Darth Omar
Russian asset
Really? That's your take?
A friend of mine, who lives in upstate New York, couldn't afford insurance. He and his wife both work two jobs. They have no children.
Before the Affordable Care Act, they had two options: A roof over their head, electricity and food in the fridge, or healthcare (because their employers didn't offer it).
What do you say about people like that, who actually are working long hours in two jobs to make ends meet, but couldn't afford the outrageous costs of healthcare?
Are you really THAT isolated and blind that you're not aware there are people in that kind of situation?
Following the logic, do they have a similar right to auto and home insurance?
My problem with the Obamacare approach is that it ignores the real problem: it's an access problem because it's a cost problem. People that don't have healthcare don't have it because they can't afford it. Rather than making someone else pay for it ['somebody' being all of those young Obama voters, ironically] they should have focused on costs instead.
Insurance companies should be forced to compete against one another like Geico and Allstate do. Your friends should be able to get on their computer and price-shop for health insurance like they do auto insurance.
The only government safety net should be for catastrophic instances. Set an arbitrary cap at 45%-50% of a families net worth before they step in. There are other ideas and approaches.
But we got saddled with this monstrosity instead.