No college for white males...

Sure, I was speaking more to the big picture, though none of the colleges I took classes at required foreign language for BS degrees which is where STEM majors are more likely to land. The reality is we could cut a year off our college process like many countries do by eliminating so many classes superfluous to our majors. That, however, would be less revenue for the education big businesses so they will generally oppose it by justifying the necessity of requiring all the extras. A lot of the survey classes are redundant to high school anyway, particularly the history and English classes. I had 4 years of a foreign language in high school yet they stuck me still having to fill those requirements. I was at least allowed to take the equally pointless upper tier classes in the language and skip over the first level classes to satisfy the requirement. Even those classes were somewhat redundant to my 4th year language class my last year in high school.

What language did you take? I had three years of German and one of Spanish in h.s. My current university doesn't require a foreign language, but I've already taken a year of Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) because it is intrinsic to my major. My son-in-law is attending the University of Vermont, majoring in math. He had to take a semester of French to add to the semester he took in community college, to equal one year. Guess it has more to do with the particular univ. I agree with you that knocking off the requirements for the superfluous stuff would help cut the costs of a higher education, and time to get it as well.
A letter from a friend...

I am 18 and I go to a college in California. I have a humanities class and today we were talking about feminism and I genuinely was curious and asked, “What rights do men have that women do not?” Keep in mind I did not attack them, I just simply asked. Six girls all started screaming at me and at the same time talking about wage gap and getting raped. One girl excused herself from the room because she needed a moment. Everyone’s voice overpowered me and the teacher did nothing. Feminism is cancer.”

Will Bertttt The Red Pill

Conservative men are being silenced on campus.

And quite frankly, men in general.

The feminism takeover is very real—they have even altered the spelling of women to “wymym” because the spelling of “man” is offensive.

Logical discussions have been replaced by hysterical shouting and finger pointing.

Rational debates have been replaced by mob rule.

Personal opinions have been replaced with hate speech.

College classrooms, once places of hard work and study, are now reduced to “everyone is bad and you should have yours, so why even study.”

But this does not apply to men.

Men are silenced.

Men are ignored.

And professors do absolutely nothing.


Well either:

A: the professors themselves are frightened.

B: they encourage it.

The mighty SJW feminist has all the power on campus, and can at will, take down anything and anyone who stands in her way. She can get professors fired, men expelled, and even eliminate guest speakers who may “offend her” at any moment or “scare her” with man-spreading.

The mighty SJW feminist also has the power of manipulation and control. She knows her opinion in the classroom trumps everything—even basic logic. This frightens professors. All it would take would be one different yet “extremely offensive” opinion to shatter their careers.

Which, in our 18-year-old friend’s case, is exactly what happened. The teacher did nothing.

And the question wasn’t even hurtful. He stated a question and wanted to start an intelligent discussion and debate—you know something that has happened at college for hundreds of years—to bring to the table in his humanities class.

Oh god no, we can’t have that! A debate? Nope sorry, this is SJW territory son! Higher education is meaningless. We came here to be told that the white man is the root of all evil and the source of all our problems.

The SJW rules supreme.

The Feminist SJW is queen.

And her attitude is the final say.

Her attitude is as follows:

Why study Chem and Bio when we can just take Gender Studies and earn 4.0s? Why learn Calculus when we can just take Equality 101 and become valedictorians?

Why study? Why do it all? Why learn it all?

We are just going bitch once we are out of college and get that sweet job with that 100K salary.

Oh and that man with fifteen years under his belt? We own you too. We can get you fired for missing your lunch date with your wife. Because her feelings were hurt and that’s a good enough reason to get you fired.

In fact, we own this world. We are now in charge of what you say, do, and act.

Bow down to us. Worship us.

This entitled thinking will lead us to two things: socialism and communism.

And ultimately, the destruction of America.

Why is socialism so important to these people? For what reason? Why?

When I see socialism, I see starvation and hatred.

Guns will be gone.

Free speech will be gone.

All because of what? People’s feelings?

Hate speech will become rampant. Anyone in any country can be offended by anything.

This is already happening in our college systems. Simple questions are shut down—but only from conservatives, and most notably, conservative white males.

So, how do we stop this?

How do we become the America we once knew? How do we make America great again? How do we get America back?

We have to fight back.

We have to fight back and stop this madness that has taken hold and infected America’s soul.

This won’t be easy. But we have to. We must.

We have to protect our rights: The First Amendment, The Second Amendment, all of them.

We have to protect them because they are slowly eroding.

Twitter and Facebook are censoring free speech.

SJWs are screaming for gun control.

We have to fight back against this madness.

It’s time to make America great again.

Ian Garrison

What language did you take? I had three years of German and one of Spanish in h.s. My current university doesn't require a foreign language, but I've already taken a year of Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) because it is intrinsic to my major. My son-in-law is attending the University of Vermont, majoring in math. He had to take a semester of French to add to the semester he took in community college, to equal one year. Guess it has more to do with the particular univ. I agree with you that knocking off the requirements for the superfluous stuff would help cut the costs of a higher education, and time to get it as well.

I took 4 years of french and 1 year of Latin in high school. Latin is no longer offered because the only person who taught it croaked and they had no replacement. I tried taking spanish as a summer course at the college level via a duel enrollment program with the community college but dropped it. I just cannot do Spanish at all. My mouth doesn't work the way it would have to work to ever speak that language. They had wanted me to switch languages to spanish to check the requirements box but after seeing that I had tried that while in HS and absolutely refused to try again they let me skip to the upper level french history and literature courses to fulfill my language credits. If they hadn't, I was going to transfer schools to one that would allow me the same degree as either a BA or a BS. This university only allowed it as a BA.
I took 4 years of french and 1 year of Latin in high school. Latin is no longer offered because the only person who taught it croaked and they had no replacement. I tried taking spanish as a summer course at the college level via a duel enrollment program with the community college but dropped it. I just cannot do Spanish at all. My mouth doesn't work the way it would have to work to ever speak that language. They had wanted me to switch languages to spanish to check the requirements box but after seeing that I had tried that while in HS and absolutely refused to try again they let me skip to the upper level french history and literature courses to fulfill my language credits. If they hadn't, I was going to transfer schools to one that would allow me the same degree as either a BA or a BS. This university only allowed it as a BA.

Ha, that's so interesting. My mouth doesn't do Spanish well either. My pronunciation of that beautiful language is a travesty. I'm far better with the Germanic languages, even Russian. That's interesting that it's the same for you, since French and Spanish are somewhat related. What is your degree?
I took 4 years of french and 1 year of Latin in high school. Latin is no longer offered because the only person who taught it croaked and they had no replacement. I tried taking spanish as a summer course at the college level via a duel enrollment program with the community college but dropped it. I just cannot do Spanish at all. My mouth doesn't work the way it would have to work to ever speak that language. They had wanted me to switch languages to spanish to check the requirements box but after seeing that I had tried that while in HS and absolutely refused to try again they let me skip to the upper level french history and literature courses to fulfill my language credits. If they hadn't, I was going to transfer schools to one that would allow me the same degree as either a BA or a BS. This university only allowed it as a BA.

I took an overseas discharge while I was stationed in germany in the army.

I spent about a year in spain. I once bought an old how to speak spanish from the madrid flea market. I guess the book was about fifty years old. I knew nothing about dialects when speaking spanish.

Anyway, I was in a train coach with some spaniards when I tried to impress them with a phrase I had rehearsed. The phrase was about smoking. In english you would say, "do you mind if I smoke?".

Later I found out it came out in spanish like, "do you mind if I make some smoke fumes?". They all laughed their asses off at me. But we had a great time during the trip. The spanish people were wonderful. I sure miss the fried octopus.
Poor little buttercup. Yeah, I just bet the "girls" "screamed" at the melting lil snowflake.

All you big strong men, so afraid of women, so afraid of ppl of color, so afraid of losing the power you've had for centuries. Is this what terrifies you (group you, of course) so?

* Being passed over for promotion because you don't have a vagina?
* Being sexually assaulted if you are out alone after dark?
* Getting slow or no service in a cafe because you're too pale?
* Being told no rentals are available even though the sign at the apartment complex clearly states otherwise?
* Finding out that your coworker -- who you trained and who does the same job as you, only without your seniority -- is making more than you?
* Being ridiculed and bullied because you're the only one of your gender on the on-line gaming platform?
* Being accused of a crime and finding out that your jury doesn't look like you -- they're all women, and at least half are not white?
* Seeing "foreign" and/or women's names on your ballot at your polling place?

LOL, all of the above.
I took 4 years of french and 1 year of Latin in high school. Latin is no longer offered because the only person who taught it croaked and they had no replacement. I tried taking spanish as a summer course at the college level via a duel enrollment program with the community college but dropped it. I just cannot do Spanish at all. My mouth doesn't work the way it would have to work to ever speak that language. They had wanted me to switch languages to spanish to check the requirements box but after seeing that I had tried that while in HS and absolutely refused to try again they let me skip to the upper level french history and literature courses to fulfill my language credits. If they hadn't, I was going to transfer schools to one that would allow me the same degree as either a BA or a BS. This university only allowed it as a BA.

It's hard to roll the R​s.
Sure, I was speaking more to the big picture, though none of the colleges I took classes at required foreign language for BS degrees which is where STEM majors are more likely to land. The reality is we could cut a year off our college process like many countries do by eliminating so many classes superfluous to our majors. That, however, would be less revenue for the education big businesses so they will generally oppose it by justifying the necessity of requiring all the extras. A lot of the survey classes are redundant to high school anyway, particularly the history and English classes. I had 4 years of a foreign language in high school yet they stuck me still having to fill those requirements. I was at least allowed to take the equally pointless upper tier classes in the language and skip over the first level classes to satisfy the requirement. Even those classes were somewhat redundant to my 4th year language class my last year in high school.

That's my point. Colleges should focus more on teaching specifics, rather than generality.
Conservatives are hated on college campuses because the more educated someone is, the less tolerant of Conservatism they become. Because intellectually, Conservatism is fraudulent; it has absolutely nothing to support itself. It has no track record of success. There is no model for successful Conservative governance, and Conservatism is synonymous with corruption, as we saw with Reagan, Bush the Dumber, and now Trump.
Ha, that's so interesting. My mouth doesn't do Spanish well either. My pronunciation of that beautiful language is a travesty. I'm far better with the Germanic languages, even Russian. That's interesting that it's the same for you, since French and Spanish are somewhat related. What is your degree?

Government & International Politics
(I have two undergraduate degrees).
I took an overseas discharge while I was stationed in germany in the army.

I spent about a year in spain. I once bought an old how to speak spanish from the madrid flea market. I guess the book was about fifty years old. I knew nothing about dialects when speaking spanish.

Anyway, I was in a train coach with some spaniards when I tried to impress them with a phrase I had rehearsed. The phrase was about smoking. In english you would say, "do you mind if I smoke?".

Later I found out it came out in spanish like, "do you mind if I make some smoke fumes?". They all laughed their asses off at me. But we had a great time during the trip. The spanish people were wonderful. I sure miss the fried octopus.

Yeah with all my french, I still suck balls at speaking it outside an academic setting with natural born french speakers. I can read it as well as I can English though.
A letter from a friend...

I am 18 and I go to a college in California. I have a humanities class and today we were talking about feminism and I genuinely was curious and asked, “What rights do men have that women do not?” Keep in mind I did not attack them, I just simply asked. Six girls all started screaming at me and at the same time talking about wage gap and getting raped. One girl excused herself from the room because she needed a moment. Everyone’s voice overpowered me and the teacher did nothing. Feminism is cancer.”

Will Bertttt The Red Pill

Conservative men are being silenced on campus.

And quite frankly, men in general.

The feminism takeover is very real—they have even altered the spelling of women to “wymym” because the spelling of “man” is offensive.

Logical discussions have been replaced by hysterical shouting and finger pointing.

Rational debates have been replaced by mob rule.

Personal opinions have been replaced with hate speech.

College classrooms, once places of hard work and study, are now reduced to “everyone is bad and you should have yours, so why even study.”

But this does not apply to men.

Men are silenced.

Men are ignored.

And professors do absolutely nothing.


Well either:

A: the professors themselves are frightened.

B: they encourage it.

The mighty SJW feminist has all the power on campus, and can at will, take down anything and anyone who stands in her way. She can get professors fired, men expelled, and even eliminate guest speakers who may “offend her” at any moment or “scare her” with man-spreading.

The mighty SJW feminist also has the power of manipulation and control. She knows her opinion in the classroom trumps everything—even basic logic. This frightens professors. All it would take would be one different yet “extremely offensive” opinion to shatter their careers.

Which, in our 18-year-old friend’s case, is exactly what happened. The teacher did nothing.

And the question wasn’t even hurtful. He stated a question and wanted to start an intelligent discussion and debate—you know something that has happened at college for hundreds of years—to bring to the table in his humanities class.

Oh god no, we can’t have that! A debate? Nope sorry, this is SJW territory son! Higher education is meaningless. We came here to be told that the white man is the root of all evil and the source of all our problems.

The SJW rules supreme.

The Feminist SJW is queen.

And her attitude is the final say.

Her attitude is as follows:

Why study Chem and Bio when we can just take Gender Studies and earn 4.0s? Why learn Calculus when we can just take Equality 101 and become valedictorians?

Why study? Why do it all? Why learn it all?

We are just going bitch once we are out of college and get that sweet job with that 100K salary.

Oh and that man with fifteen years under his belt? We own you too. We can get you fired for missing your lunch date with your wife. Because her feelings were hurt and that’s a good enough reason to get you fired.

In fact, we own this world. We are now in charge of what you say, do, and act.

Bow down to us. Worship us.

This entitled thinking will lead us to two things: socialism and communism.

And ultimately, the destruction of America.

Why is socialism so important to these people? For what reason? Why?

When I see socialism, I see starvation and hatred.

Guns will be gone.

Free speech will be gone.

All because of what? People’s feelings?

Hate speech will become rampant. Anyone in any country can be offended by anything.

This is already happening in our college systems. Simple questions are shut down—but only from conservatives, and most notably, conservative white males.

So, how do we stop this?

How do we become the America we once knew? How do we make America great again? How do we get America back?

We have to fight back.

We have to fight back and stop this madness that has taken hold and infected America’s soul.

This won’t be easy. But we have to. We must.

We have to protect our rights: The First Amendment, The Second Amendment, all of them.

We have to protect them because they are slowly eroding.

Twitter and Facebook are censoring free speech.

SJWs are screaming for gun control.

We have to fight back against this madness.

It’s time to make America great again.

Ian Garrison

Conservatives are hated on college campuses because the more educated someone is, the less tolerant of Conservatism they become. Because intellectually, Conservatism is fraudulent; it has absolutely nothing to support itself. It has no track record of success. There is no model for successful Conservative governance, and Conservatism is synonymous with corruption, as we saw with Reagan, Bush the Dumber, and now Trump.

Another reason is that the entire reason for the existence of educational facilities is to open the mind and teach not only facts and data, but *how* to think critically and creatively. Unfortunately as a whole conservatives tend to be close-minded to one degree or another. Therefore they are anathema where people gather to open their minds rather than nail them shut. Maybe this explains why conservatives also tend to be more religious and prefer home-schooling and religious schools over public schools.
Yeah with all my french, I still suck balls at speaking it outside an academic setting with natural born french speakers. I can read it as well as I can English though.

Yeah, if you don't have someone fluent (who is not another student or an instructor) to practice with, it's hard to get the pronunciation, cadence, and rhythm down -- or to understand native speakers either.
Another reason is that the entire reason for the existence of educational facilities is to open the mind and teach not only facts and data, but *how* to think critically and creatively. Unfortunately as a whole conservatives tend to be close-minded to one degree or another. Therefore they are anathema where people gather to open their minds rather than nail them shut. Maybe this explains why conservatives also tend to be more religious and prefer home-schooling and religious schools over public schools.
