What colonialism? The Falklands have never been Argentinian in anyway shape or form but if you think that it will be given back over the blood of 256 servicemen who died defending it, then you are stark raving mad. It seems to me that your main argument is that only the US is allowed to have hegemony over the Americas. I know that you consider South and Central America to be your plaything but that is just crazy and supremely arrogant. I refer you to the post #1.

The strategic significance of the Falklands is mostly in its mineral and fishing wealth which the Argies have latched onto pretty damn quick, there was not a peep out of them until they starting drilling for oil.

"A British oil company is due to start drilling off the Falklands in a move that is likely to worsen relations between the UK and Argentina."

So you brits are going to war for oil, again. Who the fuck runs your country, the people or the oil companies? We know who's run the U.S for the last 30 years so dont go there.
I don't know what kind of deal BP got from the Iraqi war but it must have been enough to pay someone off considering you are about to put another war on the backs of the British people.
A time of economic downturn is nothing that a good war can't fix, ay mate?