Next time a leftist tries the "party switch/Southern strategy" lie; blast them

The next time a lib says the Repubs are not the party of Lincoln, but a more the party of hate and minority voter suppression, do not argue. You would be wrong. Polling showed that when asked if America is better when people speak up and protest Dems said yes 71 percent. If specified as blacks, Dems said yes 71 percent.
Repubs said yes 49 percent, If black, then 24 percent.
Fox viewers said yes 47 percent. If black 10 percent.
Face your bigotry and try and do better.
The next time a lib says the Repubs are not the party of Lincoln, but a more the party of hate and minority voter suppression, do not argue. You would be wrong. Polling showed that when asked if America is better when people speak up and protest Dems said yes 71 percent. If specified as blacks, Dems said yes 71 percent.
Repubs said yes 49 percent, If black, then 24 percent.
Fox viewers said yes 47 percent. If black 10 percent.
Face your bigotry and try and do better.
They are no longer a party , they are nothing but a organized hate group
Your right but the philosophy sure has, Lincoln was elected and was a classic liberal. The right is a total joke, bigoted ugly and total hate Nazis'


What a rich fantasy world you inhabit.