?

And as noted elsewhere, legally purchased guns account for a small percentage of gun related crimes.

If law abiding people will break the law for what they perceive to be a harmless past time, they will certainly sell their hand-me-down shotgun to Joe down the block and skip the paperwork. That's what they do now.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Let's not play word games.....BLACK MARKET is what your 1st sentence refers to.
So rather than legally purchasing a gun and registering it like a car, you would seek a black market like any thug or career criminal.

That doesn't say much for your character, because YOU would be supporting organized crime.

As to your comparison....last time I checked, the marijuana plant was NOT used in any of the mass shootings that have occurred in the last 25 years. And yes, there are people doing hard time in jail for just selling marijuana on a low end scale (friends, neighbors, college kids). Those attempting large scale transportation and selling of marijuana can get you serious federal time in jail.

I have no real issue with background checks at purchase but you went far beyond that.

(licensing, transfer of ownership papers in a sale, transfer of license when moving to a new state, etc.)

Transfer of ownership in cars is for the purpose of collecting property taxes and there is no transfer of license.

And about how many criminals go to a federal firearms dealer to buy guns ?

And as noted elsewhere, legally purchased guns account for a small percentage of gun related crimes.

If law abiding people will break the law for what they perceive to be a harmless past time, they will certainly sell their hand-me-down shotgun to Joe down the block and skip the paperwork. That's what they do now.

1. Nonsense. Registering and treating your gun purchase like a car purchase goes no farther than that. You accept all the trials and tribulations regarding your car (for transportation), then what is all the hand wringing in applying the same standards to your weapon(s) purchase(s) (for personal/home defense)?

2. - Sorry, I should have said "registration", not transfer. Agree with your moot point regarding ownership transfer, but you leave out that these things are necessary in the event of theft, accident, use of vehicle in the committing of a crime, basic traffic violations.

- Actually, it's the criminal associates/affiliates WITH NO CRIMINAL RECORD who do the purchasing for their compadres. In some states, multiple purchases can occur with very little ID or background check. Then the cohorts take transfer the weapons across state lines to their buddies in states that have stringent gun laws. This the black market....also known as "The Iron Pipeline". Interesting research for the uninformed.

- Not quite: again, look into "The Iron Pipeline" and such as mentioned above.

- And that's why we have the problems we have today. As I pointed out in Post #5, what you are casually enabling is akin to a quasi black market.
If gun ownership was treated like purchasing and owning a car in America (licensing, transfer of ownership papers in a sale, transfer of license when moving to a new state, etc.), I BET YOU we'd of had far less mass shootings and all around gun violence. Think about it!

America is a gun junkie! And there's nothing that can be done about it! It's the bed America made,now we have to sleep in it.
America is a gun junkie! And there's nothing that can be done about it! It's the bed America made,now we have to sleep in it.

Any and everything in this country can be changed....history has proven that. It's just a matter of consensus and those willing to confront on all levels those that refuse change for the better for the many for personal gain or stubbornness of the few.
I think the gray market would expand exponentially as all the law abiding gun owners would simply skip it as does most of organized crime.

Criminals are literally defined by their unwillingness to obey laws.

Do you really want to push the law abiding public to do this ?

Before you say yes, consider how much pot traded hands (Still does in most states) despite being illegal.

If you don’t follow the laws

You are not law abiding idiot
Let's not play word games.....BLACK MARKET is what your 1st sentence refers to.
So rather than legally purchasing a gun and registering it like a car, you would seek a black market like any thug or career criminal.

That doesn't say much for your character, because YOU would be supporting organized crime.

As to your comparison....last time I checked, the marijuana plant was NOT used in any of the mass shootings that have occurred in the last 25 years. And yes, there are people doing hard time in jail for just selling marijuana on a low end scale (friends, neighbors, college kids). Those attempting large scale transportation and selling of marijuana can get you serious federal time in jail.

Marijuana business is changing with more and more states go legal,which draws in those from States near them.
The black market marijuana business is fading to large stocked dispensaries in huge numbers!
1/2 miles from Ohio in Michigan is a town of 2000 with 5 dispensaries!
America is a gun junkie! And there's nothing that can be done about it! It's the bed America made,now we have to sleep in it.

We are a nation of by laws

The people can and will decide this

Most Americans want the evil assholes to stop killing people with guns
Any and everything in this country can be changed....history has proven that. It's just a matter of consensus and those willing to confront on all levels those that refuse change for the better for the many for personal gain or stubbornness of the few.

How do you stop the guns? Prohibition like booze in the 20's? How did that work out?
What possible law can control guns?

Depends on how you define "control". The weapon of choice for the majority of the mass shootings in the past 20 years has been on that was originally on the 1994 AWB law before the majority vote GOP let it sunset.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Depends on how you define "control". The weapon of choice for the majority of the mass shootings in the past 20 years has been on that was originally on the 1994 AWB law before the majority vote GOP let it sunset.
How do you change that? How do you keep them out of a black market if you do ban them!

:rolleyes: Again, the weapon of choice for the mass shooters in the last 25 years was a weapon THAT WAS FORMERLY BANNED.

This means it wasn't available and the shooters would have to go with other weapons. When it became available, they chose it because if did exactly what it was advertised to do.

There was no "black market" for the Assault weapons banned on the 1994 list....none that either you or I can validate outside of sheer speculation.
:rolleyes: Again, the weapon of choice for the mass shooters in the last 25 years was a weapon THAT WAS FORMERLY BANNED.

This means it wasn't available and the shooters would have to go with other weapons. When it became available, they chose it because if did exactly what it was advertised to do.

There was no "black market" for the Assault weapons banned on the 1994 list....none that either you or I can validate outside of sheer speculation.

You're naive! Anything! ANYTHING an American wants to buy! Someone has it for sale!
If they try to ban them again! Before the law gets past if that's even possible,1000's will be sold before they could stop sales!
We tried this with booze,with drugs,and it always fails!