Nk Threatens War


Junior Member
Guess we should just give them some more aid.

>North Korea, in its first formal statement since Monday's claimed atomic bomb test, hailed the blast as a success and said attempts by the outside world to penalize North Korea with sanctions would be considered an act of war.

Further pressure will be countered with physical retaliation, the North's Foreign Ministry warned in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.

All this sort of reminds me of those old mouse movies. the mouse that roared, the mouse on the moon and maybe another one. They had "the bomb" in one of them.
Japan just announced it was cutting off all imports from NK. So I guess NK is now at war with Japan.
Japan just announced it was cutting off all imports from NK. So I guess NK is now at war with Japan.
Nah, they want the US to be the "front" man. Just as everybody else out there whining, "What are you going to dooooooooo?" with their big crocodile tears and reams of papers about how bad a job we are doing, wringing their hands as they believe the "company" is being ran into the ground but are totally unwilling to stand up and take a lead of their own....

Right now, I have really lost respect for many of these other nations. At least the Ds are actively working for change....
Um... So did we. We have also made it clear that we were not invading. Now we continue doing what we have been. Very exciting, isn't it?
NK says it will attack. So let's talk! LOL

>>South Korea's Yonhap News Agency reported that North Korea said it would fire a nuclear-tipped weapon if the United States continues to refuse direct discussions with the country, according to the Associated Press.

Meanwhile we will feed and keep them warm. When we will stop the stupid effort to help the people who are making threats against us?

>>John R. Bolton, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, insisted that the U.S. sanctions plan calls for the exemption of food, medicine and other humanitarian goods for civilians. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack, meanwhile, specifically ruled out any attempt at regime change. "We have made it very clear that the United States has no intention to attack North Korea. That element of our policy still stands," he told reporters. "What we have sought is a change in the behavior of the North Korean regime."

Nah, they want the US to be the "front" man. Just as everybody else out there whining, "What are you going to dooooooooo?" with their big crocodile tears and reams of papers about how bad a job we are doing, wringing their hands as they believe the "company" is being ran into the ground but are totally unwilling to stand up and take a lead of their own....

Damo, I can't believe you are continuing your self pitying self-congratulatory bleating on this thread too. Get over yourself.

Bush declared himself 'leader' of the fight against the 'axis of evil', has exasperated the problem and now you are bleating that people are asking if he has the credibility to do the job.

The whole world is pressuring China to act and you think it is just the US, simply because people ask the self proclaimed leader what he is doing and if he is capable of doing it.

Now stop crying because you think people are picking on the US and explain why you think Bush has the credibility or capability to deal with this as the leader he proclaimed himself?
Nah, they want the US to be the "front" man. Just as everybody else out there whining, "What are you going to dooooooooo?" with their big crocodile tears and reams of papers about how bad a job we are doing, wringing their hands as they believe the "company" is being ran into the ground but are totally unwilling to stand up and take a lead of their own....

Damo, I can't believe you are continuing your self pitying self-congratulatory bleating on this thread too. Get over yourself.

Bush declared himself 'leader' of the fight against the 'axis of evil', has exasperated the problem and now you are bleating that people are asking if he has the credibility to do the job.

The whole world is pressuring China to act and you think it is just the US, simply because people ask the self proclaimed leader what he is doing and if he is capable of doing it.

Now stop crying because you think people are picking on the US and explain why you think Bush has the credibility or capability to deal with this as the leader he proclaimed himself?
Listen, to the whine people! It's right here!

Once again. You'd be the simpering fool on the sideline at work (using your own analogy) pointing and saying, "You are driving the company into the ground!" but unwilling to take point yourself.

Pretending that isn't what you are doing here is the ultimate pretense.

Self-congratulatory whining should be a new olympic sport...
Grab that lead with both hands. Take it from the person who is supposedly doing it so poorly, do something other than simply say, "Now what do we do, fearless leader?"
Once again. You'd be the simpering fool on the sideline at work (using your own analogy) pointing and saying, "You are driving the company into the ground!" but unwilling to take point yourself.

Sigh. Bush declared himself lead. The EU is pressuring China, you are trying to deflect the issue by asking why others aren't taking a lead that Bush loudly declared was his.

That's pretty sad.