No, white people, you can’t say the N-word

How would you feel if someone called your wife or adult daughter a cunt?

(I am not doing so, just framing a hypothetical for doesnt work without the close personal connection....if he has one)

How would you react if someone called your wife a dcu

America must be different to the UK as the word cunt is almost exclusively used by men to refer to other men.
How would you feel if someone called your wife or adult daughter a cunt?

(I am not doing so, just framing a hypothetical for doesnt work without the close personal connection....if he has one)

How would you react?

It wouldn't bother me in the least. I would move on. As long as they were not a physical threat, I wouldn't be phased.

However, if at any point they were a physical threat then they would get a double tap to the cranial region
The world would be a better place if you'd take your guns and kill yourself with them. Suicide: always the best use a gun owners weapons.

Deshy gets very upset when people suggest others commit suicide on the internets. Of course maybe she makes exceptions for fellow lefties. We will see.
Another retard thread started by a retard.

The only ones commonly throwing the "N" word about are blacks. You cannot find many whites these days using it. It is repugnant regardless of what race or color you are.

But then, the thread author is a race hustling moron who has more time on his hands than brains.

Yes Poet; you really are THAT stupid.
Desh, you dumbfuck, Grind is not a Republican.

The day she told me not everything is black and white I nearly fell out of my seat. I was amazed she actually knew that was the case. It was truly shocking because seemingly to her everything is black or white. You are one or the other. There are no other options.
The other day, I was talking about saving for retirement, and then I thought, why? What good is that money going to be when you're old and wrinkly? The best retirement plan is a revolver.

logans run. I am telling you, it's the best thing for our society. make the age limit 50.
America must be different to the UK as the word cunt is almost exclusively used by men to refer to other men.

Heh, in the thread where they all discussed whether using cunt should be a bannable offense, I said I didnt know why they didnt apply it to men, that it would be even more insulting for men. No takers.

(btw I voted not to ban.)
It wouldn't bother me in the least. I would move on. As long as they were not a physical threat, I wouldn't be phased.

However, if at any point they were a physical threat then they would get a double tap to the cranial region

fair enough. However there was no physical violence or threat of it in the comment you responded to.
desh is a binary thinker only. left and right are all that can be for her. she is completely incapable of acknowledging anything else.

Why would being a binary thinker limit your options? Just produce a binary code, for instance:

00: Freedom hating rightist
01: Annoying Libertarian
10: Annoying hippie
11: Maoist

Just increase the number of bits to arbitrary levels of precision as required, and you can have near analog levels of choice variability without the danger of noise leaking in.