Noncooperation With Congress? Yeah, Nixon Tried That. Didn't Work For Him Either.

Hello rjhenn,

No, his 'point' only demonstrated that he didn't understand your point.

I believe he did and instead of making direct acknowledgement it merely caused him to think of a loosely related point.

One of the lessons to be had in posting at JPP is to go back and reread things and try to see them in a different perspective. And we must always keep in mind that communicating in the written language is not the same as voice. There's no inflection in the written word. Context is perceived differently. I think most of the people who post here are pretty smart, yourself included, but we write with varying degrees of effectiveness in conveying our thoughts. In a voice conversation one is on the spot to speak when the opportunity arises. Gotta go with whatever is no your mind in the time allotted. Here, one can take all the time they desire to make a response. That gives time for much more inflection, leading to conversations that take seemingly wild turns.
Any appearance of fairness toward the Executive should in the very least afford the President a full vote of the House before convening an impeachment inquiry in my opinion. But then of course I’d never expect Nancy Pelosi or any democrat politician for that matter to have a dime’s worth of respect for the Presidency or any example of fairness for an opposition President.

Not only is Pelosi & her democrat henchmen willfully ignorant about any appearance of fairness, but transparency in their kangaroo court is being hidden behind closed hearing doors so that only any tidbits supporting impeachment get leaked to their major media propaganda machine CNN while any exculpatory testimony can only be noticed by the Republican leaks to Fox. Honest folk would prefer open public hearings & the antiseptic of sun light. But what the hell why be fair, honest and non-partisan when you can get away being a typical lo-life scumbag? To hell with America’s public citizens, those ass-holes ain’t paying attention anyhow And like Hitler once noted, “the people ain’t smart enough to know who their leaders should be.”

Then we have old Bug Eyes Adam Schiff, Kangaroo Court Committee Chairman leading the charge. Madam Nancy couldn’t have picked a better hyper partisan serial liar and crooked bastard to lead the mob. Ole Adam is still waiting on those Russian impersonators to deliver up those naked Trump pictures he fell for.

But never fear folks! Every intelligent folk in America who’s paying any attention to this sham knows just by watching the democrat’s Kabuki theater operation that Madam Nancy won’t call for a full house vote because she doesn’t have the votes, and or she wants to protect those moderate democrats that got elected in those precincts that Trump won in 16. Voting for an impeachment inquiry could get them defeated in 20. We’re also very well aware that Bug Eyes Schiff’s hearings are all secret because to allow them to be public, would reveal to honest folk the sham that’s taking place & like always the neo-commie democrats have squat for evidence to impeach this President, & every day it’s becoming more & more apparent that the lynch mob of democrat candidates for the Presidency couldn’t get elected dogcatcher in any honest & informed country.

Amazing. None of that is true. There is no need for a vote to start and it is irrelevant. These hearings are being held to the letter as Boehner set them up when he held power. He was a far right Republican.
The hearings are held in front of 3 committees that have Repub and Dem members in every hearing. There are no secret hearings and soon there will be public ones.
A Federal court made the decision that the investigators should have access to the grand jury testimony. All of it because the judge determined it is a legitimate Impeachment Investigation.
Amazing. None of that is true. There is no need for a vote to start and it is irrelevant. These hearings are being held to the letter as Boehner set them up when he held power. He was a far right Republican.
The hearings are held in front of 3 committees that have Repub and Dem members in every hearing. There are no secret hearings and soon there will be public ones.
A Federal court made the decision that the investigators should have access to the grand jury testimony. All of it because the judge determined it is a legitimate Impeachment Investigation.
Robo has no awareness of anything. It's all just what his masters have told him to 'think'. And it's Trump who has no respect for the Presidency.

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Since the Democrats as a Party declared themselves as actively 'Resistant' to anything and everything he does, no matter what, why would he cooperate? What incentive does he have? It's kind of silly to expect him to cooperate, especially when we all know if they vote for impeachment it will blow up in their faces like all of their previous claims and actions; the Senate is not going to remove him from office, and probably won't even pay any attention to the demand. They gave away 2020 to Trump with their open admission of favoring illegal aliens over citizens in their fake 'Debates' on national TV. One doesn't have to be a partisan to see the obvious here.
Incentive now that's a hoot. so you should give criminal incentives so that they cooperate. What he is apposing is this country laws. He isn't going to get out of this by some dictatorial nonsense. The courts and the house have the say and it is simple, if he doesn't cooperate with our legal system, then he is adding to his criminal charges it's call obstruction of justice > The bullshit idea that this turd has the right to disregard our law and constitution is deplorable. If this country allowed that then he is then a dictator not only by actions but by law.
Why does the right think that they can pick and choose which part of the constitution they will work under and which party of the constitution they can just ignore, This is what happens when you elect a mentally ill ass hole.
Why would Trump cooperate? If he is innocent, he would walk away free and clear and win the next election. He should gladly provide all they want and then they will stop. They are not like the Reds who had a dozen investigations into Hillary. They are investigating what are potentially real and serious crimes. Trump could prove them wrong. Or act like a criminal with much to hide. That is what he is doing bigly.
Why would Trump cooperate? If he is innocent, he would walk away free and clear and win the next election. He should gladly provide all they want and then they will stop. They are not like the Reds who had a dozen investigations into Hillary. They are investigating what are potentially real and serious crimes. Trump could prove them wrong. Or act like a criminal with much to hide. That is what he is doing bigly.
Great point but as usual the pile of shit that the right has made into their new god, is in his normal position, no matter what he does with the investigation this ass hole will still look like a ass hole. That the dilemma with being a ass hole.
lol I see delusion is still the preferred way of dealing with failure for the Democrats.

Nixon was never impeached, by the way, but I guess the Party of fake news and fake 'Resistance' thinks it can bully Trump into resigning. How embarrassing it's getting for them since that tactic is failing miserably; the insane BS they have to invent daily is catching up with them and their base is slowly disintegrating into little mutually hostile cults and splitting on racial lines, the latter is a particularly serious problem for them, since encouraging violent racism is their only chance at winning, and their pandering to criminal illegal aliens has made their black racists very nervous at losing their status as the Party's pet racists.
lol I see delusion is still the preferred way of dealing with failure for the Democrats.

Nixon was never impeached, by the way, but I guess the Party of fake news and fake 'Resistance' thinks it can bully Trump into resigning. How embarrassing it's getting for them since that tactic is failing miserably; the insane BS they have to invent daily is catching up with them and their base is slowly disintegrating into little mutually hostile cults and splitting on racial lines, the latter is a particularly serious problem for them, since encouraging violent racism is their only chance at winning, and their pandering to criminal illegal aliens has made their black racists very nervous at losing their status as the Party's pet racists.

Nicely put, Chuck. The Dim Dems that post on this site are VERY, VERY dim. And when we get two Dems posting on here at the same time, it really IS a case of "Dim and Dimmer"!
Now we are just adding charges to the Articles of Impeachment.

We have seen before that Trump has been bankrupted financially.

And we know he is morally bankrupt.

Now it is time to strip him of his title and power.

And let him face all the legal charges he is responsible for, without any immunity.
Trump is a bad president and a bad human being. His flaws run through everything he touches. Laws and rules are just obstacles to be beaten or ignored. The consideration for Trump is does it profit him? Do people think he actually cares about the country?
Hello Chuck,

Are you a real person?

The reason I ask is because I have responded to your posts here in this thread, countering your points with very substantial challenges to your views, but you have never stood up for yourself. I now wonder if you are a real person or perhaps a bot. Are you able to conduct a two-way conversation or are you only able to make these drive-by posts seen so far..........

lol I see delusion is still the preferred way of dealing with failure for the Democrats.

Nixon was never impeached, by the way, but I guess the Party of fake news and fake 'Resistance' thinks it can bully Trump into resigning. How embarrassing it's getting for them since that tactic is failing miserably; the insane BS they have to invent daily is catching up with them and their base is slowly disintegrating into little mutually hostile cults and splitting on racial lines, the latter is a particularly serious problem for them, since encouraging violent racism is their only chance at winning, and their pandering to criminal illegal aliens has made their black racists very nervous at losing their status as the Party's pet racists.

Very serious accusations have been made against President Trump. Unsurprisingly, you have made no attempt to defend him. There really is no defense for Trump. He needs to be impeached and removed. He has no conscience, so he will never resign. We know this. We know that the only way to make him answer for his crimes is to impeach him in the House and compel the Senate to convict and remove him.

This falls into the hands of the Republican Senators, a tall order for them because they have been forced to support the President, even though they are uncomfortable in doing so.

Republican Senators will soon be called onto the mat and forced to choose between loyalty to Trump, or loyalty to the Constitution. They can't have it both ways.

Let us hope they choose the correct path, for the good of the nation.
Hello Chuck,

Are you a real person?

The reason I ask is because I have responded to your posts here in this thread, countering your points with very substantial challenges to your views, but you have never stood up for yourself. I now wonder if you are a real person or perhaps a bot. Are you able to conduct a two-way conversation or are you only able to make these drive-by posts seen so far..........

Very serious accusations have been made against President Trump. Unsurprisingly, you have made no attempt to defend him. There really is no defense for Trump. He needs to be impeached and removed. He has no conscience, so he will never resign. We know this. We know that the only way to make him answer for his crimes is to impeach him in the House and compel the Senate to convict and remove him.

This falls into the hands of the Republican Senators, a tall order for them because they have been forced to support the President, even though they are uncomfortable in doing so.

Republican Senators will soon be called onto the mat and forced to choose between loyalty to Trump, or loyalty to the Constitution. They can't have it both ways.

Let us hope they choose the correct path, for the good of the nation.

Listen to the hypocrite who has everyone who disagrees with her on ignore asking for a reply.

Noncooperation With Congress? Yeah, Nixon Tried That. Didn't Work For Him Either.

This isn't Watergate. It will never be Watergate. Executive privilege; read the Constitution. The Congress cannot compel a President to do anything unless they can make a compelling case to the American people.

The Ukrainian Hoax is only compelling to willful idiots lacking a brain to think for themselves.
Trump is a bad president and a bad human being. His flaws run through everything he touches. Laws and rules are just obstacles to be beaten or ignored. The consideration for Trump is does it profit him? Do people think he actually cares about the country?

why do you allow hatred to animate your soul?
Listen to the hypocrite who has everyone who disagrees with her on ignore asking for a reply.

As a moderate I'm perfectly willing to discuss Trump's real faults, but unfortunately Democrats and faux 'Progressives' have become full out traitors and a Party shilling for violent racist genocides and can't seem to post anything but memes their Party tells them to parrot, which have no base at all in reality, like some bourgeoisie Burb Brat college kids reading Maoist speeches on May day and wondering why they're laughed at and ignored.

I only take American citizens and patriots seriously re discussing American politics, regardless of their place on the spectrum. It's probably time to follow Thomas Jefferson's advice and start deporting the malcontents who reject American principles and advocate radical racial replacement agendas and the extreme violence that accompanies such 'ethnic cleansing' agendas, as the Democratic Party's entire raft of Presidential candidates endorsed in both of their faux 'Debates' on national television. It was only a matter of time they would come out of their closet on that goal, after seeing how well their agenda of genociding Jews out of the ME flew with their Obama led base, 100% support for that mass murder agenda as well. Obama's popularity with the Democratic Party 's base went way up when he looted billions out of the US Treasury in untraceable cash to the Iranians after they promised to nuke Israel.
Why would Trump cooperate? If he is innocent, he would walk away free and clear and win the next election. He should gladly provide all they want and then they will stop. They are not like the Reds who had a dozen investigations into Hillary. They are investigating what are potentially real and serious crimes. Trump could prove them wrong. Or act like a criminal with much to hide. That is what he is doing bigly.
Because you would have to be blind to support him, he is guilty he has verbally admitted it himself and has done it in front of a camera. The hate party thinks that the law can be changed to protect this scum bag.
The power of impeachment lies with the House.

It is not up to the executive to decide how impeachment is supposed to go.

The power lies with the House. That's in the Constitution. The House has no Rules requiring a floor vote.

And there is no court to go to about this. (Trump's favorite recourse to get his way.)

Nixon tried not cooperating with the House. Nixon also had articles against him for obstructing the Impeachment Inquiry, in addition to Watergate.

Trump is going to have articles against him for obstructing the House Impeachment Inquiry, in addition to Abuse of office and Violation of Oath of office, over the Ukraine Affair.

Keep it up, Mr. President. You're just digging yourself in deeper.

Nixon wasn't impeached.

The Senate will be the court, if the Democrats are stupid enough to impeach.