New Year - same thought about guns.

STFU you Anti-American PUSSY. You don't like guns? Don't buy one. When you try to stop all the rest of the people having one, that's a problem.

And really all Americans should have more powerful guns and bigger weapons systems than that.

Here's a fact, dipshit: During the "Assault Weapons Ban" The Columbine mass shooting happened. I was on Harris's AOL account that night. There wasn't much there..3 emails...discussing tactics and grenades n shit.

So yeah, the "Assault Weapons Ban" didn't do jack shit to stop that. Know why? Criminals don't obey laws, fucktardio! :whoa:

And actually, the weapons they used were "Assault Weapon Ban" compliant. Tell that to those they killed's parents, asshole. Well, except for the grenades or whatever.

:rolleyes: Your childish sputtering aside, pay heed to all information here:

As a standard, any weapon lawfully purchased BEFORE the 1994 AWB could be kept. Those kids essentially stole weapons from their parents.

Like I said, the OP is not perfect, but would help to curtail such incidents (you can't buy what is not available).
Imagine the last mass shootings in the last 25 to 30 years and replace the weapons used with full auto AK-47 (sold without current license requirements and marked down pricing). This is why things for such weapons should remain as is.

Imagine someone ducks real quick and pulls a .357 out and nails him right between the eyes because more of a percentage of people realize they need to be carrying guns for protection.
:rolleyes: Your childish sputtering aside, pay heed to all information here:

As a standard, any weapon lawfully purchased BEFORE the 1994 AWB could be kept. Those kids essentially stole weapons from their parents.

Like I said, the OP is not perfect, but would help to curtail such incidents (you can't buy what is not available).

The guns Harris and Klebold stole WERE AWB compliant, fucktard. You're not going to lecture me on that, motherfucker, I lived that day.

I was on Anthony Harris's AOL account that same night, dammit. Everybody was pissed. I understand you're too fucktarded to realize what I'm telling you.

I don't need some bullshit website to tell me about that happening, motherfucker. I read Harris's emails he didn't delete, bitch.

I'm sure he deleted a whole lot more than what was left, and he was dead.
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Your childish sputtering aside, pay heed to all information here:

As a standard, any weapon lawfully purchased BEFORE the 1994 AWB could be kept. Those kids essentially stole weapons from their parents.

Like I said, the OP is not perfect, but would help to curtail such incidents (you can't buy what is not available).

The guns Harris and Klebold stole WERE AWB compliant, fucktard. You're not going to lecture me on that, motherfucker, I lived that day.

I was on Anthony Harris's AOL account that same night, dammit. Everybody was pissed. I understand you're too fucktarded to realize what I'm telling you.

I don't need some bullshit website to tell about that happening, motherfucker. I read Harris's emails he didn't delete, bitch.

:palm: From my link:

The paramilitary-esque TEC-DC9, which uses 9 mm ammo and has a 32-round magazine, was one of 19 listed on the 1994 federal assault weapons ban, which sunset in 2004. However, it was legal to own and sell pre-existing weapons during that time. The underage Columbine killers secured their TEC-DC9 handgun illegally, for $500, from a friend who had purchased it legally at the Tanner Gun Show in Adams County

Understand now? Or are you going to deny this as well?

Get it together, Matt. No one is buying into your tall tales.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So you concede that your initial contention was wrong, or you weren't serious about it in the first place.


then you're just either trolling or babbling just for the sake of gain saying. Either way, there's no point in further engagement with you on this thread. You may have the last word.
:palm: From my link:

The paramilitary-esque TEC-DC9, which uses 9 mm ammo and has a 32-round magazine, was one of 19 listed on the 1994 federal assault weapons ban, which sunset in 2004. However, it was legal to own and sell pre-existing weapons during that time. The underage Columbine killers secured their TEC-DC9 handgun illegally, for $500, from a friend who had purchased it legally at the Tanner Gun Show in Adams County

Understand now? Or are you going to deny this as well?

Get it together, Matt. No one is buying into your tall tales.

What gun laws stopped them? Hmm? There was no law against their acquaintance selling them a gun, btw.

You're fucking grasping at straws, bucko.

The answer is: No gun laws stopped Harris and Klebold. They wanted to kill and did what they did without regarding any laws whatsoever. Laws of man, God, Nature, or Nature's Laws.

Laws only are regarded and followed by the law-abiding, dumbass.

Criminals will get ahold of whatever weapons they want and can to kill.

Restricting people from the same weapons puts them at a disadvantage.

Pretty sure Harris and Klebold made pipe bombs or grenades or something, too. Isn't that illegal?

Isn't ANTIFA firebombing places illegal?
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What gun laws stopped them? Hmm? There was no law against their acquaintance selling them a gun, btw.

You're fucking grasping at straws, bucko.

The answer is: No gun laws stopped Harris and Klebold. They wanted to kill and did what they did without regarding any laws whatsoever. Laws of man, God, Nature, or Nature's Laws.

Laws only affect and are followed by the law-abiding, dumbass.

You seem to think whatever believe is bonafide fact.

It's not.

By Colorado law, you have to be 18 to own a gun and receive one in sale. Selling to the underage is illegal. Harris was 18, Kiebold was 17. generally,the juvenile's parent or guardian.

As I previously documented, one of the weapons they used was formerly on the 1994 AWB list.

All this corroborates with the OP and my previous exchanges on this thread. Too bad if you don't like it, but you can't dismiss it with misinformation or denial or wishful thinking.

Got that? Good. See ya.
You seem to think whatever believe is bonafide fact.

It's not.

By Colorado law, you have to be 18 to own a gun and receive one in sale. Selling to the underage is illegal. Harris was 18, Kiebold was 17. generally,the juvenile's parent or guardian.

As I previously documented, one of the weapons they used was formerly on the 1994 AWB list.

All this corroborates with the OP and my previous exchanges on this thread. Too bad if you don't like it, but you can't dismiss it with misinformation or denial or wishful thinking.

Got that? Good. See ya.


That's bullshit because one of them WAS 18, Derp! And..

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You seem to think whatever believe is bonafide fact.

It's not.

By Colorado law, you have to be 18 to own a gun and receive one in sale. Selling to the underage is illegal. Harris was 18, Kiebold was 17. generally,the juvenile's parent or guardian.

As I previously documented, one of the weapons they used was formerly on the 1994 AWB list.

All this corroborates with the OP and my previous exchanges on this thread. Too bad if you don't like it, but you can't dismiss it with misinformation or denial or wishful thinking.

Got that? Good. See ya.

By Colorado law, Harris and Klebold killed a lot of kids for no reason other than just to kill them.

Maybe if the teachers had guns they may could have stopped them.
Okay, it's obvious that Matt is incapable of a rational, logical argument beyond a certain point. Rather than concede to the facts that prove his contentions wrong, he reacts like a silly 13 year old, complete with introducing straw man arguments. No point in wasting time and space on him, so he'll be the second person to be put on the ignore list within the first week of the New Year. Maybe in a month or so, I'll check in and see if he's grown up or sobered up.
Who are these "some leftist"? Circumstances given, under Texas law the guy was well within his rights (providing he had a license for the gun) and the perp learned a hard lesson.

How you figure this is relevant to the OP is perplexing. Please explain.

"license fer his gun". Fuck off with that bullshit.
Placing further restrictions on guns and gun purchases only impacts those who obey the law. Believing there will be some seismic shift in gun violence if more laws are enacted is stupid and ignorant.

Just once I would love to see gun-hating pussies propose legislation which targets criminals. Then they would have my attention...
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Stop and think: is it not gambling with American lives to continue to allow weapons designed for assaults on military targets to be available to a general public...?

Which weapons are those?

the ones that were on the 1994 AWB list before it was allowed to sunset via the GOP. Weapon of choice was from this list for most of the mass shootings in the last 25 years. Easily checked and verified.