Nobody Said You Wouldn't Get COVID if You're Vaccinated!

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I’m saying — look — (laughs) — it’s a little bit like when I got elected. You know, the — this pandemic was out of control. You know, we’ve lost more people in the United States — over 630-some-thousand people than in every major war we’ve ever fought, in the United States of America. And that’s come to a screeching halt for those who’ve been vaccinated. It really has. Not a joke. This is overwhelming evidence to sustain that.

And so, what I say to people who are worried about a new pandemic is: Get vaccinated. If you’re vaccinated, even if you do catch the “virus,” quote, unquote — like people talk about it in normal terms — you’re in overwhelm- — not many people do. If you do, you’re not likely to get sick. You’re probably going to be symptomless. You’re not going to be in a position where you — where your life is in danger.

Biden was not elected.
Paradox V.
Hey there dumbbell, have a looksee at this short audio video where Rochelle herself quotes exactly what I said from the OP that "Vaccinated people do not carry the virus and don't get sick." You have plenty of time to apologize to me for your stupid lie. Her quote comes somewhere in the middle of the sub two-minute video.

It is, of course, a blatant lie. The mRNA 'vaccine' instructs the body to manufacture covid19 cells. The line of thinking here is that this will get the body to develop antibodies to fight off covid19.

Every person vaccinated had covid19.
Biden was not elected.
Paradox V.

You should stop that. You have no idea how crazy it makes you seem. Biden is in office and he won the election. Trump is on his way to jail. The election happened. It was proven fair and honest by Trump. Do yourself favor and stop posting crazy.
My doctor said if I got the shot, it was unlikely I would get Covid. If I were one of those people who still got it, hospital studies show it would be a much less dangerous episode and I would very likely not get hospitalized. I did not get Covid after the vaccine.

Your doctor lied. The mRNA 'vaccine' instructs your body to manufacture covid19. EVERYONE that has the 'vaccine' has been infected by covid19. The 'vaccine' HAS caused death by allergic reaction, AND also death from untreated pneumonia.
It was a unscripted interview, dumbass.

Here's another quote for you to read: "If you're vaccinated, even if you do 'catch the virus,' quote, unquote, like people talk about it in normal terms, you're -- not many people do. If you do, you're not likely to get sick. You're probably going to be symptomless. You're not going to be in a position where your life is in danger."

So here the President Biden is saying that you might get sick even when you are vaccinated. Covid was a novel virus so of course they were still researching it.

Correct. She is irrelevant. Thanks for admitting.

You lied about the quotes. Deal with it.

Still making shit up again I see.
You should stop that. You have no idea how crazy it makes you seem. Biden is in office and he won the election. Trump is on his way to jail. The election happened. It was proven fair and honest by Trump. Do yourself favor and stop posting crazy.

There was no election in 2020. Biden did not win. Trump is not on his way to jail. Gaslighting. You are making shit up.
There was no election in 2020. Biden did not win. Trump is not on his way to jail. Gaslighting. You are making shit up.

Stop it. You are making yourself look dumber by the day. Trump is becoming aware the cops are closing in. He spent the money to fix his plane. Ever wonder why he let it sit so long? Now he needs it ready. You do not know what gaslighting is either. It is certainly not part of a proper response. Making shit up? I did not say there was no election in 2020. That is making shit up.
Did you hear about his company tax case? Guilty on all 17 counts. That is just the beginning.
You are making yourself look dumber by the day.
Insulting me doesn't make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats go away.
Trump is becoming aware the cops are closing in.
They aren't.
He spent the money to fix his plane.
Why not? It's a nice plane.
Ever wonder why he let it sit so long?
He didn't need it.
Now he needs it ready.
You do not know what gaslighting is either.
Yes I do.
It is certainly not part of a proper response.
Yes it is.
Making shit up?
That's what I said. You are making shit up.
I did not say there was no election in 2020. That is making shit up.
No, it isn't. There was no election in 2020. The election faulted due to election fraud by Democrats.
Did you hear about his company tax case? Guilty on all 17 counts. That is just the beginning.
Persecution by a kangaroo court in an oligarchy. Meh.

Insulting me doesn't make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats go away.

They aren't.

Why not? It's a nice plane.

He didn't need it.


Yes I do.

Yes it is.

That's what I said. You are making shit up.

No, it isn't. There was no election in 2020. The election faulted due to election fraud by Democrats.

Persecution by a kangaroo court in an oligarchy. Meh.

So defend trump against the 17 charges. they were assessed by a jury. It took them under 10 hours to ascertain Trump's company guilty of all charges.

Dr. Anthony Fauci (NIAID Director) "When people are vaccinated they're not going to get infected."

President Joe Biden (POTUS) "You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations."

Rochelle Walensky, MD (CDC Director) "Vaccinated people don't carry the virus and don't get sick."

Rachel Maddow-MadCow (MSNBC News) "Now we know the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops."

Bill Gates ("Expert") "Everyone who takes the vaccine is reducing their transmission."

Albert Bourla (Pfizer CEO) "There is no variant that escapes the protection of our vaccines."


To make it simple for you. Covid was a new virus. It was not known how bad it would get. Fauci simply relayed what science was discovering about the virus. He did not lie, except for the masks in the very early days. The vaccine worked for 85 percent of the people. That leaves millions of Americans vulnerable.It was never 100 percent guaranteed. However, any intelligent person would want a 85 percent relief from a virus.
To make it simple for you. Covid was a new virus.
The Covid/SARS series is not new. Covid19 is a new variant of that series.
It was not known how bad it would get.
Covid19 is the mildest variant of the Covid/SARS series ever discovered. NONE of the Covid/SARS series viruses kills.
Fauci simply relayed what science was discovering about the virus.
There is none. Science isn't 'discoveries'. Science isn't a virus. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
He did not lie,
Fauci lied.
except for the masks in the very early days.
N95 masks are completely ineffective against a virus. They are dust masks. They are not designed to be worn for more than a couple of hours at most. Wearing them longer is unhealthy since these masks harbor fungi and bacteria.
The vaccine worked for 85 percent of the people.
The 'vaccine' isn't a vaccine. It's a treatment. The mRNA treatment touted as a 'vaccine' instructs the cells in your body to manufacture covid19. EVERYONE that took the treatment was infected with covid19.
That leaves millions of Americans vulnerable.
They are whether they had the treatment or not. Fortunately, covid19 does not kill. NONE of the Covid/SARS series of viruses kill.
It was never 100 percent guaranteed.
Then Fauci lied. Biden lied. Walensky lied. Bill Gates lied. Bourla lied. They ALL claimed it was 100% effective.
However, any intelligent person would want a 85 percent relief from a virus.
Nope. Not good enough. I want my immune system to completely eradicate said virus. Fortunately, it's pretty good at it.

Mandating masks produces paradox M.
Mandating any vaccine (or treatment in this case) produces paradox V.