Ninth Circuit rules in favor of federal deportation


No it doesn't.

You can argue the earth is flat as well - but the world has moved on and so have I.

We are dealing in over 100 years of court decisions. This is not the same as arguing Roe v Wade. these are settled law that nobody will be able to unwind without an actual constitutional amendment or civil war.

There was no "incorporation".

^derp derp

Courts have no power to rewrite the constitution.

they clearly have the ability to interpret and others with physical power will force those interpretations.

You can just as well argue to a cop that "you know your rights" - and be laughed at online with your fellow Karen's
You can argue the earth is flat as well - but the world has moved on and so have I.
**** yawn *** 🥱
We are dealing in over 100 years of court decisions.
Irrelevant. Courts do not legislate nor do they amend the constitution.
This is not the same as arguing Roe v Wade.
Yes, it is. Overreach is overreach.
these are settled law
There is no such thing as "settled law" (in the Earthly legal sense); there is only current law.
that nobody will be able to unwind without an actual constitutional amendment or civil war.
Then it's not "settled law"...
^derp derp
Yes, you are.
they clearly have the ability to interpret and others with physical power will force those interpretations.
Courts have no power to interpret the constitution.
"There is no such thing as "settled law" (in the Earthly legal sense); there is only current law."

current law recognizes incorporation of the bill of rights

yes, retards belong to maga too
so when you said current law is all that matters,
Speaking of being a "lying piece of shit" ...........
you were a lying piece of shit?
Apparently that's you...
incorporation IS current law.
That's not what the text of the constitution currently says.
It has been for 100 years
No it hasn't. Maybe it's been illegally recognized for 100 years, same as how a nationwide "right to abortion" was illegally recognized for roughly 50 years, but it's never been a part of the constitution.
Just a few simple questions: How are they going to do this? How is it going to be funded? Are we looking at a massive expansion of DHS personnel and powers? Will local authorities be conscripted to participate? Where will these people be held until arrangements are made with whatever country will take them in (assuming there are such)? Will we be turning over people fleeing political and religious persecution to be imprisoned and/or killed? What court systems will be set up to vet these people?
Inquiring minds want to know.