It's visceral; I get that. Attacks on something that is personal to us, which include our gender or ethnicity, are visceral & hit us hard and fast. That's why this stuff get so much play.
It's a weird comparison, but when toppy calls me a wussy she-male Dem & starts going off on how feminine I am, it truly ticks me off; it's a much more visceral response for me than, say, McClellan's revelations, which are more of a slow burn for me & I'd guess most other people. We're a bit spent on Bush's charade, anyway, and we kind of know everything Scott said.
This morning, just as you pointed out, I saw the headlines and was instantly like "why the f**k does this piss people off about Obama, but they seem almost unconcerned about a revelation from an insider that we were basically lied into a war by Bush?" But I'm starting to get it. It's slow burn vs. visceral, and visceral wins every time in the media, even if the candidate has nothing to do with it.
That's just the way it is.
Oh my gosh Onceler!!!!! that was quite a confession there.....and WELCOME to the club!!!! lmao....I had no idea that bothered you but it makes sense, i would be insulted being called man-like, I take pride in my femininity and would consider it an insult, someone calling me harsh or cold or without emotion!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahaha! I am just kidding on that, my husband is none of those things I labeled to men!

good morning to you and Darla and uscit*!
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