
Seriously, what the hell are you getting at here? If you're really obsessed with the nwo, then welcome to hell. Soothsayers like Orwell and Huxley were'nt that far off the mark. It is happening, maybe not in the way you see it, but something like that.

So you can be a happy wanderer like me, or you can be a soldier in a war that will bear no fruit (For BabbleBore, I'm not talking about Iraq).

How about this to get your mind off things. Become obsessed with Poker. Or the Sopranos, or even in quantum physics. The latter of the three being the most fascinating thing ever. forget about people and what they do, think about the building blocks to everything, and that matter and energy are illusory, yet tangible.

Right...spoken from the pro in all life matters...Beer,Poker and Boobies! Ya Beefy!.... ya lived the full life and have alot to direct someone too!...I'm amazed! But ya have to admit if it weren't for soldiers the Beer,poker and boobies would be long gone under Islam as well as your freedom of speech under Communism!..have a great run!...Beefy!
Right...spoken from the pro in all life matters...Beer,Poker and Boobies! Ya Beefy!.... ya lived the full life and have alot to direct someone too!...I'm amazed! But ya have to admit if it weren't for soldiers the Beer,poker and boobies would be long gone under Islam as well as your freedom of speech under Communism!..have a great run!...Beefy!

You seem to be insinuating that I have something against soldiers. Well smart guy, I don't. I actually have a lot of respect for the soldiers in all the wars we've fought, even the fucked up ones.

I don't like Bush, I think he's a jackass that has no respect for soldiers as he seems to revel in throwing them into the blender for no reason, and he's got people like you who seem to enjoy watching our guys get sent to this death trap.
Wrong again beefy..........

You seem to be insinuating that I have something against soldiers. Well smart guy, I don't. I actually have a lot of respect for the soldiers in all the wars we've fought, even the fucked up ones.

I don't like Bush, I think he's a jackass that has no respect for soldiers as he seems to revel in throwing them into the blender for no reason, and he's got people like you who seem to enjoy watching our guys get sent to this death trap.

I do not nor did I ever enjoy the consequences of war...sometimes it is inevitable...some of us take the reins and endure the the criticism from your you may continue with your freedom of speech...not only yours but ours as well!
I do not nor did I ever enjoy the consequences of war...sometimes it is inevitable...some of us take the reins and endure the the criticism from your you may continue with your freedom of speech...not only yours but ours as well!

Yes sometimes it is inevitible. The War in Iraq was absolutely not, no matter how far you're willing to go to defend Bush. This war is a travesty, and countless people are dead and maimed for it. Don't expect me to cheerlead this thing. You can do it all you want, but I don't want any more of our guys dying out there.
Whatever beefy...

Yes sometimes it is inevitible. The War in Iraq was absolutely not, no matter how far you're willing to go to defend Bush. This war is a travesty, and countless people are dead and maimed for it. Don't expect me to cheerlead this thing. You can do it all you want, but I don't want any more of our guys dying out there.

Let's see the actual stats...some 3000+ died during 911..and now after some 4+years 3000+ soldiers have given thier lives in Iraq and Afghanistan....during WWII more than 3000+ died in any one given day...I will not even go to the VN stats as we all know the numbers...or what is your point other than ya would prefer to gamble,drink beer and check out boobies...rather than serve and defend your own rights????Which others must sacrafice for...ya are a joke beefy...get somemore drunk and play with them cards and boobies...***sigh***
Let's see the actual stats...some 3000+ died during 911..and now after some 4+years 3000+ soldiers have given thier lives in Iraq and Afghanistan....during WWII more than 3000+ died in any one given day...I will not even go to the VN stats as we all know the numbers...or what is your point other than ya would prefer to gamble,drink beer and check out boobies...rather than serve and defend your own rights????Which others must sacrafice for...ya are a joke beefy...get somemore drunk and play with them cards and boobies...***sigh***

Iraq had nothing to do with 911. This is what I mean by your shameless defense of Bush.

Why do you think that since more soldiers have died in other wars, that the value of each of the guys we've lost in this one is diminished? I don't like to see our guys die, period. But I especially dislike it when it is unnecessary as all hell.

You and your ilk are getting more and more Americans killed every day for your lousy fucking pride. You truly ought to be ashamed of yourself.
No shit for brains...

Iraq had nothing to do with 911. This is what I mean by your shameless defense of Bush.

Why do you think that since more soldiers have died in other wars, that the value of each of the guys we've lost in this one is diminished? I don't like to see our guys die, period. But I especially dislike it when it is unnecessary as all hell.

You and your ilk are getting more and more Americans killed every day for your lousy fucking pride. You truly ought to be ashamed of yourself.

The difference between the two of us is that I went,saw and experienced the horrors of war...albeit we differ on what wars were cool or not!...I love,beer, and boobies too...the difference is I will fight for that right..and you???Give me a break ya talk a 'hard ass game'(bluff) that is if you don't have to feel the pain or see the truth...go play cards beefy...thats all ya know! That and beer and boobies from Code Pink gals!
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The difference between the two of us is that I went,saw and experienced the horrors of war...albeit we differ on what wars were cool or not!...I love,beer, and boobies too...the difference is I will fight for that right..and you???Give me a break ya talk a 'hard ass game'(bluff) that is if you don't have to feel the pain or see the truth...go play cards beefy...thats all ya know! That and beer and boobies from Code Pink gals!

You keep suggesting that the fact that you served in the military is good reason for young Americans to go and die in Iraq. Well, I'll disagree with you there.

I'm surprised that after experiencing the horrors of war you be so willing to flippantly send others to die in wars for no good reason whatsoever. Maybe it makes your epeen feel bigger or something, but it makes no sense.

You keep suggesting that the fact that you served in the military is good reason for young Americans to go and die in Iraq. Well, I'll disagree with you there.

I'm surprised that after experiencing the horrors of war you be so willing to flippantly send others to die in wars for no good reason whatsoever. Maybe it makes your epeen feel bigger or something, but it makes no sense.

and a beer,boobie and card shark know how real vets feel and experience???You're right beefy...we have not a clue! However you sure seem too! Get a life beefy put aside your sheltered world that vets fought for...does this make ya put on another coffee pot?... if not what else can I say...carry on boobie guy!
and a beer,boobie and card shark know how real vets feel and experience???You're right beefy...we have not a clue! However you sure seem too! Get a life beefy put aside your sheltered world that vets fought for...does this make ya put on another coffee pot?... if not what else can I say...carry on boobie guy!

You're becoming incoherent again. Can you put the about into a sentence or two with out 800 periods please?

K thanks.
Okay beefy....

You're becoming incoherent again. Can you put the about into a sentence or two with out 800 periods please?

K thanks.

Plain english..ya are a fraud...playing poker for a so called living...yeah right!
don't like the (... ) so sorry that is a correct way of writing responses that require sound bites and continuation of ones thoughts! Ya failed english 101 I see..stick with your day job...'Card Shark'...lmao
Plain english..ya are a fraud...playing poker for a so called living...yeah right!
don't like the (... ) so sorry that is a correct way of writing responses that require sound bites and continuation of ones thoughts! Ya failed english 101 I see..stick with your day job...'Card Shark'...lmao

I don't play poker for a living, I sell hot tubs.
Uh huh...right!..and you are moving to Hawaii to sell em'...good luck on that one!..Hawaii is one big 'Hot Tub'!

No, I'm moving to Hawaii for other reasons. And If I was in the business of making up careers like you, it wouldn't be that of a hot tub salesman. I'd be a Beekeeper.
The difference being...

No, I'm moving to Hawaii for other reasons. And If I was in the business of making up careers like you, it wouldn't be that of a hot tub salesman. I'd be a Beekeeper.

Between you and me and a couple of others on this board..I have not made up my careers..I actually did them...a new twist eh'???
You keep suggesting that the fact that you served in the military is good reason for young Americans to go and die in Iraq. Well, I'll disagree with you there.

I'm surprised that after experiencing the horrors of war you be so willing to flippantly send others to die in wars for no good reason whatsoever. Maybe it makes your epeen feel bigger or something, but it makes no sense.
Frankly, I don't think the Jackass even served. he makes too many mistakes in the telling.
Just wondering now....

who donny boy is kissing ass too for acceptance..never mind he is probably going on about what BB did in his past life and such...must give credit to donny ...the old fart without a clue..but he is persistent..albeit misinformed and outta the loop for many decades now!