The Repubs have encouraged mergers and acquisitions in major industries for generations. We have no capitalism. We have oligopoly. Almost every major industry is dominated by a few companies who control pricing. Banks were allowed to merge until they have incredible power. Oil companies, credit card companies, supermarkets, it and it is dominated by few players.
Most of you people have never experienced capitalism. As an example, when I was young, there were many gasoline companies. They competed by price and service. There were price wars with stations changing prices during the day to lure drivers. They pumped your gas, checked your oil levels and tire pressures. They gave you redeemable green stamps or glassware and cups to use them.
Now the prices are essentially identical, you pump your own gas and have no service.
Retail stores said, "the customer is always right". If you were not happy with what you bought at Sear or other retailers, they replaced it at the store, no questions asked.
Now the customer is an annoyance that should be controlled.
Capitalism encourages innovation, product updating and better prices and service. Think about that the next time you call your cable company.