No Hate Crime Charges

Didn't this thing occur over the course of many days? They couldn't have been stoned 24/7 the whole time. You'd think in a moment of sobriety and clarity, they might have thought: "what the hell are we doing?" if drugs was the biggest factor.

I think these dudes were eff'ed up in the head.

Of course they were! I wouldn't say they weren't effed in the head. Nor am I saying that the drugs were soul cause of this. People that are in the depths of addiction (and I can definitely tell at least two of them were by looking at them) don't behave like normal rational people period. But I, like their former defense attorney, think the drugs definitely played a big part of this.
Yes, good liberals are not supposed to use the word because evil does not exist and everything can be explained.

But I use the word.


I just read a bit too much on Ghandi. I really shouldn't even bring that up, as it seems that I'm supporting them. But I really just try to defend everything, even if I can't necessarily understand it, if you haven't noticed. AHZ calls me "evil" for it, you guys started accusing me of being a paedophile, I've actually had people ask me if I've ever murdered anyone. Logical fallacy, guys.

This? I don't know. They need to be looked at by a psychologist. The "insanity" plea wouldn't count here, although they're obviously insane.
Of course they were! I wouldn't say they weren't effed in the head. Nor am I saying that the drugs were soul cause of this. People that are in the depths of addiction (and I can definitely tell at least two of them were by looking at them) don't behave like normal rational people period. But I, like their former defense attorney, think the drugs definitely played a big part of this.

You're probably right. Drugs may have caused them to to do more harm and torture to her, than if they had been sober and clear headed. But, these assholes wanted to do this, generally speaking, whether or not drugs were involved.
Drugs can't be used in defense anyway. Sometimes it can be used as a mere mitigating factor, but never as a real defense, unless the intoxication was caused by someone else. This may not be a completely philosophically consistent way to write out a law, but that's how it works.
Yep the old but I was drunk defense is no defense now.

And as I said before drugs and alcohol just let out what you are holding in....

One reason to avoid rowdy drunks even when sober.