Not even Donald Trump can control the monster he created

You've made that unfounded allegation before. Time to come up with some evidence.

This claim is supported by the facts. Here is a ‘bell curve’ distribution of IQ scores in the general US population. It is called a bell curve because of its bell shape. It has a similar shape for all populations in which IQ has been measured.

This curve tells us that the average IQ score is 100, and about 95% of the population have an IQ score (measured by a valid IQ test) somewhere between 70 and 130. 68% have an IQ level between 85 and 115. Each 15 IQ point interval is called one standard deviation – so we can say that 95% of the population have an IQ between -2 and +2 standard deviations from 100. Mensa requires an IQ of 130 which puts you in the top 2% of the population.

Now look at this data on college students, based on SAT scores. First, going back to 1930 (translating back from standard deviations to IQ scores!) you can see that the average IQ of all college graduates was 111. The average IQ of Ivy League colleges was 120. That’s not that different. of,have an IQ level between 85 and 115.
Lol, I'm still waiting for you to say something intelligent.

Besides the consistent stupidity like denying 121 degree temperatures in Canada, denying that Trump played a role in Stimulus, denying that masks help or that pollution exists, or that universal healthcare saves lives.

You are a complete stupid savage who is deeply mentally ill.

Argument by repetition fallacy. Yet another sign of lack of intelligence.
The fact that you equate race with beliefs proves that you're a dummy.

Even scientific studies propose that genes influencing serotonin causes individualism.

Culture-gene coevolution of individualism-collectivism and the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR)
October 2009Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277(1681):529-37
Joan Y Chiao
Northwestern University
Katherine D Blizinsky
National Institutes of Health
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Citations (411)
References (60)
Figures (4)

Abstract and Figures
Culture-gene coevolutionary theory posits that cultural values have evolved, are adaptive and influence the social and physical environments under which genetic selection operates. Here, we examined the association between cultural values of individualism-collectivism and allelic frequency of the serotonin transporter functional polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) as well as the role this culture-gene association may play in explaining global variability in prevalence of pathogens and affective disorders. We found evidence that collectivistic cultures were significantly more likely to comprise individuals carrying the short (S) allele of the 5-HTTLPR across 29 nations. Results further show that historical pathogen prevalence predicts cultural variability in individualism-collectivism owing to genetic selection of the S allele. Additionally, cultural values and frequency of S allele carriers negatively predict global prevalence of anxiety and mood disorder. Finally, mediation analyses further indicate that increased frequency of S allele carriers predicted decreased anxiety and mood disorder prevalence owing to increased collectivistic cultural values. Taken together, our findings suggest culture-gene coevolution between allelic frequency of 5-HTTLPR and cultural values of individualism-collectivism and support the notion that cultural values buffer genetically susceptible populations from increased prevalence of affective disorders. Implications of the current findings for understanding culture-gene coevolution of human brain and behaviour as well as how this coevolutionary process may contribute to global variation in pathogen prevalence and epidemiology of affective disorders, such as anxiety and depression, are discussed.
This claim is supported by the facts. Here is a ‘bell curve’ distribution of IQ scores in the general US population. It is called a bell curve because of its bell shape. It has a similar shape for all populations in which IQ has been measured.

This curve tells us that the average IQ score is 100, and about 95% of the population have an IQ score (measured by a valid IQ test) somewhere between 70 and 130. 68% have an IQ level between 85 and 115. Each 15 IQ point interval is called one standard deviation – so we can say that 95% of the population have an IQ between -2 and +2 standard deviations from 100. Mensa requires an IQ of 130 which puts you in the top 2% of the population.

Now look at this data on college students, based on SAT scores. First, going back to 1930 (translating back from standard deviations to IQ scores!) you can see that the average IQ of all college graduates was 111. The average IQ of Ivy League colleges was 120. That’s not that different. of,have an IQ level between 85 and 115.

Wow. The fact that you misread my simple request says a lot about your lack of intelligence. :rofl2:
Even scientific studies propose that genes influencing serotonin causes individualism.

Culture-gene coevolution of individualism-collectivism and the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR)
October 2009Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277(1681):529-37
Joan Y Chiao
Northwestern University
Katherine D Blizinsky
National Institutes of Health
Download full-text PDF
Read full-text

Citations (411)
References (60)
Figures (4)

Abstract and Figures
Culture-gene coevolutionary theory posits that cultural values have evolved, are adaptive and influence the social and physical environments under which genetic selection operates. Here, we examined the association between cultural values of individualism-collectivism and allelic frequency of the serotonin transporter functional polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) as well as the role this culture-gene association may play in explaining global variability in prevalence of pathogens and affective disorders. We found evidence that collectivistic cultures were significantly more likely to comprise individuals carrying the short (S) allele of the 5-HTTLPR across 29 nations. Results further show that historical pathogen prevalence predicts cultural variability in individualism-collectivism owing to genetic selection of the S allele. Additionally, cultural values and frequency of S allele carriers negatively predict global prevalence of anxiety and mood disorder. Finally, mediation analyses further indicate that increased frequency of S allele carriers predicted decreased anxiety and mood disorder prevalence owing to increased collectivistic cultural values. Taken together, our findings suggest culture-gene coevolution between allelic frequency of 5-HTTLPR and cultural values of individualism-collectivism and support the notion that cultural values buffer genetically susceptible populations from increased prevalence of affective disorders. Implications of the current findings for understanding culture-gene coevolution of human brain and behaviour as well as how this coevolutionary process may contribute to global variation in pathogen prevalence and epidemiology of affective disorders, such as anxiety and depression, are discussed.

Actually hiring the elderly & disables is often not good for the workforce.
They can barely work & many can't work.
Many can work.
Even at the pace the elderly & disabled can work.
They'd for the most part never be able to make it without help from the government.
I know quite a few that have even started their own companies. They require no help from the government.
That's why your ideals would be nearly genocidal on our most vulnerable citizens.
Furthermore homelessness would sky rocket.
It already has. Caused by government.
Crazy people would be more dangerous & street bound without proper treatments.
They are not getting any treatment. They are on the street.
Crime would then sky rocket as a result as well.
It is currently too dangerous to go into Portland, day or night. It is too dangerous to go into Seattle during the night. Crime and lawlessness, you see. There is no significant police force.
As for Universal healthcare it saves so many lives.
A lot of people can't pay for healthcare & end up sick would just die untreated.
They ARE paying for healthcare, dumbass. 'Free' healthcare ain't free.
Studies show mask up the odds against getting the virus.
It's not a casino. Masks are completely ineffective against a virus. A 'study' is not a proof.
Pollution isbtoxic , too much of anything where it isn't supposed to be can be toxic.
Water is toxic. Salt is toxic. Milk is toxic. Ozone is toxic. Any one of these can kill you. You consider these 'pollution'?
Define "where it isn't supposed to be".
Define 'pollution'.
Argument by repetition fallacy. Yet another sign of lack of intelligence.

Mayo Clinic Minute: Study shows masks can prevent COVID-19 distance in reducing the spread of COVID-19.

Temperature of 121 F sets new national record high in Canada
By Adam Douty, AccuWeather senior meteorologist Lytton is no stranger to sizzling heat.

New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage
Uninsured, working-age Americans have 40 percent higher death risk than privately insured counterparts

Trump signs COVID-19 relief bill with $600 stimulus checks
By Steven Nelson and Tamar Lapin
December 27, 2020 8:11pm Updated
President Trump signs COVID relief bill


Trump, pols torch Biden over deadly terror attacks that killed 13 US troops
Trump says Kabul airport explosion wouldn’t have happened if he were president
‘I was doing my job’: Capitol officer defends shooting Ashli Babbitt during riot
Capitol Police officers file lawsuit against Trump, Proud Boys, dozens more
President Trump on Sunday signed a $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and government funding bill that includes $600 stimulus checks for most Americans, after refusing to accept the deal for days.
Many can work.

I know quite a few that have even started their own companies. They require no help from the government.


It already has. Caused by government.

They are not getting any treatment. They are on the street.

It is currently too dangerous to go into Portland, day or night. It is too dangerous to go into Seattle during the night. Crime and lawlessness, you see. There is no significant police force.

They ARE paying for healthcare, dumbass. 'Free' healthcare ain't free.

It's not a casino. Masks are completely ineffective against a virus. A 'study' is not a proof.

Water is toxic. Salt is toxic. Milk is toxic. Ozone is toxic. Any one of these can kill you. You consider these 'pollution'?
Define "where it isn't supposed to be".
Define 'pollution'.

Disability statistics
This page was last updated on March 28, 2018.

Millions of working Americans are facing a growing crisis: a lack of adequate disability insurance coverage. Today, the absence of emergency savings, rising medical costs, and an overall trend of fewer employers offering benefits to workers has created a critical blind spot for many American workers and their families. Without some kind of income protection, more Americans are experiencing severe financial difficulty if they need to miss work due to illness, injury, or pregnancy.

A lack of adequate disability coverage.
At least 51 million working adults in the United States are without disability insurance other than the basic coverage available through Social Security1.
Only 48 percent of American adults indicate they have enough savings to cover three months of living expenses in the event they’re not earning any income2.
Almost half of American adults indicate they can’t pay an unexpected $400 bill without having to take out a loan or sell something to do so3.
Chances of missing work due to illness, injury, or pregnancy are greater than most realize.
More than one in four of today’s 20-year-olds can expect to be out of work for at least a year because of a disabling condition before they reach the normal retirement age4.
5.6 percent of working Americans will experience a short-term disability (six months or less) due to illness, injury, or pregnancy on average every year5. Almost all of these are non-occupational in origin6.
The most common reasons for short-term disability claims are7:
Pregnancies (25%)
Musculoskeletal disorders affecting the back and spine, knees, hips, shoulders, and other parts of the body (20%)
Digestive disorders, such as hernias and gastritis (7.8%)
Mental health issues including depression and anxiety (7.7%)
Injuries such as fractures, sprains, and strains of muscles and ligaments (7.5%)
The most common reasons for long-term disability claims are8:
Musculoskeletal disorders (29%)
Cancer (15%)
Pregnancy (9.4%)
Mental health issues including depression and anxiety (9.1%)
Injuries such as fractures, sprains, and strains of muscles and ligaments (9%)
The consequences are alarming.
A 2014 study of consumer bankruptcy filings identified the following as primary reasons: medical bills (26%), lost job (20%), illness or injury on part of self or family member (15%)9.
A 2013 study of bankruptcy filings in Washington state found that cancer patients were 2.65 times more likely to go bankrupt than people without cancer, with younger (under age 50) cancer patients having the highest rates of bankruptcy10.
Lol, so why are A lot of West Europeans & all Chimpanzees O blood type & dolichocephalic in skull form!?
Dude, you just proved me correct about cut’n’paste by cutting and pasting your own stock reply. Can’t you think of different ways to say things much less say them accurately and scientifically based? You write like a Fifth Grader repeating the same insults. If you’re as smart as you claim to be, mix it up with your own phrases and evidence.

FWIW, I’m B+ so go fuck a Polish chimp, Spaz.

You're the retard.

You've been destroyed by me in debates & troll wars at least 95% of the time.

You West Euros are kind of like Chimps a lot of O blood type & dolichocephalic skulls
This claim is supported by the facts.
Learn English. A fact is not a proof nor a Universal Truth. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).
Here is a ‘bell curve’ distribution of IQ scores in the general US population. It is called a bell curve because of its bell shape. It has a similar shape for all populations in which IQ has been measured.
Math errors: Failure to select by randN. Failure to use published raw data free of bias. Failure to declare and justify variance. Failure to calculate margin of error. Failure to publish margin of error with summary. Attempted declaration of summary result as raw data. Failure to normalize by paired randR.

Apparently you don't any math either. Someone produces a pretty chart, and you are religiously believing it's gospel.
This curve tells us that the average IQ score is 100, and about 95% of the population have an IQ score (measured by a valid IQ test) somewhere between 70 and 130. 68% have an IQ level between 85 and 115. Each 15 IQ point interval is called one standard deviation – so we can say that 95% of the population have an IQ between -2 and +2 standard deviations from 100. Mensa requires an IQ of 130 which puts you in the top 2% of the population.

Now look at this data on college students, based on SAT scores. First, going back to 1930 (translating back from standard deviations to IQ scores!) you can see that the average IQ of all college graduates was 111. The average IQ of Ivy League colleges was 120. That’s not that different. of,have an IQ level between 85 and 115.

Same math errors. Argument from randU fallacy. Quoting made up numbers as data is a fallacy.
Disability statistics
This page was last updated on March 28, 2018.

Millions of working Americans are facing a growing crisis: a lack of adequate disability insurance coverage. Today, the absence of emergency savings, rising medical costs, and an overall trend of fewer employers offering benefits to workers has created a critical blind spot for many American workers and their families. Without some kind of income protection, more Americans are experiencing severe financial difficulty if they need to miss work due to illness, injury, or pregnancy.

A lack of adequate disability coverage.
At least 51 million working adults in the United States are without disability insurance other than the basic coverage available through Social Security1.
Only 48 percent of American adults indicate they have enough savings to cover three months of living expenses in the event they’re not earning any income2.
Almost half of American adults indicate they can’t pay an unexpected $400 bill without having to take out a loan or sell something to do so3.
Chances of missing work due to illness, injury, or pregnancy are greater than most realize.
More than one in four of today’s 20-year-olds can expect to be out of work for at least a year because of a disabling condition before they reach the normal retirement age4.
5.6 percent of working Americans will experience a short-term disability (six months or less) due to illness, injury, or pregnancy on average every year5. Almost all of these are non-occupational in origin6.
The most common reasons for short-term disability claims are7:
Pregnancies (25%)
Musculoskeletal disorders affecting the back and spine, knees, hips, shoulders, and other parts of the body (20%)
Digestive disorders, such as hernias and gastritis (7.8%)
Mental health issues including depression and anxiety (7.7%)
Injuries such as fractures, sprains, and strains of muscles and ligaments (7.5%)
The most common reasons for long-term disability claims are8:
Musculoskeletal disorders (29%)
Cancer (15%)
Pregnancy (9.4%)
Mental health issues including depression and anxiety (9.1%)
Injuries such as fractures, sprains, and strains of muscles and ligaments (9%)
The consequences are alarming.
A 2014 study of consumer bankruptcy filings identified the following as primary reasons: medical bills (26%), lost job (20%), illness or injury on part of self or family member (15%)9.
A 2013 study of bankruptcy filings in Washington state found that cancer patients were 2.65 times more likely to go bankrupt than people without cancer, with younger (under age 50) cancer patients having the highest rates of bankruptcy10.

Random numbers are not data. Argument from randU fallacy.
Disability statistics
This page was last updated on March 28, 2018.

Millions of working Americans are facing a growing crisis: a lack of adequate disability insurance coverage. Today, the absence of emergency savings, rising medical costs, and an overall trend of fewer employers offering benefits to workers has created a critical blind spot for many American workers and their families. Without some kind of income protection, more Americans are experiencing severe financial difficulty if they need to miss work due to illness, injury, or pregnancy.

A lack of adequate disability coverage.
At least 51 million working adults in the United States are without disability insurance other than the basic coverage available through Social Security1.
Only 48 percent of American adults indicate they have enough savings to cover three months of living expenses in the event they’re not earning any income2.
Almost half of American adults indicate they can’t pay an unexpected $400 bill without having to take out a loan or sell something to do so3.
Chances of missing work due to illness, injury, or pregnancy are greater than most realize.
More than one in four of today’s 20-year-olds can expect to be out of work for at least a year because of a disabling condition before they reach the normal retirement age4.
5.6 percent of working Americans will experience a short-term disability (six months or less) due to illness, injury, or pregnancy on average every year5. Almost all of these are non-occupational in origin6.
The most common reasons for short-term disability claims are7:
Pregnancies (25%)
Musculoskeletal disorders affecting the back and spine, knees, hips, shoulders, and other parts of the body (20%)
Digestive disorders, such as hernias and gastritis (7.8%)
Mental health issues including depression and anxiety (7.7%)
Injuries such as fractures, sprains, and strains of muscles and ligaments (7.5%)
The most common reasons for long-term disability claims are8:
Musculoskeletal disorders (29%)
Cancer (15%)
Pregnancy (9.4%)
Mental health issues including depression and anxiety (9.1%)
Injuries such as fractures, sprains, and strains of muscles and ligaments (9%)
The consequences are alarming.
A 2014 study of consumer bankruptcy filings identified the following as primary reasons: medical bills (26%), lost job (20%), illness or injury on part of self or family member (15%)9.
A 2013 study of bankruptcy filings in Washington state found that cancer patients were 2.65 times more likely to go bankrupt than people without cancer, with younger (under age 50) cancer patients having the highest rates of bankruptcy10.

Random numbers are not data. Argument from randU fallacy.
Dude, you just proved me correct about cut’n’paste by cutting and pasting your own stock reply. Can’t you think of different ways to say things much less say them accurately and scientifically based? You write like a Fifth Grader repeating the same insults. If you’re as smart as you claim to be, mix it up with your own phrases and evidence.

FWIW, I’m B+ so go fuck a Polish chimp, Spaz.

People with O blood type have lower MAO which leads to higher criminality.

People with O blood type have slower thyroid functions which leads to slower cognitive ability.

Reduced platelet MAO activity in healthy male students with blood group O
M Arató, G Bagdy, Z Rihmer, Z Kulcsár
PMID: 6573841 DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0447.1983.tb06732.x
Full text linksCite
The association between the two genetic markers of affective disorders, ABO blood group system and platelet MAO (monoamine oxidase) activity was studied in 70 healthy young males. The platelet MAO activity of subjects with blood type O was significantly lower than that of subjects with blood type A and with blood types A + B AB + B together. This finding could constitute a "bridge" between the two genetic approaches to affective disorders.

Type O's tend to have low levels of thyroid hormone and often exhibit insufficient levels of iodine, a chemical element whose sole purpose is thyroid hormone regulation. This causes many side effects such as weight gain, fluid retention and fatigue. Dr. D'Adamo does not recommend iodine supplements, rather a diet rich in saltwater fish and kelp to help regulate the thyroid gland. Bladder Wrack is also an excellent nutrient for type O's. This herb, actually a seaweed, is very effective as an aid to weight control for Type O's. 'The fucose in bladder wrack seems to help normalize the sluggish metabolic rate and produce weight loss in Type O's,' says Dr. D'Adamo.