I can dig it. This last century was the first and last great American Century. Our souls age getting sold out from under us, while we feast on the crumbs they leave behind.

Either become part of the machine, or don't. Either way, that's the way the wheels are spinning.

Your fallacy is that is inevitable. That is how your mind has been poisoned.
If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you'd like to win, but think you can't
It's almost a cinch you won't.

If you think you'll lose, you've lost.
For out in the world we find
Success begins with a fellow's will:
It's all in his state of mind.

If you think you're outclassed, you are:
You've got to think high to rise,
You've got to be sure of yourself before
You'll ever win that prize.

Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or later the man who wins
Is the one who thinks he can.
Okay then AssCap, what's your deal. What do you do?

Keep pointing out how fucked it is. Keep telling the truth EVEN IF some of the perpetrators are jewish. Rebut the bizarre notions of justice that hold whole populations captive to self destructive policy, ie "We must discriminate against white people, because of slavery". OR "we must do what jews say, because of the holocaust. "

It is right to question the motives of someone who has instant citizenship in a foreign nation, and is so intimately connected to levers of power in your own nation. I'm referring to all the neoconservative jewish think tanks who lobby our government. I'm referring to aipac.

Let's return the power of money creation to the government, instead of leaving it in the hands of the federal reserve, a private corporation.
You're referring to Israel and its lobby. The most powerful lobby this country has ever seen.

Israel is no friend of ours, I'll give you that. What else?
No, usc. You cannot blame the people. THey are being deceived by a leadership who tells them these things are good, and beneficial, because of the gdp.

It is being plotted out, and there are clear agendas propagated in the media, business, religion, and academia in a coordinated fashion.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

People are responsible to see reality and not be slaves to advertising and such.
Or do you not believe in personal responsibility ?
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

People are responsible to see reality and not be slaves to advertising and such.
Or do you not believe in personal responsibility ?

LOL, Do YOU? Don't give me this business.
You're referring to Israel and its lobby. The most powerful lobby this country has ever seen.

Israel is no friend of ours, I'll give you that. What else?

Did you know that it was discussed before we invaded Iraq for a PIPELINE to be built from Iraq to Israel to transport Iraqi oil to Israel?

Who are these nutcases thinking this stuff?
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

People are responsible to see reality and not be slaves to advertising and such.
Or do you not believe in personal responsibility ?

Oh, stow it, mr. go along to get along. You still think all this is enlightened and good. OR do you ? You're too cowardly to take a stand. You sit making cheap little pot shots at republicans, who are really only half the problem.
LOL, Do YOU? Don't give me this business.

Yes I believe in personal responsibility and realize that by buying imported goods I am hurting the trade imbalance issue.
And I just accept that, unlike you wo deny any responsibility for the issue and whine for the gummit to fix it for you.
Yes I believe in personal responsibility and realize that by buying imported goods I am hurting the trade imbalance issue.
And I just accept that, unlike you wo deny any responsibility for the issue and whine for the gummit to fix it for you.

No, usc. Trade policy should be handled at the gov level. When they ALLOW cheap imports to put everyone out of business, then there are no longer any choices left.

Then there is the pipeline across Afganistan issue....

Thats what the former USSR was trying to do..except they wanted it to go in the other direction...we have all come full circle! Usama wanted to control the profits to wage his Holy War...funny how things work out...
Oh, stow it, mr. go along to get along. You still think all this is enlightened and good. OR do you ? You're too cowardly to take a stand. You sit making cheap little pot shots at republicans, who are really only half the problem.

No cheap shots on the Republicans except that they are eager to accelerate the problem. Most Dems support it as well though.
It is cowardly to accept that I am part of the problem. You on the other hand refuse to accept any responsibility and just whine and want the govt to fix it for you.
No cheap shots on the Republicans except that they are eager to accelerate the problem. Most Dems support it as well though.
It is cowardly to accept that I am part of the problem. You on the other hand resufe to accept any responsibility and just whine and want the govt to fix it for you.

And the dems are here to make sure americans are guilted into submission to the globalist plan, and offer us the programs of dependancy we will be forced into when all jobs are forced overeas by manipulated market conditions. they're letting it all happen to achieve maximum dependancy, so they can be heroes, and in dictatorial control of all aspects of our lives. they're not offering something different. You could say the republicans are building the military industrial framework of the nwo, and liberals are focused on inculcating the mindset that we all deserve slavery, or that slavery is freedom, or some such other newspeak brainfart.