No Hate Crime Charges

Okay. Well, I declare "good" a useless word.

"Good" is a useful term whenever describing, for instance, the taste of food.

Whenever saying "Hey, larry craig is a good man, he doesn't deserve to be punished for being a hypocrite", it isn't very good, however.
I know what you mean. Its one thing when one person on his or her own perpetrates something so heinous, but when an entire family of people do it, its really does remind me of that Rob Zombie movie, "a house of a thousand corps"

there you go....Family...inbreeding (this is west virginia, we can safely assume these mofos are inbred). Something about inbreeding seems to do mental damage to the offspring.

I've had a couple friends who were accosted, kidnapped, and/or beaten, by wierdo hillbilly "families" in the south. For no apparent reason. The sick fucks were just out for some laughs and giggles.

caveat: not a slam on the south per se, bad people are everywhere.
there you go....Family...inbreeding (this is west virginia, we can safely assume these mofos are inbred). Something about inbreeding seems to do mental damage to the offspring.

I've had a couple friends who were accosted, kidnapped, and/or beaten, by wierdo hillbilly "families" in the south. For no apparent reason. The sick fucks were just out for some laughs and giggles.

caveat: not a slam on the south per se, bad people are everywhere.

RU serious?! I can honestly say I've never known anyone that's happened to. But then again, I don't hang around too many people that have strong ties to the evil south.
RU serious?! I can honestly say I've never known anyone that's happened to. But then again, I don't hang around too many people that have strong ties to the evil south.

Totally wierd. Its like crap out of a movie.

I had one friend who was in college in north carolina, and some car full of hillbillies just pulled over, beat him to a pulp, left him to die, and drove off laughing. He didn't even know the guys. Just drunk hillbillys looking for some laughs.

And I have another story too, about another pair of friends. North Carolina again. That state creeps me out, for no rational reason.
Was there Bush/Cheny bumperstickers on their pickup truck ?

Probably not. If they were male republicans, they would have gang raped the dude, or orally copulated him.

A straight up ass whooping is more like some asshole Dixiecrats.

Umm Cypress Redneck Repubs are usually not gay, they take great fun in beating up gays.
The elitist republicans are the gays. like Topper for instance.
Have you learned nothing, USC? The more one professes to hate gays, the more likely it is that they are actually intrigued by gay sex. Yes, the redneck republican boys probably wonder what sodomy with another man is like...that is, after they are done with the sheep.
Drugs and alcohol just lower the inhibitions and let the true inner self out.
If you are a cool person you will just get cooler, if you have a lot of anger bottled up you will get mean, etc...
It is not the drugs or alcohol any more than it is the gun.
I don't think most people could do that with out being under the influence though. There were 6 of them.
I don't think most people could do that with out being under the influence though. There were 6 of them.

Ohh some can, in spite of the philosopphical arguments to the contrary, there are some evil people out there.

Worse has been done with only alcohol involvement too.

6 of them well the gang/dog pack mentality kicks in. Kinda like fools at football games. American or world football.
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Ohh some can, in spite of the philosopphical arguments to the contrary, there are some evil people out there.

Worse has been done with only alcohol involvement too.

6 of them well the gang/dog pack mentality kicks in. Kinda like fools at football games. American or world football.

I definitely believe that some can but most can't and wouldn't. Unless you're talking about jail or an institutionalized system that tells them they are correct. I don't think this particular situation would have occurred had most of them not been on drugs.
I definitely believe that some can but most can't and wouldn't. Unless you're talking about jail or an institutionalized system that tells them they are correct. I don't think this particular situation would have occurred had most of them not been on drugs.

Didn't this thing occur over the course of many days? They couldn't have been stoned 24/7 the whole time. You'd think in a moment of sobriety and clarity, they might have thought: "what the hell are we doing?" if drugs was the biggest factor.

I think these dudes were eff'ed up in the head.