No, the Monroe doctrine is pretty much dead.
Regardless.....we still need a European power in the western hemisphere like we need a hole in our heads. Being concerned with US foreign policy and not so much with British or Argentinian foreign policy, I side with the Argies on this one.

Not because it's in the best interest of the Falkland Islanders, Not because it's in the best interest of the UK and not because it's in the best interest of Argentina but because it's in the US best interest to keep the Brits out of the western hemisphere. I wouldn't mind seeing them leave the Carribean either.
Regardless.....we still need a European power in the western hemisphere like we need a hole in our heads. Being concerned with US foreign policy and not so much with British or Argentinian foreign policy, I side with the Argies on this one.

Not because it's in the best interest of the Falkland Islanders, Not because it's in the best interest of the UK and not because it's in the best interest of Argentina but because it's in the US best interest to keep the Brits out of the western hemisphere. I wouldn't mind seeing them leave the Carribean either.

I frankly can't believe what you are saying, you are usually so sane and rational.

I had forgotten about Diego Garcia, which the Brits gave to the US in the sixties and evicted all the locals as well. They have been trying to get back since and have compensation but the kindly US and UK has just totally ignored them since.
Regardless.....we still need a European power in the western hemisphere like we need a hole in our heads. Being concerned with US foreign policy and not so much with British or Argentinian foreign policy, I side with the Argies on this one.

Not because it's in the best interest of the Falkland Islanders, Not because it's in the best interest of the UK and not because it's in the best interest of Argentina but because it's in the US best interest to keep the Brits out of the western hemisphere. I wouldn't mind seeing them leave the Carribean either.
By the same token you'd argue we should leave Japan, Turkey, Spain, Korea, Iceland, Germany, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Etc. Now I think we should, but that's not the argument here.
I frankly can't believe what you are saying, you are usually so sane and rational.

I had forgotten about Diego Garcia, which the Brits gave to the US in the sixties and evicted all the locals as well. They have been trying to get back since and have compensation but the kindly US and UK has just totally ignored them since.
I'm just remembering colonial history and how we (the USA) got pulled into two world wars and lost half a million good men putting a stake through the heart of European colonialism (not to mention fascism). I detest American imperialism. Why should I support it in other nations? If I was Argentinian government I wouldn't be the least bit happy about having a European power off my coast. Given Britain's history, can you blame them?
I'm sorry but of what strategic value are the Falklands to the UK?

Besides, the detested Monroe doctrine is still alive. We need a European power in the western hemisphere like we need a hole in our head. You won't find much support in the US for this Tom.

No offense Tom....we love the Brits. Would come over in a heart beat if the French were invading but any claims in the western hemisphere even remotely tainted with European colonialism won't go over well here in the US. Not at all.

What colonialism? The Falklands have never been Argentinian in anyway shape or form but if you think that it will be given back over the blood of 256 servicemen who died defending it, then you are stark raving mad. It seems to me that your main argument is that only the US is allowed to have hegemony over the Americas. I know that you consider South and Central America to be your plaything but that is just crazy and supremely arrogant. I refer you to the post #1.

The strategic significance of the Falklands is mostly in its mineral and fishing wealth which the Argies have latched onto pretty damn quick, there was not a peep out of them until they starting drilling for oil.
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I'm just remembering colonial history and how we (the USA) got pulled into two world wars and lost half a million good men putting a stake through the heart of European colonialism (not to mention fascism). I detest American imperialism. Why should I support it in other nations? If I was Argentinian government I wouldn't be the least bit happy about having a European power off my coast. Given Britain's history, can you blame them?

You are talking total bullshit, they have been there for over 250 years. Perhaps you would have been happier if a dictator like Galtieri had conquered the Falklands and disappeared all the locals like he did on the mainland. For one who professes to believe in democracy you don't seem to care much for the rights of the indigenous population. Well at least we know that the Special Relationship is only special when you want British support to invade Iraq and Afghanistan.

I will say it again as it stands repeating, Britain was the most benign of all colonial powers. If you don't believe that then show me one functioning democracy left by the Spanish or the French? I also find it amazing that some Americans act as if they were never a colonising power themselves.
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also find it amazing that some Americans act as if they were never a colonising power themselves.

Technically we never were. A few islands we took during the SpanAm war, but nothing else. If you want to count manifest destiny, that might apply, but not really.
Technically we never were. A few islands we took during the SpanAm war, but nothing else. If you want to count manifest destiny, that might apply, but not really.

I am specifically talking about spheres of influence or just downright old fashioned imperialism, how many times has the US invaded, destabilised or interfered in Central and South America for instance? Mexico is nothing more than a client state of the US and Cuba was virtually totally owned by the Mafia before the revolution. The Philippines was a colony in all but name as were many of the Pacific islands, Hawaii being just one. Hawaii is most often described as being annexed which is a euphemism for overthrowing the monarchy and seizing the lands. Clinton actually apologised for this, which is a rarity as the US hardly ever feels the need to say sorry for any of its actions.

Apology Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I am specifically talking about spheres of influence or just downright old fashioned imperialism, how many times has the US invaded, destabilised or interfered in Central and South America for instance? Mexico is nothing more than a client state of the US and Cuba was virtually totally owned by the Mafia before the revolution. The Philippines was a colony in all but name as were many of the Pacific islands, Hawaii being just one. Hawaii is most often described as being annexed which is a euphemism for overthrowing the monarchy and seizing the lands. Clinton actually apologised for this, which is a rarity as the US hardly ever feels the need to say sorry for any of its actions.

Apology Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Has Britain appologized for its imperialism?

Also, the bit about the Mafia has nothing to do with the US, nor is the crack about Mexico much good, seeing as how we can't even get them to shut down the flow of illegal traffic into our side of the border...
I assumed that Obama, as per liberal rhetoric, would bend over for the whims of the nations of the Earth, so its kind of funny to see foreigners complaining right and left...
Go colonialism! The Falklands were heavily Argentinian in every way, shape or form but we stole 'em fair and square!!! If you think that it will be given back over the blood of 256 servicemen who died defending it, then you are stark raving mad. It seems to me that your main argument is that only the US is allowed to have hegemony over the Americas. I know that you consider South and Central America to be your plaything but that is just crazy and supremely arrogant. I refer you to the post #1. The Falklands are our damned playground!!

The strategic significance of the Falklands is mostly in its mineral and fishing wealth which the Argies have latched onto pretty damn quick, there was not a peep out of them until they starting drilling for oil.

Glad to see you're a straight shooter!!
BTW, Tom, we still expect you to come to the next war we're holding. No squidging out because of Argentina, it's just not allowed.
I assumed that Obama, as per liberal rhetoric, would bend over for the whims of the nations of the Earth, so its kind of funny to see foreigners complaining right and left...

He's not bent over far enough. They want him to be able to see China.
We aren't asking for American help here. We don't need it. If the balloon goes up we will just load up a few liners with Royal Marines and Paras and give the Argentine banana republic a tonking.

But mates are mates regardless and you should back us up.
Originally Posted by T&A
I assumed that Obama, as per liberal rhetoric, would bend over for the whims of the nations of the Earth, so its kind of funny to see foreigners complaining right and left...

Who is complaining? We don't need nor are asking for your help.