‘Not going to be nice’: Trump, Harris trade sharp attacks as 2024 race resets

Actually no T.A.! Not a far left progressive at all.

She is a women's and human rights activist, DO NOT CONFUSE THIS WITH FAR-LEFT PROGRESSIVISM!

You are going to see she is a Modernist and her politics are Centrist.

So you are just dead wrong Sir!

Kamala Harris’ Left-Wing Voting Record Was Only Second To Bernie Sanders In Her Final Senate Years​

Webpage that rated Kamala Harris the 'most liberal' senator in 2019 suddenly disappears​

GovTrack, an organization that tracks congressional voting records, confirmed to Fox News Digital it had removed a 2019 web page that ranked Kamala Harris as that year's "most liberal" U.S. senator sometime within the last two weeks.

The self-described "government transparency website" scored Harris as the "most liberal compared to all senators" in 2019, outranking Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren at the time.

Here's more:
Not going to list it all but it's not very flattering. You should read it.
There is no far left. She just wants women to have power over her own body and to help workers made a living.
Actually no T.A.! Not a far left progressive at all.

She is a women's and human rights activist, DO NOT CONFUSE THIS WITH FAR-LEFT PROGRESSIVISM!

You are going to see she is a Modernist and her politics are Centrist.

So you are just dead wrong Sir!
Yes, she is a far-Left, radical Progressive. She is nowhere close to a centrist. Your being on the Left yourself blinds you to that.
Yes, she is a far-Left, radical Progressive. She is nowhere close to a centrist. Your being on the Left yourself blinds you to that.
That is because you do not believe there are Democrat Centrists. To you, the Clintons, Obama, and Biden are all Far left loonies!

The truth is, they are all Centrists! And so is Kamala.

The Democrat Super Delegates are Centrists, and Centrists is who they look for to put into office. It's like a prerequisite.

You sound as if you don't know anything about the Democrat Party.
That is because you do not believe there are Democrat Centrists. To you, the Clintons, Obama, and Biden are all Far left loonies!

The truth is, they are all Centrists! And so is Kamala.

The Democrat Super Delegates are Centrists, and Centrists is who they look for to put into office. It's like a prerequisite.

You sound as if you don't know anything about the Democrat Party.
There were, but the Democrat party today drove them off. Manchin and Sinema are two examples of that.

Kamala Harris is a far-Left, radical Progressive.
There is no far left. She just wants women to have power over her own body and to help workers made a living.
She's as extreme far left as they come... Is she for "choice"? Is Joe going to "defend your right to chose"? This from the party who lied to an entire country and carried out elder abuse for years in order to throw away a sitting president so that they could crown their own personal candidate and bypass actual American democracy... They care nothing about your right to choose anything... they only care about staying in power... it's shameful and it won't work...
Watch her record unfold....this is going to be a honeymoon cut short...;)
INDIANAPOLIS — Vice President Harris, in a Wednesday address here, cast the election as a fight against “extremists” who want to take the country backward, delivering one of her first speeches as the likely Democratic nominee for president to women who represent the base voters she needs to energize.

“We are not going back,” she told the crowd of thousands, to big cheers.

Former president Donald Trump, her Republican opponent, took the stage a few hours later in Charlotte for his first rally since President Biden withdrew from the race. He portrayed Harris as a “radical” liberal, lobbing an assortment of attacks against her over immigration and other topics.
Fuck you asshole. You called for the assassination of your political opponent so fuck you.

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There were, but the Democrat party today drove them off. Manchin and Sinema are two examples of that.

Kamala Harris is a far-Left, radical Progressive.
No Sir. They are not even Democrats- as they are Independents.

Bernie Sanders is an example of a Progressive Social Democrat.

And the Super Delegates were behind Hillary- the Centrist. And then again for Biden- another Centrist- and now Kamala- who will be consistent with continuing Joe Biden's current CENTRIST policies.

The Democrat position on policies (Both Domestic and Foreign) have not changed since Bill Clinton was president., and have remained consistent throughout the Obama and Biden Administrations since- and will also continue through a Harris administration.

Both George Bush and Jr. were also Centrists, AND EVEN TRUMP WAS IN 2016.

But that ship has sailed and Trump is now flirting with and promoting extreme right-wing policies- that the nation rejected in the last presidential election, and is being rejected again in this one- right and left!

Fair warning TRUMPTARDS!
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Kamala Harris’ Left-Wing Voting Record Was Only Second To Bernie Sanders In Her Final Senate Years​

Webpage that rated Kamala Harris the 'most liberal' senator in 2019 suddenly disappears​

GovTrack, an organization that tracks congressional voting records, confirmed to Fox News Digital it had removed a 2019 web page that ranked Kamala Harris as that year's "most liberal" U.S. senator sometime within the last two weeks.

The self-described "government transparency website" scored Harris as the "most liberal compared to all senators" in 2019, outranking Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren at the time.

Here's more:
Not going to list it all but it's not very flattering. You should read it.
Kamala has been an understudy of Joe Biden, and has no intention of moving Domestic, Fiscal, or Foreign policies farther left.
Kamala has been an understudy of Joe Biden, and has no intention of moving Domestic, Fiscal, or Foreign policies farther left.
Truth is, we have nothing to go by other than her senate votes.
Understudy to a vegetable who hasn’t been allowed to make a decision on his own since surrendering billions worth of military equipment to the taliban?
Truth is, we have nothing to go by other than her senate votes.
Understudy to a vegetable who hasn’t been allowed to make a decision on his own since surrendering billions worth of military equipment to the taliban?
Comments like that are unacceptable and uncalled for.

You can blame leaving all of those military assets to the hands of the Taliban on Trump, as he is the one who set that up, as he is the one who negotiated our withdrawal with the Taliban with no consideration what-so-ever for the bringing of those assets back home.
Truth is, we have nothing to go by other than her senate votes.
Understudy to a vegetable who hasn’t been allowed to make a decision on his own since surrendering billions worth of military equipment to the taliban?
I see you never read the so called Agreement Trump signed with the Taliban.
for one thing it says in there 4 or 5 times we do NOT recognize the Taliban as being an entity and yet Trump signs an agreement with them.
He even helped them get seats in the Afghan government helping them to take it over..
Trump released 5000 Taliban and if you read it you will see the withdrawal he agreed to was completely unworkable in fact he changed the dates of the withdrawal several times, finally putting it into 2021 so he wouldn't have to deal with his fuck up.
please read it and enlighten yourself.
and then ask yourself how stupid is Trump actually thinking the Taliban wouls up hold their part of the agreement.
Have a nice day
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Comments like that are unacceptable and uncalled for.

You can blame leaving all of those military assets to the hands of the Taliban on Trump, as he is the one who set that up, as he is the one who negotiated our withdrawal with the Taliban with no consideration what-so-ever for the bringing of those assets back home.

I see you never read the so called Agreement Trump signed with the Taliban.
for one thing it says in there 4 or 5 times we do NOT recognize the Taliban as being an entity and yet Trump signs an agreement with them.
He even helped them get seats in the Afghan government helping them to take it over..
Trump released 5000 Taliban and if you read it you will see the withdrawal he agreed to was completely unworkable in fact he changed the dates of the withdrawal several times, finally putting it into 2021 so he wouldn't have to deal with his fuck up.
please read it and enlighten yourself.
and then ask yourself how stupid is Trump actually thinking the Taliban wouls up hold their part of the agreement.
Have a nice day
So basically you’re saying that’s one of the few Trump policies Brandon instituted.
That along with the China tariffs.
I can’t think of any others.
So basically you’re saying that’s one of the few Trump policies Brandon instituted.
That along with the China tariffs.
I can’t think of any others.
if your calling Biden " Brandon " I guess so.
and for another thing maybe Biden could have done something different if Trump would have let his people talk to the Biden people so they had an idea of just was going on.
Not letting them talk to any of the Biden cabinet people and getting them up to speed to take over made it hard for the new admin to know what was going on
Have a nice day
So basically you’re saying that’s one of the few Trump policies Brandon instituted.
That along with the China tariffs.
I can’t think of any others.
Moose, I believe you are a Centrist Republican yourself, as you seem like a middle of the road kind of guy with regards to your politics.

Something tells me you think both Trump and Vance are EXTREMIST RIGHT-WING Oafs, as well as most other people do.

Which brings me to the question- Why do you vote for Oafs?

Because they have hijacked your party, and you feel like you have no other Republican choice?

Why you do not see the Trump/Vance ticket as a Bridge-Too-Far is somewhat a mystery

Please explain yourself!

Thanks in advance.
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No Sir. They are not even Democrats- as they are Independents.

They were Democrats. The party kicked them to the curb for not toeing Leftist dogma and the party line.
Bernie Sanders is an example of a Progressive Social Democrat.

Yes, he's a radical Leftist.
And the Super Delegates were behind Hillary- the Centrist. And then again for Biden- another Centrist- and now Kamala- who will be consistent with continuing Joe Biden's current CENTRIST policies.

The Hildabeast and Biden are Leftists. Kamala is a radical Leftist.
The Democrat position on policies (Both Domestic and Foreign) have not changed since Bill Clinton was president., and have remained consistent throughout the Obama and Biden Administrations since- and will also continue through a Harris administration.

Sure they have (changed).
Both George Bush and Jr. were also Centrists, AND EVEN TRUMP WAS IN 2016.

HW Bush was just Left of Center, Bush II was Centrist.
But that ship has sailed and Trump is now flirting with and promoting extreme right-wing policies- that the nation rejected in the last presidential election, and is being rejected again in this one- right and left!

Fair warning TRUMPTARDS!

Trump is only an extremist to the extremists on the Left.
Moose, I believe you are a Centrist Republican yourself, as you seem like a middle of the road kind of guy with regards to your politics.

Something tells me you think both Trump and Vance are EXTREMIST RIGHT-WING Oafs, as well as most other people do.

Which brings me to the question- Why do you vote for Oafs?

Because they have hijacked your party, and you feel like you have no other Republican choice?

Please explain yourself!

Thanks in advance.
The last republican I voted for for president was bob dole.
The only reason I’m even considering voting for Trump is
1. Harris’ voting record in the senate, the most far left extreme during her time there.
2. The NYTimes published an article a few days ago giving about 30 of trump’s policies while president as reasons to not vote for him.
I actually agreed with about 20, disagreeing with 2 or 3 and neutral on the rest.
On policies alone it’s a no brainer.
But I have to factor in that his obnoxious rhetoric serves to backfire those policies hence I suspect my conscience won’t allow me to actually vote for him.
The last republican I voted for for president was bob dole.
The only reason I’m even considering voting for Trump is
1. Harris’ voting record in the senate, the most far left extreme during her time there.
2. The NYTimes published an article a few days ago giving about 30 of trump’s policies while president as reasons to not vote for him.
I agreed with about 20, disagreeing with 2 or 3 and neutral on the rest.
On politics alone it’s a no brainer.
But I have to factor in that his obnoxious rhetoric serves to backfire those policies I doubt my conscience will allow me to actually vote for him.
You want a fascist.