No one has a right to healthcare

There is no such thing as a "Right to Happiness"... That's just crazy. Rights do not guarantee outcome, they guarantee your ability to reach for the outcome you choose.
rights to pursue

Yes, to try; not a guarantee. The argument that it is part of our "right to happiness" is arguing an outcome that isn't even a right. There is no guarantee of happiness in the Constitution. That's absurd.
should you be given military protection when you refuse your responsibility to help fund it?

I find it hilarious that when we get to constitutional discussions about taxation you kind immediately default to those things expressly enumerated in the Constitution and not your hair brained schemes like free housing, free healthcare,free food and free college.

Let me be perfectly clear. If United States federal government limited its spending to ONLY those things enumerated in the US Constitution, they could easily be funded with excise taxes and there would be zero need to steal another's property
where is your proof they didn't address these things?

They're not listed in the Constitution. Things they addressed are or have been added through amendment based on what they provided yet nothing about those things.
rights to pursue

You have a right to pursue happiness but that doesn't mean someone else should be required to fund it. Your right don't involve taking away someone else's rights in doing so. You don't understand that.
should you be given military protection when you refuse your responsibility to help fund it?

I help fund the military through income taxes and funding of it is a specifically delegated authority of the federal government. In fact, it's one of the few compared to what you Liberal idiots think the Constitution says.

Should the almost half that don't pay the taxes that fund the military receive it?