Nominations for greatest american poll

he's just a figurehead. as much of an american icon as he is, if he didn't exist, someone else would have had his place. It's not like he singlehandidly made it to the moon...
It aint like Christopher Columbus made it to the new world single handedly either. Can you name one other person in the three ships who shared his voyage? Can you name one other person from the Apollo 11 mission?

And calling Armstrong a figure head is, well a slanderous thing to say about the greatest American pilot and Astronaut of his era. There were damned good reasons why Armstrong piloted Apollo 11 and he was hardly spam in a can.
It aint like Christopher Columbus made it to the new world single handedly either. Can you name one other person in the three ships who shared his voyage? Can you name one other person from the Apollo 11 mission?

buzz aldrin and michael collins. it's pretty common knowledge.
just because i can't name someone else with columbus doesn't make him important, rather it just reflects the over emphasis history has placed on figureheads.

If it wasn't neil armstrong it would have been someone else. Apollo 11 obviously had a backup crew. Sure what he did was great, but at the end of the day, his job was replaceable. That's why no one gave a shit after the first moon landing. Big fucking deal.
St. John Moses Browning.

Ok, now you have me beat.....or at least even.

Jonas Salk's work stopped an epidemic that killed tens of thousands annually.

World wide, his vaccine took polio from 350,000 case annually to less than 1,000 cases.

And he worked 7 days a week for several years just to stop the disease, without seeking personal gain. When he was asked who owned the patent on the vaccine he replied "There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?".
Are you serious? At least try some nomination conservation. I don't want you to clutter the list with 5000 picks, none of which are serious.

Actually, I'm dead serious about the Robber Barons. They drove America forward enormously. Carnegie and Ford were also very good to their workers, and arguably the two best bosses to work under in American history. Morgan bailed out the federal government in 1907, which no one else has ever done. I think its mostly Vandenberg and Rockefeller who give the Big 5 their bad reputation, as well as lesser corporate bosses from the age.

The only picks I'm not serious about are obviously Grind (who is nevertheless a legend unto himself) and the Grinch, as I can never resist spouting out that quote from sweet little Cindy Who from the movie. Scott was the greatest US general of the 19th Century (and a great Whig thinker as well), and Patton the greatest of the 20th. Adams was the greatest Founding Father.
Damn....I managed to post that even more hammered than I was a yesterday.

Also, Samual Colt and Hiram Maxim. Captains of industry and innovation all.
Actually, I'm dead serious about the Robber Barons. They drove America forward enormously. Carnegie and Ford were also very good to their workers, and arguably the two best bosses to work under in American history. Morgan bailed out the federal government in 1907, which no one else has ever done. I think its mostly Vandenberg and Rockefeller who give the Big 5 their bad reputation, as well as lesser corporate bosses from the age.

The only picks I'm not serious about are obviously Grind (who is nevertheless a legend unto himself) and the Grinch, as I can never resist spouting out that quote from sweet little Cindy Who from the movie. Scott was the greatest US general of the 19th Century (and a great Whig thinker as well), and Patton the greatest of the 20th. AdamsJefferson was the greatest Founding Father.
Actually, I'm dead serious about the Robber Barons. They drove America forward enormously. Carnegie and Ford were also very good to their workers, and arguably the two best bosses to work under in American history. Morgan bailed out the federal government in 1907, which no one else has ever done. I think its mostly Vandenberg and Rockefeller who give the Big 5 their bad reputation, as well as lesser corporate bosses from the age.

The only picks I'm not serious about are obviously Grind (who is nevertheless a legend unto himself) and the Grinch, as I can never resist spouting out that quote from sweet little Cindy Who from the movie. Scott was the greatest US general of the 19th Century (and a great Whig thinker as well), and Patton the greatest of the 20th. Adams was the greatest Founding Father.

Ford actually had people (employees) looking into other employees windows on the facilities set up by Ford for his workers to live in to see if they were doing things like drinking. And if a finger was pointed, they were usually fired.