Nobody Said You Wouldn't Get COVID if You're Vaccinated!

I already quoted what Biden actually said in that interview you fucking liar.

Read my posts on it
I know you are designed to merely hand out lies as disinformation

It’s how Putin ordered your programmer to write your program
December 11/2020 was when the first vaccine came out asshole

At that moment the DATA suggested that

A short time later as more people got vaxxed the real pattern emerged

It was just so effective at first that the DATA suggested that information
Lie. There is no quote anywhere in there.

Another lie. The full quote is not there.

Maddow is a commentator, not an expert.

Your Russian handler needs to update your software because you cannot even tell straight facts.

Maddow was quoting the experts

At that point the DATA suggested that
Lie. There is no quote anywhere in there.
Continued denial. Obviously you didn't read it or else you would have found it. You can also quite literally press CTRL+F on that page and then search for the precise words that you're looking for. They come up when you do that.

Another lie. The full quote is not there.
Yes, it is.

Maddow is a commentator, not an expert.
Irrelevant. She said the words quoted in the OP, regardless of what or who she is.

Your Russian handler needs to update your software because you cannot even tell straight facts.
You don't even know what facts are, dude.
Tell us what line in those links your claimed quotes are on

Go get them in context in the material

You can’t and wont
Continued denial. Obviously you didn't read it or else you would have found it. You can also quite literally press CTRL+F on that page and then search for the precise words that you're looking for. They come up when you do that.

It was a unscripted interview, dumbass.

Here's another quote for you to read: "If you're vaccinated, even if you do 'catch the virus,' quote, unquote, like people talk about it in normal terms, you're -- not many people do. If you do, you're not likely to get sick. You're probably going to be symptomless. You're not going to be in a position where your life is in danger."

So here the President Biden is saying that you might get sick even when you are vaccinated. Covid was a novel virus so of course they were still researching it.


Correct. She is irrelevant. Thanks for admitting.

You don't even know what facts are, dude.

You lied about the quotes. Deal with it.

This is post 58

You never proved those quotes are in those links

We can’t find those quotes in the links you posted

Because they are not real quotes
My doctor said if I got the shot, it was unlikely I would get Covid. If I were one of those people who still got it, hospital studies show it would be a much less dangerous episode and I would very likely not get hospitalized. I did not get Covid after the vaccine.
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