Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
That's not the only thing that left Reagan. His morality, his sense of fair play and his tollerance for gays and minorities sailed way before that.
Just ask the nuns murdered in cold blood by the Contras Reagan backed, or the people asking for funding to combat HIV aids, or the "welfare moms" he pulled out of his racist, senile ass.
Fuck Reagan. Hope he's enjoying hell.
Disagreed for the same reason I'd disagree that Thomas Jefferson was an immoral man for banging his slave and keeping his "mulatto" kids as slaves. Both were men of their times reacting from a common social perspective.
Be honest, the majority opinion of Americans in those days was one of neglect just like our nation sees every day today. We, the People exemplify the Elie Wiesel's comment "The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.". No one gave a shit about AIDS until it spread to the population like Monkeypox will do if not controlled.
If you look at a IQ Bell Curve, it shouldn't be too hard to realize why letting unqualified people to vote may not always produce optimal results. I strongly suggest better education as an alternative.
Given a choice of voting for better roads in the city or a Center for AIDS patients, which way do you think people will vote? It's not because they hate gays, just that roads work out better for them. Isn't that Socialism 101? The Needs of the Many outweigh the Needs of the Few?