No sin is ever forgiven in the brave new woke world


ButterMilk Man
By NYPOST Editorial Board

But in this world the left has created, there is no path to forgiveness. There is no redemption. There is only smug dismissal. Childhood idiocy makes you a pariah for life.

And this misbegotten ideology carries such weight that junior staffers can carry the day against top management. Not just when it comes to teen fashion mags, either: The same dynamic has now purged multiple senior figures at The New York Times. All the old liberals are too scared to cross the radical kids.

But we suspect the radical kids will come to hate the world they created. The cancel monsters will find that no one is pure enough, and no one can change. They’ll burn everyone and everything down.

YEP, and look at all the people who appear to be too ignorant to know this, either because they are lying or because they are Stupendously Stupid. My woman and I are watching the new season of Discovery of Witches which is hitting hard the theme that we keep forgetting history, and then paying for this mistake/refusal to do the work.

This Woke Revolution is made up of brutal fucks......really shit people.
There’s no forgiveness in the church of the woke

Proportionality isn’t the point. Forgiveness isn’t the point. Things such as age, time, and place are immaterial. The point isn’t to educate others on the wrongness of their transgressions, working ultimately to convert and receive them with open arms.

The point is to capture as many victims as possible so that they can be stripped bare and presented on an altar. This is how holiness is attained.

In wokeism, only its closely guarded ranks are safe from judgment. Everyone else is damnable, the mere existence of “impiety” an act of violence against their beloved deity. The woke faithful are, therefore, highly motivated to search out acts of blasphemy. Once found, they latch on, declaring the accused guilty of a grievous sin.

And we know what the church of the woke does to the sinful. It offers them up as sacrifice to its vengeful and angry god, acts of contrition be damned.

Its pure sadism, from these fucks who claim the be the best of the best there ever was.
By NYPOST Editorial Board

YEP, and look at all the people who appear to be too ignorant to know this, either because they are lying or because they are Stupendously Stupid. My woman and I are watching the new season of Discovery of Witches which is hitting hard the theme that we keep forgetting history, and then paying for this mistake/refusal to do the work.

This Woke Revolution is made up of brutal fucks......really shit people.

yep, really stupid shit right wing pieces of shit. good call.

Teletubbies are the children of SATAN! › tele
This is a very monstrous act of savageness! The teletubbies are not cute, lovable creatures, they are cannibalistic, homosexual, evil demonic monsters born of the ...

Freedom fries - › wiki › Freedom_fries
On March 11, 2003, Republican U.S. Representatives Bob Ney and Walter B. Jones directed the three House cafeterias to change all references to French fries and French toast on menus, and replace them with Freedom fries and Freedom toast, respectively.
‎Anti-French sentiment · ‎Bob Ney · ‎Public opinion in the United... · ‎Minuteman Salsa

How Walter Jones helped create 'Freedom Fries' during the › nation › 2019/02/11 › free...
Feb 11, 2019 — “Since the French are backing down, french fries and French everything needs to be banned,” Neal Rowland, the ... Despite 24 years in Congress working on issues that were both in line (opposition to ... As Jones's stance changed on the war in Iraq, he also came to regret his role in creating freedom fries.

US Congress opts for "freedom fries" - BBC NEWS | › americas
Mar 12, 2003 — French fries in the House of Representatives' cafeterias now have a new name in protest at France's opposition to war on Iraq. ... The move - following the lead of a North Carolina restaurant - reflects the anti-French sentiment among some ... If Mexico votes no, should Mexican restaurants also be banned?

Did Congress Rename Their French Fries to 'Freedom Fries › Fact Checks › Politics
Claim: In 2003, the U.S Congress renamed french fries sold in their cafeterias to “freedom fries” after France expressed opposition to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.
Fact check by True
By NYPOST Editorial Board

YEP, and look at all the people who appear to be too ignorant to know this, either because they are lying or because they are Stupendously Stupid. My woman and I are watching the new season of Discovery of Witches which is hitting hard the theme that we keep forgetting history, and then paying for this mistake/refusal to do the work.

This Woke Revolution is made up of brutal fucks......really shit people.

We all know that the NY Post is a right wing propaganda site, and this is nothing more than a hatchet job, not unlike Fox News spews out.
Cancel culture is something that should definitely be addressed after we beat covid, beat voter suppression, abolish "right to work" laws, and establish universal healthcare.
Cancel culture is something that should definitely be addressed after we beat covid, beat voter suppression, abolish "right to work" laws, and establish universal healthcare.

Speaking of forgiveness, remember how we non-Cultists were called "snowflakes" after the #TangerineTyrant took his throne?
The story as I understand it:

1) This girl tweeted out a couple of inappropriate/racist things about Asians when she was 17

2) She supposedly apologized profusely later on

3) She's 27 today and was fired for those tweets when she was 17

The bigger cultural question is what should be the punishment for a teenager saying something really stupid. A poster on this board recently defended Robert Byrd in saying the NACCP honored him for his work as an ally later in life and turning his back on his past. In today's world would Byrd have had that same opportunity? (and of course what Byrd did was far worse than a racist tweet)

I can't sit here today and say I never told an inappropriate joke (people of a certain age may remember the 'Truly Tasteless Jokes' book series) or made an inappropriate comment when I was young. So I can't act holier than thou to this girl. (Twitter wasn't around when I was young but I'd like to think I sure as hell wouldn't tweet it to the world if it was available.)

Ultimately how long should she pay the price for what she did is kind of the question.
Cancel culture is something that should definitely be addressed after we beat covid, beat voter suppression, abolish "right to work" laws, and establish universal healthcare.

the lefts war on everything not progressive is escalation to the point of forcing parents to start teaching their 3 year olds to never ever utter anything's the only proper way to ensure that they become hard working slaves to the state
By NYPOST Editorial Board

YEP, and look at all the people who appear to be too ignorant to know this, either because they are lying or because they are Stupendously Stupid. My woman and I are watching the new season of Discovery of Witches which is hitting hard the theme that we keep forgetting history, and then paying for this mistake/refusal to do the work.

This Woke Revolution is made up of brutal fucks......really shit people.

The nightmares of the insane are terrifying.
the lefts war on everything not progressive is escalation to the point of forcing parents to start teaching their 3 year olds to never ever utter anything's the only proper way to ensure that they become hard working slaves to the state

Enslaving souls is what these intellectual terrorists the Regressive Left are after.
The radical far left deserves every bit of criticism it gets, but don't even try to imply that the radical far right is any better.

Extremism is extremism no matter which side of the socio-political divide it occurs on.