Noahide Discussion

What, and make them feel important?

And you have nothing but faith that the Illuminati are real. That and Dan Brown novels.

Visiting a site doesn't generally make people feel important. It could be a solution to your own ignorance.

It's funny that you say people in your life consider you intelligent, considering your willful ignorance.
rebuilt templt of jerusalem to dictate world morality

an excerpt from

It's not enough to know that A is good and B is bad, that X is right and Y is wrong. We need to see goodness up close -- close enough to discern the details. We need to live with rightness, be married to it, feel it in our bones. We need an intimate relationship with G-d.

To a certain extent, it is possible to achieve this intimate relationship in today's world. We have the Torah, in which G-d placed His soul and personality, His aspirations and idiosyncrasies. The Torah is a detailed chronicle of G-d's desires and aversions, His likes and dislikes. The Torah gives us a guide to life that is both spiritual and practical, answering our yearning for intimacy with the Divine while governing our conduct through the physical world.

But the problem is that Torah is a written document. So what do you tell someone who says, "I, too, have a 'Torah', and my tradition has a different interpretation of right and wrong than yours"? And how can we ourselves be sure that we got all the nuances right and the written text is being optimally applied to our lives?

If only there was a place where goodness and rightness actually lived! A place with a street address and phone number. A place where we can physically go to and bring our cousins and neighbors. Look, we'd say, here's truth, that's goodness, this is justice, see? And they'd see.

There was such a place: the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, G-d's home in the physical world. That's what we're missing.

go read the whole thing. this site has some mesed up stuff on it.
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