No reason to celebrate.

There IS a reason to celebrate. Trump is gone.

Even if Biden gets no legislation passed, if he can bring back some sense of civility, halts the dismantling of our institutions, reverses some of Trump’s policies and restores just SOME sense of trust in our government (both nationally and internationally), he will be a success.

We're ordering several hundred bucks worth of Chinese food to celebrate tonight, even though in legislative term, there's nothing to celebrate.
I get your point, I guess, and I've already been to the liquor store. Very expensive night tonight--but worth it.
Try to embrace Brotherhood. (the only people filled with Rage and Hatred ... are the Religious Types)

My whole life isn't what you read online.
I actually do try that often, Jack--really-- but usually fail miserably.
We don't get to draw our own blueprints.
I know that I didn't draw mine.
I'm the ferocious result of my DNA.
My whole life isn't what you read online.
I actually do try that often, Jack--really-- but usually fail miserably.
We don't get to draw our own blueprints.
I know that I didn't draw mine.
I'm the ferocious result of my DNA.

:) That's a good point. A very good point. We're all products of the 'DNA Lottery'. We have NO CHOICE in what we inherit.
Western Tradition... not really. Democracy.... sort of. Granted, unlike the West, Eastern nations like Japan have a culture that understands unity far better.

'Democracy'. Change of Leadership. I think that would be at the heart of it. For better or worse.

Some countries are 'Ethno-States', so unity is a little easier.
Just as with many Trumpanzees, he poisoned you.

No, what poisoned me is the realization that the West's decline is inevitable. I thought Trump might turn things around, but all he did was slow the decline. With Biden, it will come faster, but maybe that's a merciful thing at this point.
No, what poisoned me is the realization that the West's decline is inevitable. I thought Trump might turn things around, but all he did was slow the decline. With Biden, it will come faster, but maybe that's a merciful thing at this point.

what the fuck are you talking about?!
what the fuck are you talking about?!

You know how the left always talks about the growing wealth inequality in this country? They miss the forest for the trees. It's not wealth inequality that is the problem. It's the dying of the middle class. They're two different things, but the middle class's demise is inevitable.
You know how the left always talks about the growing wealth inequality in this country? They miss the forest for the trees. It's not wealth inequality that is the problem. It's the dying of the middle class. They're two different things, but the middle class's demise is inevitable.

Same thing. Wealth inequality is BECAUSE of decline of middle class. Same cause.
No, what poisoned me is the realization that the West's decline is inevitable. I thought Trump might turn things around, but all he did was slow the decline. With Biden, it will come faster, but maybe that's a merciful thing at this point.

The pathologically lying sociopath, Trump, accelerated any decline in the status of the United States.
Going from a president whom I viscerally hate to one that I genuinely dislike is a definite improvement--

but hardly a reason to celebrate.

Biden is talking Pollyanna nonsense about "unity" instead of pledging to do all that he can to help the left win.

In other words, he'll be pretty much useless from my perspective.

Honest people on both sides know that unity is not only impossible but also not particularly wanted by ideological purists of either persuasion.

Sincere people know what they want, and America is two very different groups of people who want entirely different and also incompatible things.

Whenever you hear a politician say "America wants...[whatever]," expect to hear a load of verbal diarrhea. America has consensus on NOTHING.

You should judge him on what he does, not what he says...........

He isn't much of a lefty IMHO, but ppl do seem to change when they hit the high office :dunno:

There are many differences left~right in the country but I think most of us share a desire to have what is best for the country, today & tomorrow..... We disagree on how best to achieve that..

One of the sad aspects is the hate-if someone is not on your team, they are not your enemy.......

Another is desire for blood-PAY BACK....

One of the themes of the trump regime & many a fan of him...........

The sad aspect of that is, trump & some of his followers hardly have an exclusive on that, as we can clearly see.......