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I don't think I've ever been to a church where they are politically correct anyway. Even marriage ceremony's are offensive to me when they imply that the man is the head of the household. They regularly denounce any spiritual belief other than Christianity - that's kind fo their job to convince you that you're the one going to heaven and everyone else is going to hel*. That's kind of the point.

I don’t think that a man pretending to be a sobbing woman, and Hillary never sobbed like that, she teared up, you had a man pretending to be an hysterical woman, is comparable to that, I think it is outright sexism, and I get angry every time I see it. And I really can’t control my reaction to that film, and I can’t even apologize for it. But I take your point, and I personally do not go to church for this very reason. I have been offended even at funerals at stupid things priests have said. I simply do not go, and am only in church when I must be for a wedding or a funeral or a baptism, and I hate it. I hate being there. I don’t go.
Yeah, but this guy was on Obama's campaign committee

I've heard reports that indicate that's not true .. but even if it is, I doubt it will have much impact .. AND it isn't much different than what Ferraro has been saying .. and she was attached to Clinton.

Is it that Ferraro's not a preacher that makes this any worse?
I'm all for yanking churches' tax free status when they start endorsing one political candidate over another.

Oh yeah, all around, totally agree, that would put a stop to a lot of this shit, and it would hamper mostly the right, who are absolutely filled with whackos in this field.

That is after all, exactly how George bush became president! Fox news “reported” that Bush won Florida – this decision to call bush for florida was made by HIS COUSIN, and then every other network said “well, we better report that too”, and viola! Look what we got.
I've heard reports that indicate that's not true .. but even if it is, I doubt it will have much impact .. AND it isn't much different than what Ferraro has been saying .. and she was attached to Clinton.

Is it that Ferraro's not a preacher that makes this any worse?

The entire thing shouldn't especially in the face of all the other things we are facing, but to pretend the spin machine won't capitalize on this is absurd. Obama needs to focus on damage control all the way around/
Most church services I have been to have had little to do with Christ's message; they're usually about fear & blame & guilt & sin, and how unworthy we all are. Pretty much the antithesis of Christ's teachings.

Anyhoo, I agree that I've never seen a church like this one, that is so politicized. Still, I can't imagine how Obama feels about this; a visiting pastor, saying all this stuff when he wasn't even there, and now he has to answer for it.

Aw, who cares...Sex in the City is opening today! A great day for us metro's. A little pre-show Pictionary and post-show latte, and we're talking about the perfect Friday here...
Most church services I have been to have had little to do with Christ's message; they're usually about fear & blame & guilt & sin, and how unworthy we all are. Pretty much the antithesis of Christ's teachings.

Anyhoo, I agree that I've never seen a church like this one, that is so politicized. Still, I can't imagine how Obama feels about this; a visiting pastor, saying all this stuff when he wasn't even there, and now he has to answer for it.

Aw, who cares...Sex in the City is opening today! A great day for us metro's. A little pre-show Pictionary and post-show latte, and we're talking about the perfect Friday here...

Oh wow, you are so hot.
Most church services I have been to have had little to do with Christ's message; they're usually about fear & blame & guilt & sin, and how unworthy we all are. Pretty much the antithesis of Christ's teachings.

Anyhoo, I agree that I've never seen a church like this one, that is so politicized. Still, I can't imagine how Obama feels about this; a visiting pastor, saying all this stuff when he wasn't even there, and now he has to answer for it.

Aw, who cares...S ex in the City is opening today! A great day for us metro's. A little pre-show Pictionary and post-show latte, and we're talking about the perfect Friday here...

We're going into the city tonight for a Johnny Walker Whisky tasting. Well, the guys are anyway. I actually thought that would be a good idea to go see SITC tonight while they sample but I'm guessing tix are probably already gone.
The entire thing shouldn't especially in the face of all the other things we are facing, but to pretend the spin machine won't capitalize on this is absurd. Obama needs to focus on damage control all the way around/

I don't see the right focusing on what some preacher said about Clinton when they've said far worse. Additionally, they're mired in preacher problems and on many levels of their own. McCain's distancing himself from Hagee is reverberating throughout the christian conservative community .. which is why they've dispatched Lieberman to shore it up.

The impact from this will be, as evidenced here, with some Clinton supporters .. but I don't believe for a moment that this will cause even the majority of them to blame Obama for this.

Yes, some damage control, but he can't get frazzled everytime someone says something stupid.
I heard the bigotted, racist, and sexist Priest was on his campaign advisory board...but resigned last week or this week....?

This doesn't bode well, even though I do realize it is not Obama speaking here, but I have never seen such a circus for a church in my entire life...ALL of this comes as quite a surprise for me...especially all of the clapping and jumping to what this Priest was saying in a HOuse of God....from a religious person's perspective.... I have never seen anything like is NOT what i would consider a Church where if Christ's message is taught, would be about forgiveness and love and certainly not the hatred I have recently seen seems to be a place for people to release their POLITICAL ANGST, and promote sexism and hatred and racism and I can guarantee you that other people both black and white, both Dem and Rep, will be offended TOTALLY, by Obama's supposed place, to worship God for the last 20 years...honestly, I truely do not understand why he would stay there at this Church, unless he did agree with this promotion of hatred towards the white person or the female...or unless he did disagree BUT HE KNEW staying at this church WOULD GET HIM VOTES and God and his beliefs have nothing to do with it?

Whatever....i don't blame him for what others have said, i just am truely wondering what type of person he really is, this person that probably will be our next president...certainly not anything new to the political game or using the political machine to gain a seat, or disenfranchising voters to gain a seat, or disqualifying his competition thru techinical rules so he has no one running against him....

I see him doing the same tactic he pulled to gain the Illinois seat in 1996, as to what he is doing now....but hey, i have been wrong before....

This will be exploited by the Right also, in the General.... :(


I don’t know care, I must be a self-hating white person and never knew it, because I really don’t get offended by any of that white shit. Maybe it is because white people have never been an oppressed people, and so I kinda get their frustration? But man, when you start bashing women like that…then I do have a problem. But what alarms me far more than any of this is, I want to win the general. I don’t want four years of McCain, please God. And I am just wondering, how many more of these fruit cakes does he have around him, in his past, anywhere, that are going to coming out by November, or in November. And it scares me. I don’t believe Obama is a racist or a sexist. I think he’s probably a decent guy I really do. But man, he should have cut these people loose years ago and ran like the wind from them.
I don't see the right focusing on what some preacher said about Clinton when they've said far worse. Additionally, they're mired in preacher problems and on many levels of their own. McCain's distancing himself from Hagee is reverberating throughout the christian conservative community .. which is why they've dispatched Lieberman to shore it up.

The impact from this will be, as evidenced here, with some Clinton supporters .. but I don't believe for a moment that this will cause even the majority of them to blame Obama for this.

Yes, some damage control, but he can't get frazzled everytime someone says something stupid.

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Hate Pays

"I have no expectations anymore as far as how insanely stupid some people can be.......It's endless, bottomless stupidity; stupidity that knows no boundaries or limits. It's stupidity so big that I can no longer comprehend it." - Onceler May 29, 2008 on American Voter Stupidity
And honestly, this isn't good enough. This is so mealy-mouthed and stupid. You better work up a little passion there Obama, unless we are supposed to take the hint that you also feel you don't need our votes, and we can take our marbles and go whine someplace else.

This doesn't cut it mister.

“As I have traveled this country, I’ve been impressed not by what divides us, but by all that unites us,” he said. “That is why I am deeply disappointed in Father Pfleger’s divisive, backward-looking rhetoric, which doesn’t reflect the country I see or the desire of people across America to come together in common cause.”
There seems to be an amazing amount of divisive and backwards thinking rhetoric from that pulpit...

A moment for santimonious reflection .. Geraldine Ferraro.

How soon should she have been cut loose?

Bac are you following me around calling me sanctimonious and stupid? Because that is twice you posted that word in relation to my last post, and you said also that “only stupid people would be affected in any way by what this pastor said”. I am presuming that you said that after reading my conversation with Onceler where I clearly was affected by the video of a man mockingly portraying a sobbing, hysterical woman. So am I to take it that you are now calling me a stupid, sanctimonious, prima donna? Or perhaps I am misunderstanding something and being too sensitive?

"I have no expectations anymore as far as how insanely stupid some people can be.......It's endless, bottomless stupidity; stupidity that knows no boundaries or limits. It's stupidity so big that I can no longer comprehend it." - Onceler May 29, 2008 on American Voter Stupidity

I somewhat agree with Onceler's post .. and I'm not suggesting that there should be constant outrage over Ferarro or anyone else. It's just the circus that keeps Americans entertained.

My hope and what I see is Americans sick and tired of the clown shows. There will always be those who wallow in mud and salute the clowns, but most people are feeling the pain of our condition and will ignore the ignorance and vote for their interests.

It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and we spend way too much time on the clowns when our nation and future is at risk.
Bac are you following me around calling me sanctimonious and stupid? Because that is twice you posted that word in relation to my last post, and you said also that “only stupid people would be affected in any way by what this pastor said”. I am presuming that you said that after reading my conversation with Onceler where I clearly was affected by the video of a man mockingly portraying a sobbing, hysterical woman. So am I to take it that you are now calling me a stupid, sanctimonious, prima donna? Or perhaps I am misunderstanding something and being too sensitive?

Darla I am not focused on you or your posts, nor do I have any intention of continuing the rancor.

I am posting what I believe .. not calling you stupid .. not calling you santimonious .. still respect your opinion in spite of our differences.

I can understand the anger of women watching a man mocking women which I find analogous to a minstrel show, My point, and only point, is that there are far bigger issues and all candidates have surrogates, associates, and sometimes even friends and husbands that say really stupid things.

I do hope you can put Ferraro in context with what this idiot has said. I was pissed about her comments, but did not attribute them in any way shape or form to Clinton.