Anger issues, Matt?
No, faggot issues with little crying bitches like you. Faggot.
Anger issues, Matt?
I hope they are immune to 230 grain jacketed hollow points, jig pecker smoker.
When did I imply that, Anchovies?
What part of the topic post is supposedly "bogus", Anchovies?
the guy was fired by Harvard for accusations of sexual conduct
What part is bogus you ask, nearly all of, start to finish
how you going to shoot them from under your mom's bed, hillbilly? all show and no go. creampuff pussy boys buying guns because of their sensitivity of how tiny their dicks are and how wimpy they are when it comes to defending themselves in any way.
As usual, “copy and paste” is incorrect, and here on so many levels
First off, the guys paper didn’t say it didn’t occur, rather that there is no quantitative proof it does or doesn’t exist, and secondly, his paper never received peer review (, meaning, it is his opinion, and that is all
And lastly, the guy was fired by Harvard for accusations of sexual conduct ( and not be published a paper as “copy and paste” implies
LOL what is the null hypothesis?
LOL what is the null hypothesis?
Meaning there is no conclusive proof either way, really not all that difficult, nor relevant for matter, the guy’s study wasn’t taken serious by his own peers
Who told you that?
His peers, they didn’t even consider serious enough to offer a review
It should be ignored, the paper didn’t conclude racial bias wasn’t a factor, but rather that there is no quantitative proof it does or doesn’t exist, and secondly, his paper never received peer review (, meaning, it is his opinion, and that is all, just like your barber’s opinion
Fryer was the youngest black person ever given tenure at Harvard. Now because someone has earned tenure at Harvard does not in any way mean what they say can't be questioned or is above reproach. Tenured Harvard professors can be flat out wrong. But you're trying to say this study is no different than what some guy at a barbershop says? Really?
As usual, “copy and paste” is incorrect, and here on so many levels
First off, the guys paper didn’t say it didn’t occur, rather that there is no quantitative proof it does or doesn’t exist, and secondly, his paper never received peer review (, meaning, it is his opinion, and that is all
And lastly, the guy was fired by Harvard for accusations of sexual conduct ( and not be published a paper as “copy and paste” implies
You think he read the paper, or the appendix?
Possibly Anchovies skimmed the abstract. At most.