
You took the GED, right?
LOL I almost did.

When I was a senior I went to talk to my guidance counselor. To preset this story my father completed his graduate degree during the first quarter of my senior year. He promptly moved us from suburbia to retrograde Coldwater, Ohio a small farm town in western Ohio which was still stuck in the 1950's (and still is). I ended up missing a lot of school due to the move and it tanked my grades for that first semester. The second semester (and what should have been my last) I went to talk to my guidance counselor about going to college and studying biology. This asshole had me wait in his waiting area outside his office for like about a half hour why he reviewed my transcripts. Well when he finally deigned to speak to me he told me flat out that he didn't think that I was college material and that I should consider entering a trade. I calmly said "That's ok...that works both ways." and he replied "What do you mean by that?" and I said "Well with your attitude you have no business being a guidance counselor.".

Well this being Coldwater the staff there wasn't used to mouthy teen agers popping off so he started yelling at me and I started yelling at him and pretty soon we were in the hallway yelling at each other and creating a pretty decent general disturbance.

Well the Principle came running down and grabbed me by the arm and walked me down to his office with me screaming at the counselor all the way there and the counselor yelling right back at me. Well Principle threatened to expel me from the school and I didn't back down. I told him to go right ahead. That his backward lost in time School sucked and I wasn't getting the education I needed for college there anyway so I might as well drop out, get my GED and start college one semester sooner.

Believe it or not he started crying. I had to talk him down to stop him from crying. I ended up not dropping out but I had pretty much freaked out about 3/4th of the school. LOL
I'm somehow thinking that that Joe Biden was the worst. The best? I dunno....

Aaron Burr was wanted for murder in NJ by the time he left office. He proceeded to hatch some bizarre scheme involving the Mexican Army that historians still don't fully understand to this day. Jefferson had him charged with treason for it all, though.