No one has a right to healthcare

Everyone has the right to healthcare. If the right-wing weirdoes don't want it, let them crawl back under their stones and die.

I already had healthcare coverage and it's good. My max out of pocket for an entire year was $750. I wanted it and did something about getting it. If those who think they should have it want the same, do what I did and get it on their own.

Show me in the U.S. Constitution where the word healthcare is written making it a delegated power of the government.
The "disagreement" over healthcare "rights" is un-resolvable because the basic argument is pitting foundational principles of the Constitution versus 20th Century communitarian ideals. This is a fight between Constitutionalists arguing there is no foundation for government providing those comforts and Marxists / Leninists and their vulgar demands for social, cultural and economic rights. It is the unavoidable friction between original, first generation "negative" rights and 20th Century second generation "positive" rights.

The modern left throws around the term "rights" in a way that denigrates the true meaning (as understood by the founders / framers). According to the modern left, we have NO right to keep and bear arms, but we do have the "right" to (government provided / mandated) affordable housing, a living wage, education, health care and prescriptions, internet access, etc.

The purpose of this Orwellian new-speak is to redefine our rights into a fuzzy, moldable menu of services, privileges and entitlements we can apply for. Upon filling out the proper forms (no ID or proof of citizenship required) and payment of license fees, a bureaucrat can stamp “APPROVED” and our benevolent government will bestow some "rights" upon us. Unfortunately, with that mindset comes the acceptance of the situational denial or outright removal of those "rights" (for our own good of course).

Our rights are NOT a list of services that government provides for us.

Nor are they tangible commodities that the government compels others to provide to us.

The left needs to frame this disagreement in emotional terms; how mean conservatives are, how right wingers want to see babies die, how the left just want to help people . . . This is the only argument they have because they can't argue any degree of constitutional legitimacy.

That second generation social, cultural and economic rights have no support in the Constitution is why the Constitution and its principles must be misrepresented or dismissed and ignored by the left. The left begins their arguments with a rejection of the principle of inherent rights and that rights were excepted out of the powers being granted by the people. This is substituted with the position that government possesses all power and grants or gives us our rights. This perversion needs to be done for obvious reasons.

The argument that rights are granted by or flow from government has as its primary intent to legitimize 20th century communitarian ideals (positive rights being the most important) as being represented in the Constitution and thus creating a mandate for government to provide those "rights". To do this, the entire fundamental structure of the Constitution (conferred powers vs retained rights) must be mutated and the original definition of rights (and their origin) must be scrubbed from the consciousness of Americans.

I'm not being mean when I reject the left's desire to destroy the Constitution and its foundational principles nor does it say that I relish the misery and deaths of fellow Americans. It just means that in a Constitutional Republic the powers of a federal form of government are limited, even the powers to do "good" and "help" people.
there is a car crash

the station wagon containing a small family rolls over three times ejecting a small child and as it comes to rest it bursts into flames.

people try to put out the flames but cant.

the car burns completely up

the small child is left bleeding in the street because she has no paper work to prove she has insuranace.

she dies in massive pain

that is the world you evil con seek
there is a car crash

the station wagon containing a small family rolls over three times ejecting a small child and as it comes to rest it bursts into flames.

people try to put out the flames but cant.

the car burns completely up

the small child is left bleeding in the street because she has no paper work to prove she has insuranace.

she dies in massive pain

that is the world you evil con seek

Well, first let me thank you from the bottom of my heart for proving everything I said is true.

A purely emotional argument focused on how mean conservatives are? Yup!
An argument that has no aspect grounded in constitutional legitimacy? Yup!
An argument that is factually wrong? Bonus point awarded!

Where in the USA or any place in the world where US law has jurisdiction, would a child injured in a car crash be refused necessary care?
it is the result of the policies you seek you fucking dupe

yes its BAD to let children bleed out in the street in pain to save money huh evil tard
did you even think it through you brain dead dupes?

That's a question for you to answer . . .

I realize you feel strongly that you position is correct.

I understand that those feelings lead you to believe that no oppositional argument need be acknowledged let alone addressed or rebutted.

But the real question, based in the OP's argument is, can you give me persuasive argument grounded in the Constitution and law that you are actually correct -- that healthcare is a "right" under the US Constitution?

Prove to me that you are 1/10th of 1% as smart as you feel you are . . . no cursing, no empty disparagement, no blanket condemnation to prop up your ego, just give me reasoned articulation of your position framed as a legal argument.


The point is not relevant.

You see, our society has grown to a point where we do not let people die on the streets if we can help it.

Our populace is not willing to allow Hospitals and other medical providers to simply let people die when it can be helped. Heck the Republicans don't want to let people die when they have terminal illnesses and want to die.

There are laws preventing hospitals from turning down emergency cases.

This is not because healthcare is a right, its because the people in general chose to make it so...

That being said, the question then becomes... what is the cheapest way to go about doing what we have already determined we will do.

The cheapest way to do that is to provide everyone with healthcare in a from that is a shared cost system. The old Pre-Obamacare way was to shift the cost to the consumer who had money or insurance in a very inefficient way.

The new way is to have everyone with money pre-pay or share the cost of others health care up-front in a more efficient way. Its only the difference between pretending we are not doing it and letting it be inefficient and admitting we are doing it and deciding to do it in the most efficient way.

Regardless, the Right to healthcare is not relevant, you can debate it all day, and even finding that its not a right wont change society's determination to provide it anyway.
"why should I have to pay for people who are not willing to pay"

who is it they want paying this childs bill?

the hospital?

the other patients?
how is them paying more for care at the hospital because of this child BETTER than paying more in taxes?

because they FEEL bad paying taxes?
Apparently that couple's friend said that to them. I don't know them but the person that does won't even help them yet you have no problem with that.

ANYONE that demands another person be forced to help them through mandate can go fuck themselves. I don't owe them a dime.

Apparently, you have a problem with reading comprehension.
the child either bleeds out in the street or automatically gets care regardless of her ability to pay huh

if she automatically gets care who pays for it cons?
Kind of a nice position the cumtwat Desh is taking.

She wants more and more gobblement spending. She doesn't want her taxes to go up to pay for it and she claims ZERO responsibility for our $19 trillion national debt

Pretty sure Evince didn't vote to raise the national debt via unfunded wars mandates or tax cuts for the rich which we had to borrow to pay for.
That would be your side you disingenous hump.
Shut the fuck up.