No, white people, you can’t say the N-word

Democrats have no worries
Republicans are guys that pick on gays, taunt women about abortions, and revel in anti education bliss!
You are big in numbers
But falling by the year
Klan on cons, our liberals freaks need all the help they can get
Do not reveal anything about any PM's, the rules. This Poet Fool is trying to bait US into saying something back that could get US banned. I forgot "moore" than this Poet Jackass Fool knows.
5 hours later and the faux Poet has not responded to my expose', what does that show US? It shows me that I pulled a cyber coup de gracie on his ass, by telling everyone what the Fool is trying to do, and that is to get US in trouble if we either revealed his personal name or posted his personal message(PM), which are both against the Forum rules, and therefore subject to being banned off this Forum. That Poet Fool is not smart enough to trick me, and anyone else on here as long as I am able to strategerize his post. I have been telling everyone that Libs are sneaky bastards, you have to be like a radio and tune into them, to understand how they think. Come on back dummy, I gots lots mo fo ya...LOL...His original post about "White People etc", is for starting racial sheet, that is what he is trying to do, and I exposed the!!!
what big ol' girls big money and SJJRSJJS are...there is no expose' to respond to, because you don't know anything.
Trick you? A trick??? LOL. I could slay you with half my brain tied behind my back. You are so "white", it's painful.
By DAVID PAUL KUHN | 11/5/08 12:27 AM EDT

Barack Obama, who will be the nation’s first African-American president, won the largest share of white support of any Democrat in a two-man race since 1976 amid a backdrop of economic anxiety unseen in at least a quarter-century, according to exit polls by The Associated Press and the major television networks.

Obama became the first Democrat to also win a majority since Jimmy Carter with the near-unanimous backing of blacks and the overwhelming support of youth as well as significant inroads with white men and strong support among Hispanics and educated voters.

The Illinois senator won 43 percent of white voters, 4 percentage points below Carter’s performance in 1976 and equal to what Bill Clinton won in the three-man race of 1996. Republican John McCain won 55 percent of the white vote.

Fully 96 percent of black voters supported Obama and constituted 13 percent of the electorate, a 2-percentage-point rise in their national turnout. As in past years, black women turned out at a higher rate than black men.

and your racist party cant get black or women in majority numbers