No country for old men

La Vie en Rose was awesome... No Country was also.... Blood was too...

bottom line: this was an exceptional year for movies. period.
Americans tend to think that any movie that doesn't end with happily ever after is deep. However, the movies this year actually were.
Americans tend to think that any movie that doesn't end with happily ever after is deep. However, the movies this year actually were.

Americans don't watch movies without pre-packaged formulaic hollywood endings, so they wouldn't know what to call such a foreign creature as a film with a real ending.
La Vie en Rose was awesome... No Country was also.... Blood was too...

bottom line: this was an exceptional year for movies. period.

Hey MM!

I was just saying that to my Mom. It seems like the last few years, the movies have gotten better. The Oscars used to give out awards for shit like some crappy hollywood blockbuster. But, now the nominees are mostly really cool independent films, and non-traditional films.
Your sad attempt to call everything that nobody likes art because you want to seem to have elite taste is extremely funny. The Coen brothers missed the mark on that one.

You sad attempt to call everything popular the only thing that's good is extremely funny.

I didn't know you were a film critic, and could've been allowed to watch the movie, to judge.
You sad attempt to call everything popular the only thing that's good is extremely funny.

I didn't know you were a film critic, and could've been allowed to watch the movie, to judge.
Dumb. I specifically stated this one movie stank. However what you objected to was the fact that I said nobody watched the movie so most people won't have an opinion on it.

Was that, in fact, inaccurate? Or did the movie not net much in the theaters indeed?

Seriously, you are just trolling now, like CK and anger and Jolt Cola.
Man, Damo, it's just whenever people try to pretend like there's no signifigance to the avant-garde, that people just listen to it to look artsy, it kind of pisses me off.

Think about it. Whenever I first heard Bob Dylan, I had it on for all of 10 seconds before turning off the speakers. I used to hate dominate chords with a passion. The only thing I listened to back then was Nirvana. That was it. No other sound could please me, unless it sounded extremely simiarlar. It was that musical nationalism that infects so many people today.

I really had to get used to it before I understand... man, this other stuff sounds good. That same thing goes with a lot of abstract stuff, sometimes not clearly pretty to our narrow western cultural values at all. You just have to get used to it. There's nothing elitist about it. I still watch the escapist stuff like the Golden Compass, but many people limit themselves from enjoying a lot of stuff because you refuse to go outside of the narrow bounds of what they're used to.
Man, Damo, it's just whenever people try to pretend like there's no signifigance to the avant-garde, that people just listen to it to look artsy, it kind of pisses me off.

Think about it. Whenever I first heard Bob Dylan, I had it on for all of 10 seconds before turning off the speakers. I used to hate dominate chords with a passion. The only thing I listened to back then was Nirvana. That was it. No other sound could please me, unless it sounded extremely simiarlar. It was that musical nationalism that infects so many people today.

I really had to get used to it before I understand... man, this other stuff sounds good. That same thing goes with a lot of abstract stuff, sometimes not clearly pretty to our narrow western cultural values at all. You just have to get used to it. There's nothing elitist about it. I still watch the escapist stuff like the Golden Compass, but many people limit themselves from enjoying a lot of stuff because you refuse to go outside of the narrow bounds of what they're used to.
Yeah, you can tell how I refuse to do that by the fact that I can actually produce an opinion on the movie.

Your silly little judgment is not based on anything more than an emotion. You felt insulted because I made a joke about a film you liked. Then assumed I thought it sucked (good assumption those happen rarely for you, I did think it sucked) and started into some inane tirade about how you can judge art so much better than I because I only like popular crap. You are being combative just for the sake of combativeness, not for any real measure of what art is. It is subjective. Just say, "Well, I liked it." Then we can have a discussion about what you thought was good.

Again, you are emoting all over my board tonight and becoming a silly emotive, assumptive, troll who can't argue because they spend so much time just arguing against what they assume of others rather than what they say.
Yeah, you can tell how I refuse to do that by the fact that I can actually produce an opinion on the movie.

Your silly little judgment is not based on anything more than an emotion. You felt insulted because I made a joke about a film you liked. Then assumed I thought it sucked (good assumption those happen rarely for you, I did think it sucked) and started into some inane tirade about how you can judge art so much better than I because I only like popular crap. You are being combative just for the sake of combativeness, not for any real measure of what art is. It is subjective. Just say, "Well, I liked it." Then we can have a discussion about what you thought was good.

Again, you are emoting all over my board tonight and becoming a silly emotive, assumptive, troll who can't argue because they spend so much time just arguing against what they assume of others rather than what they say.

I really can't understand atonalism either, to tell you the truth.
Good god... that was possibly the best joke I ever told. It was a Goddamn work of art. Beautiful. I'm in tears, the work so gracious it moves the master.
If it is like the Godfather or raging bull I have no interest in it.
Sorry. For me the violence must be at a reasonable level and somewhat justified.
I watched the first little bit of Eastern Star and turned it off.
I go for good acting and a plot I like, or just a plot I like with poor acting, as much of Scifi is :D

I dumped one lady shortly after she told me Pulp Fiction was her fav film.

You misunderstood. I didn't compare no country for old men to godfather or raging bull. They are both waaay better than No country. I compared There will be Blood to Godfather and Raging Bull but not because of violence they aren't at all similar in that way.
Your sad attempt to call everything that nobody likes art because you want to seem to have elite taste is extremely funny. The Coen brothers missed the mark on that one.

I agree with your statement about Watermark but you are dead wrong about Fargo. That movie is awesome.