You really believe that Ferraro's comment on her opinion of what was happening with the primary race equates to this Priest?
YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME? you are one sick puppy if that is what you really think imho...or maybe just used to this kind of viscious talk in your own Church, not really certain?
And like hell there was no outrage on the Obama's side with Geraldine's comments that were totally blown out of proportion imo....shown on the media over and over again....article after article in the papers...
Do we really ALL HAVE TO TIPTOE to say what is obvious for fear of offending the "black community" or for fear of what they will do in blowing everything out of proportion, so to rile their troops in the Obama camp?
you ARE the ones putting race and enmity between us, imo, and using it, to its full extent...but heh, I am the only one on this site that seems to have the guts to say things how they truely are.....
I have no fear of doing such, because I know every single person that has known me for the last 4 years on these various sites of ours KNOWS I AM NOT A RACIST, and never have been and never will be one....
They may still be Obamaites, but I don't think they would be viscious to me or call me a racist if I bring up any of my concerns that could involve race.
I thought that her comments were pretty racial Care. I am not a good person to judge maybe, because for full disclosure I have had very painful splits within my very Italian family over racial issues. I mean, as in I have left my brother’s home crying on Christmas day. And so I see her as a NY Italian woman and that carries a lot of baggage for me. I find her to be racist, yes.
And I do believe that the Clintons brought race into this starting with those stupid assed Jesse Jackson comments that Bill knew much better than to say in S Carolina. I really don’t think that Obama has been playing racial politics. Frankly, I don’t think he can afford to. It’d be political suicide for a black man to play racial politics.
Anyway that is how I see it, and we all see these things from different view points, and the reason I bring up my family is that we all also bring our very own baggage into how we view things, and much of it, we don’t even know are doing that. And yes, that goes for bac too, absolutely. All of us.
This is such a horrible election. Again, all I can say is I wish Edwards had been our nominee and none of this has ever happened. But now that it has happened, we are going to have to find a way back from this, or we are going to be in big trouble as country for a long time, because we are going to have Republican rule, if the democratic party stays split that is all we can have, at the national level. I’ll be damned if I know how to do it though.