APP - Nothing to prevent fraud by illegals

HR 3200 is the one that he urged them to vote on before recess, it is the one they've been defending these past months and it is the one that will be voted on in the Congress.

Yeah, I'd say that is support.

He directed congress to put together a bill. As you note he asked them to rush it through for a vote making him its author. To claim he is not the author is disingenuous.
What? Doesn't even make sense.

I don't have faith that we can police healthcare and prevent fraud especially if there is no language preventing said fraud. In other words, unless it says illegal immigrants will not be elligible for subsidized services, it's pretty obvious they'll be able to get them. Are we planning on having health police at every doctors office or hospital?

Your concern with fraud is noted.

Do you support more stringent government regulation to prevent fraud by contractors?

Didn't you post that you intentionally overcharge people, and lie to them about what they need fixed?
Your concern with fraud is noted.

Do you support more stringent government regulation to prevent fraud by contractors?

Didn't you post that you intentionally overcharge people, and lie to them about what they need fixed?


I over-bid, not over-charge. All my prices are contracted after I've made a bid. If there is a customer I don't feel comfortable working for (seems too picky or flippant) I add work to the bid so they can find a better price elsewhere.

WTF do you know about business anyway? Cubicle warriors like you haven't clue one about how business works.


here's the proof there was no language to prohit illegals
Do you support more stringent government regulation to prevent fraud by contractors?

YEP! I'm totally legal and I paid a bunch of fucking money to become licensed, bonded and insured, so fuck you!
He's from your neck of the woods. A friend, also from those parts, told me about his reasoned positions after the election...

If you go to the link and read the comments and Buck's pitiful replies, It appears that it's Buck's pants that are "on fire".

Reasoned positions? Using the word of a famous local poster, "Rubbish!"
If you go to the link and read the comments and Buck's pitiful replies, It appears that it's Buck's pants that are "on fire".

Reasoned positions? Using the word of a famous local poster, "Rubbish!"

Well, I should clarify; they are more reasoned than belme's.
You didn't even read it, did you? If you did, then you certainly didn't understand it. Please point out to us where Obama lied.

I stand corrected. There is language which states it will not happen. I'm a little confused about the ammendment that got killed for being "unworkable". What's unworkable about enforcement of proof of citizenship?

Anyway, I WAS WRONG.

There is language that says illegals will not get benefits.

We all know how well enforcement goes. do I really have make a case that we already have illegals using fake or stolen SS#s?

Here's what cracks me up. People believe that illegals using fake and stolen SS#s are paying income tax. More likely, the employer knows they are illegal, and pays under the table or witholds but keeps the witholdings instead of sending it off to the IRS. Avoiding a paper trail with illegal employees would likely be motivation enough to expect employers to avoid sending the IRS money in the name of an illegal immigrant.

Hello IRS! Here's the address and name of the illegal guy I employ.

Does anyone have any numbers on how many illegal make contributions to SS?
I stand corrected. There is language which states it will not happen. I'm a little confused about the ammendment that got killed for being "unworkable". What's unworkable about enforcement of proof of citizenship?

Anyway, I WAS WRONG.

There is language that says illegals will not get benefits.

We all know how well enforcement goes. do I really have make a case that we already have illegals using fake or stolen SS#s?

Here's what cracks me up. People believe that illegals using fake and stolen SS#s are paying income tax. More likely, the employer knows they are illegal, and pays under the table or witholds but keeps the witholdings instead of sending it off to the IRS. Avoiding a paper trail with illegal employees would likely be motivation enough to expect employers to avoid sending the IRS money in the name of an illegal immigrant.

Hello IRS! Here's the address and name of the illegal guy I employ.

Does anyone have any numbers on how many illegal make contributions to SS?

We need to make identity theft a major felony. It is not only a problem with illegals.

The health care bill should not address identity theft.