No one has a right to healthcare

The "disagreement" over healthcare "rights" is un-resolvable because the basic argument is pitting foundational principles of the Constitution versus 20th Century communitarian ideals. This is a fight between Constitutionalists arguing there is no foundation for government providing those comforts and Marxists / Leninists and their vulgar demands for social, cultural and economic rights. It is the unavoidable friction between original, first generation "negative" rights and 20th Century second generation "positive" rights.

The modern left throws around the term "rights" in a way that denigrates the true meaning (as understood by the founders / framers). According to the modern left, we have NO right to keep and bear arms, but we do have the "right" to (government provided / mandated) affordable housing, a living wage, education, health care and prescriptions, internet access, etc.

The purpose of this Orwellian new-speak is to redefine our rights into a fuzzy, moldable menu of services, privileges and entitlements we can apply for. Upon filling out the proper forms (no ID or proof of citizenship required) and payment of license fees, a bureaucrat can stamp “APPROVED” and our benevolent government will bestow some "rights" upon us. Unfortunately, with that mindset comes the acceptance of the situational denial or outright removal of those "rights" (for our own good of course).

Our rights are NOT a list of services that government provides for us.

Nor are they tangible commodities that the government compels others to provide to us.

The left needs to frame this disagreement in emotional terms; how mean conservatives are, how right wingers want to see babies die, how the left just want to help people . . . This is the only argument they have because they can't argue any degree of constitutional legitimacy.

That second generation social, cultural and economic rights have no support in the Constitution is why the Constitution and its principles must be misrepresented or dismissed and ignored by the left. The left begins their arguments with a rejection of the principle of inherent rights and that rights were excepted out of the powers being granted by the people. This is substituted with the position that government possesses all power and grants or gives us our rights. This perversion needs to be done for obvious reasons.

The argument that rights are granted by or flow from government has as its primary intent to legitimize 20th century communitarian ideals (positive rights being the most important) as being represented in the Constitution and thus creating a mandate for government to provide those "rights". To do this, the entire fundamental structure of the Constitution (conferred powers vs retained rights) must be mutated and the original definition of rights (and their origin) must be scrubbed from the consciousness of Americans.

I'm not being mean when I reject the left's desire to destroy the Constitution and its foundational principles nor does it say that I relish the misery and deaths of fellow Americans. It just means that in a Constitutional Republic the powers of a federal form of government are limited, even the powers to do "good" and "help" people.

If I give you 30 cyber-dollars will you promise to use a dictionary?

Do you have a specific point you're taking umbrage with and want to debate or are you just being a useless contrarian, dismissing what you don't understand, exactly like I described . . .

Communitarian does not mean what you think it does.

Well, I'm criticizing Communitarian philosophy in the context of negative vs positive rights and the origin of those philosophies.

I believe it is a well known fact that Communitarian philosophy has as it's foundation, a de-emphasis on, if not negation of individual (negative) rights and supporting a political doctrine of the state providing positive rights.

What definition / description are you operating under that would refute my use?

Can you cite or link to it?

Edited to add Wiki link just for shits and giggles: for

Your silence leads me to believe it is you who needs the dictionary so I guess I won your challenge.

The last thing I need is your $30 . . . donate it to St Jude Hospital for Children.
there is a car crash

the station wagon containing a small family rolls over three times ejecting a small child and as it comes to rest it bursts into flames.

people try to put out the flames but cant.

the car burns completely up

the small child is left bleeding in the street because she has no paper work to prove she has insuranace.

she dies in massive pain

that is the world you evil con seek

would you allow her to die in the street or get care

which is it?

You lied the first time you posted this and now you're compounding your stupidity, by continuing to lie. :palm:
I go by what the definition of it says. It sounds very familiar to Hillary's bullshit of it takes a village.

To liberals like Darlune nothing is ever what it is. Islamists who blow themselves up in the name of islum aren't really muslimes.

What is funny is that four years ago the lefties on JPP squealed like KKKhristiefan at a Justin Beiber concert at being called a socialist now they wear it with pride. I guess they "evolved"
You lied the first time you posted this and now you're compounding your stupidity, by continuing to lie. :palm:

how is this a lie you idiot?

there is a car crash

the station wagon containing a small family rolls over three times ejecting a small child and as it comes to rest it bursts into flames.

people try to put out the flames but cant.

the car burns completely up

the small child is left bleeding in the street because she has no paper work to prove she has insuranace.

she dies in massive pain

that is the world you evil con seek

would you allow her to die in the street or get care

which is it?
how is this a lie you idiot?

there is a car crash

the station wagon containing a small family rolls over three times ejecting a small child and as it comes to rest it bursts into flames.

people try to put out the flames but cant.

the car burns completely up

the small child is left bleeding in the street because she has no paper work to prove she has insuranace.

she dies in massive pain

that is the world you evil con seek

would you allow her to die in the street or get care

which is it?

Nice story. Would never happen. But nice story.
In my State, the only auto insurance that's required is liability. That being the case, there is a distinct difference between the purpose of auto insurance and health insurance. I have yet to find a Liberal that can tell me.

Well duh...

AUTO Insurance takes care of the repair of your auto if it's damaged.

HEALTH Insurance pays your medical bills and takes care of Y-O-U, if the need arises.

You really aren't very bright, are you?
how is this a lie you idiot?

there is a car crash

the station wagon containing a small family rolls over three times ejecting a small child and as it comes to rest it bursts into flames.

people try to put out the flames but cant.

the car burns completely up

the small child is left bleeding in the street because she has no paper work to prove she has insuranace.

she dies in massive pain

that is the world you evil con seek

would you allow her to die in the street or get care

which is it?

Show me where it happens other than in your mind.
Well duh...

AUTO Insurance takes care of the repair of your auto if it's damaged.

HEALTH Insurance pays your medical bills and takes care of Y-O-U, if the need arises.

You really aren't very bright, are you?

Wrong, but I didn't expect you to have the answer.

Also shows you don't know what liability means. If all I have is liability on my car and I damage it, are you saying my insurance pays to have it fixed?
No one has a right to auto insurance either
Gov sponsored Ponzi schemes like ss
Fact of life

It's required by law. I'm sure you compare auto insurance to health insurance. The premise behind the minimum for each is totally different. I bet you don't know what that difference is. ZappasGuitar tried but, as usual, he failed, too.
No one has a right to auto insurance either
Gov sponsored Ponzi schemes like ss
Fact of life

SS is nothing but a government redistribution of wealth program.

Until those contributing at a 10x/year greater amount than another person start getting out 10x more/month when they get distributions, SS is what I claimed.