New Year - same thought about guns.

You're naive! Anything! ANYTHING an American wants to buy! Someone has it for sale!
If they try to ban them again! Before the law gets past if that's even possible,1000's will be sold before they could stop sales!
We tried this with booze,with drugs,and it always fails!

Sorry, but anyone can have an opinion, speculate or try to pass supposition and conjecture as fact.

They're not, but many belief repeating such ad nausea makes them magically a logical fact (they don't).

Remember, there was NEVER a total ban on guns...and no politician worth their salt tried to pass such a law. If they did, it dies in the proposal status by both Dem & GOP. Also, you may note that marijuana is headed towards serious legalization. Other drugs are banned from non-diagnoses distribution (public health reasons).

I refer to the FACTS AS THEY HAPPENED...not ill thought out premises and comparisons.
Sorry, but anyone can have an opinion, speculate or try to pass supposition and conjecture as fact.

They're not, but many belief repeating such ad nausea makes them magically a logical fact (they don't).

Remember, there was NEVER a total ban on guns...and no politician worth their salt tried to pass such a law. If they did, it dies in the proposal status by both Dem & GOP. Also, you may note that marijuana is headed towards serious legalization. Other drugs are banned from non-diagnoses distribution (public health reasons).

I refer to the FACTS AS THEY HAPPENED...not ill thought out premises and comparisons.

Name a drug you can't buy on the streets of America?
Same applies to guns! Actually you would have a better chance restricting ammo,.
You're naive! Anything! ANYTHING an American wants to buy! Someone has it for sale!
If they try to ban them again! Before the law gets past if that's even possible,1000's will be sold before they could stop sales!
We tried this with booze,with drugs,and it always fails!

Making murder illegal didn’t end murder

So we should not have laws against murder?
1. Nonsense. Registering and treating your gun purchase like a car purchase goes no farther than that. You accept all the trials and tribulations regarding your car (for transportation), then what is all the hand wringing in applying the same standards to your weapon(s) purchase(s) (for personal/home defense)?

2. - Sorry, I should have said "registration", not transfer. Agree with your moot point regarding ownership transfer, but you leave out that these things are necessary in the event of theft, accident, use of vehicle in the committing of a crime, basic traffic violations.

- Actually, it's the criminal associates/affiliates WITH NO CRIMINAL RECORD who do the purchasing for their compadres. In some states, multiple purchases can occur with very little ID or background check. Then the cohorts take transfer the weapons across state lines to their buddies in states that have stringent gun laws. This the black market....also known as "The Iron Pipeline". Interesting research for the uninformed.

- Not quite: again, look into "The Iron Pipeline" and such as mentioned above.

- And that's why we have the problems we have today. As I pointed out in Post #5, what you are casually enabling is akin to a quasi black market.

All I pointed out was the result of doing what you suggest.

As for the so-called Iron Pipeline, there are laws regarding intentionally re-selling to felons. Why not just enforce those laws instead of making new ones that won't be enforced ?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Let's not play word games.....BLACK MARKET is what your 1st sentence refers to.
So rather than legally purchasing a gun and registering it like a car, you would seek a black market like any thug or career criminal.

That doesn't say much for your character, because YOU would be supporting organized crime.

As to your comparison....last time I checked, the marijuana plant was NOT used in any of the mass shootings that have occurred in the last 25 years. And yes, there are people doing hard time in jail for just selling marijuana on a low end scale (friends, neighbors, college kids). Those attempting large scale transportation and selling of marijuana can get you serious federal time in jail.

Marijuana business is changing with more and more states go legal,which draws in those from States near them.
The black market marijuana business is fading to large stocked dispensaries in huge numbers!
1/2 miles from Ohio in Michigan is a town of 2000 with 5 dispensaries!

True to some extent, but it's technically still illegal in many venues and aspects. level, cannabis,little to no medical benefit.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Sorry, but anyone can have an opinion, speculate or try to pass supposition and conjecture as fact.

They're not, but many belief repeating such ad nausea makes them magically a logical fact (they don't).

Remember, there was NEVER a total ban on guns...and no politician worth their salt tried to pass such a law. If they did, it dies in the proposal status by both Dem & GOP. Also, you may note that marijuana is headed towards serious legalization. Other drugs are banned from non-diagnoses distribution (public health reasons).

I refer to the FACTS AS THEY HAPPENED...not ill thought out premises and comparisons.

Name a drug you can't buy on the streets of America?
Same applies to guns! Actually you would have a better chance restricting ammo,.

Again, YOU cannot provide valid, documented proof that there was an active "black market" for the weapons on the 1994 AWB list when it was active.

What you CAN validate is that these weapons...specifically the AR-15 style weapon(s)....moved briskly on the sales market when the AWB sunset. What you CAN validate is that there is an "Iron Pipe line" for hand guns from states with minimal gun control laws to those with strict gun laws.

The OP proposes a method that can curtail such movements. Nothing is perfect, but it's a damned sight better than what currently exists.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
1. Nonsense. Registering and treating your gun purchase like a car purchase goes no farther than that. You accept all the trials and tribulations regarding your car (for transportation), then what is all the hand wringing in applying the same standards to your weapon(s) purchase(s) (for personal/home defense)?

2. - Sorry, I should have said "registration", not transfer. Agree with your moot point regarding ownership transfer, but you leave out that these things are necessary in the event of theft, accident, use of vehicle in the committing of a crime, basic traffic violations.

- Actually, it's the criminal associates/affiliates WITH NO CRIMINAL RECORD who do the purchasing for their compadres. In some states, multiple purchases can occur with very little ID or background check. Then the cohorts take transfer the weapons across state lines to their buddies in states that have stringent gun laws. This the black market....also known as "The Iron Pipeline". Interesting research for the uninformed.

- Not quite: again, look into "The Iron Pipeline" and such as mentioned above.

- And that's why we have the problems we have today. As I pointed out in Post #5, what you are casually enabling is akin to a quasi black market.

All I pointed out was the result of doing what you suggest.

As for the so-called Iron Pipeline, there are laws regarding intentionally re-selling to felons. Why not just enforce those laws instead of making new ones that won't be enforced ?

1. No you did not, and I addressed this false premise/narrative you keep trying to foster. The honest, objective reader can see the chronology of the posts as see that.

2. My man, there is no "so-called" Iron Pipeline. You need to get informed about this, which in conjunction to the OP would address your question:

Enforcement of current laws is happening.....applying the OP proposal would make them that more effective.
Why do you refuse to see murdered Americans in any compassionate way if they are Black?

If they are not famous

There is a reason

Tell us why you feel none of them deserve compassion?
Again, YOU cannot provide valid, documented proof that there was an active "black market" for the weapons on the 1994 AWB list when it was active.

What you CAN validate is that these weapons...specifically the AR-15 style weapon(s)....moved briskly on the sales market when the AWB sunset. What you CAN validate is that there is an "Iron Pipe line" for hand guns from states with minimal gun control laws to those with strict gun laws.

The OP proposes a method that can curtail such movements. Nothing is perfect, but it's a damned sight better than what currently exists.

Ok ,lets make guns illegal and see if a Black Marget springs up!
Can I have an AK-47 fully operational?

Sure! With a class III license. Now see, that should not be necessary, but that's how it is. Also for it to be perfectly legal right now, it would have to be manufactured before some time in the 80s..1984, maybe? Not sure, IDGAF about AK 47s.

They group like shit. I like guns that shoot to where the next bullet at least touches the previous bullet or is in the same hole.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Again, YOU cannot provide valid, documented proof that there was an active "black market" for the weapons on the 1994 AWB list when it was active.

What you CAN validate is that these weapons...specifically the AR-15 style weapon(s)....moved briskly on the sales market when the AWB sunset. What you CAN validate is that there is an "Iron Pipe line" for hand guns from states with minimal gun control laws to those with strict gun laws.

The OP proposes a method that can curtail such movements. Nothing is perfect, but it's a damned sight better than what currently exists.

Ok ,lets make guns illegal and see if a Black Marget springs up!

As I stated here previously, there was NEVER a total gun ban in this country, much less a serious effort to make all civilian ownership of guns illegal that didn't die in Congress (by both parties). Gun control laws and the banning of assault weapons is what has and is happening. Like I said before, when the 1994 AWB was in effect, law abiding Americans STILL had access to a slew of different type weapons. There was NO "black market" for the items specified on the 1994 AWB.


The weapons on that list became the purchase of choice the nano-second the ban was lifted...especially by those who have committed mass shootings in the past 25 years.

A "black market" a'la the "Iron Pipeline" is alive and kicking...something that could be severely curtailed if the OP proposal was put into effect.
As I stated here previously, there was NEVER a total gun ban in this country, much less a serious effort to make all civilian ownership of guns illegal that didn't die in Congress (by both parties). Gun control laws and the banning of assault weapons is what has and is happening. Like I said before, when the 1994 AWB was in effect, law abiding Americans STILL had access to a slew of different type weapons. There was NO "black market" for the items specified on the 1994 AWB.


The weapons on that list became the purchase of choice the nano-second the ban was lifted...especially by those who have committed mass shootings in the past 25 years.

A "black market" a'la the "Iron Pipeline" is alive and kicking...something that could be severely curtailed if the OP proposal was put into effect.

STFU you Anti-American PUSSY. You don't like guns? Don't buy one. When you try to stop all the rest of the people having one, that's a problem.

And really all Americans should have more powerful guns and bigger weapons systems than that.

Here's a fact, dipshit: During the "Assault Weapons Ban" The Columbine mass shooting happened. I was on Harris's AOL account that night. There wasn't much there..3 emails...discussing tactics and grenades n shit.

So yeah, the "Assault Weapons Ban" didn't do jack shit to stop that. Know why? Criminals don't obey laws, fucktardio! :whoa:

And actually, the weapons they used were "Assault Weapon Ban" compliant. Tell that to the kids they killed's parents, asshole. Well, except for the grenades or whatever.
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Sure! With a class III license. Now see, that should not be necessary, but that's how it is. Also for it to be perfectly legal right now, it would have to be manufactured before some time in the 80s..1984, maybe? Not sure, IDGAF about AK 47s.

They group like shit. I like guns that shoot to where the next bullet at least touches the previous bullet or is in the same hole.

Imagine the last mass shootings in the last 25 to 30 years and replace the weapons used with full auto AK-47 (sold without current license requirements and marked down pricing). This is why things for such weapons should remain as is.