‘Not going to be nice’: Trump, Harris trade sharp attacks as 2024 race resets

Harris is a far-Left radical Progressive. She is far more to the Left than Biden is. It's going to be hard for her to overcome that issue and convince mainstream Americans to want to vote for her as a result.

In fact, I suspect she will have to lie her ass off about her positions to have any chance whatsoever come November.
They were Democrats. The party kicked them to the curb for not toeing Leftist dogma and the party line.

Yes, he's a radical Leftist.

The Hildabeast and Biden are Leftists. Kamala is a radical Leftist.

Sure they have (changed).

HW Bush was just Left of Center, Bush II was Centrist.

Trump is only an extremist to the extremists on the Left.
What it is, T.A., is you just have a poor disregard for anyone that is not in line with your REDNECK Racist and Misogynistic mentality.

So everyone that does not agree with you, on any given subject, is a RADICAL LEFT WING IDIOT in your crazy self-centered little mind.
Kamala said something we all need to hear, and I was very proud of her for saying it.

She said, "We aren't just playing around"! To me that was like a jolt of lightning, and a dose of Kryptonite!

My confidence and faith in her is now undying and is now running through my veins and has given me such a much welcomed and needed relief- that my party is serious and means business!

You go girl! You've got this thang!

Actually no T.A.! Not a far left progressive at all.

She is a women's and human rights activist, DO NOT CONFUSE THIS WITH FAR-LEFT PROGRESSIVISM!

You are going to see she is a Modernist and her politics are Centrist.

So you are just dead wrong Sir!
Go find some hawk-shaped shade.