Nominations for greatest american poll

Thomas Paine, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King

LOLZ, you picked my least favorite faux-Founder, Paine, I see.

So you prefer the serial hypocrite, anti-free markets, slave-raping, Jefferson, eh?

Ford actually had people (employees) looking into other employees windows on the facilities set up by Ford for his workers to live in to see if they were doing things like drinking. And if a finger was pointed, they were usually fired.

Well, prohibition was going on, and I can see why Ford would be worried about booze being smuggled onto his company towns, because he could be held liable for it. Point taken, though.
If we're going to mention an anti-gun fanatic, why not alcohol and drug prohibitionist heroes as well??? Oh, yeah, and Janet Reno, for going after tobacco.
James Brady? I know your just saying that to enrage me.

It aint like Christopher Columbus made it to the new world single handedly either. Can you name one other person in the three ships who shared his voyage? Can you name one other person from the Apollo 11 mission?

And calling Armstrong a figure head is, well a slanderous thing to say about the greatest American pilot and Astronaut of his era. There were damned good reasons why Armstrong piloted Apollo 11 and he was hardly spam in a can.

Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins.