Now this is hilarious. Frankenstein is attacking its creator

It's on video you stupid cunt.

I can remember the days when cons used to wail in protest whenever someone pointed out that modern conservatism is infested with sexists, racists, and bigots.
It really isn't even remotely debatable anymore, is it?

At this point, I think the bigger issue is why does movement conservatism allow these people in its ranks, provide them safe harbor, make common cause with them, and virtually never even try to call them out or get in their faces on message boards.
I can remember the days when cons used to wail in protest whenever someone pointed out that modern conservatism is infested with sexists, racists, and bigots.
It really isn't even remotely debatable anymore, is it?

At this point, I think the bigger issue is why does movement conservatism allow these people in its ranks, provide them safe harbor, make common cause with them, and virtually never even try to call them out or get in their faces on message boards.

Because some of us put internet trolls on ignore.

Any thoughts on the BLM -ACLU free speech battle?
I can remember the days when cons used to wail in protest whenever someone pointed out that modern conservatism is infested with sexists, racists, and bigots.
It really isn't even remotely debatable anymore, is it?

At this point, I think the bigger issue is why does movement conservatism allow these people in its ranks, provide them safe harbor, make common cause with them, and virtually never even try to call them out or get in their faces on message boards.

Get in the gas chamber you triggered nigger dick taking normie faggot.
What is the matter with you? That kind of rayciss stuff isn't helping.

Unless your intent is to discredit conservatism.

You're going to be called a racist Nazi regardless so I figure you might as well trigger the normie faggots for the lolz.


prove its not a fake story

that tape they show is so bad it had to be made to be bad so you cant see the people protesting.

they are right wing fucks pretending to be BLM
Makes sense coming from a plant from RedState to make all progs appear completely batshit crazy.

I always knew that the thugs in BLM would turn on their masters. This is hilarious

They were chanting this. Boy that has to sting

"liberalism is white supremacy."

There's a reason Steve Bannon said 'give me more racism' lol.

It's a win for Trumpism and a loss for the left. The left will never get the so-called white working class back until they distance themselves from identity politics. And they can't do that without alienating their far left base.

But the dirty little secret is the 'far left' isn't all that far down the spectrum relative to the 'mainstream' left. It's true that that there's a segment of the alt-right that is irredeemably racist but they are much thinner segment of the Trump movement relative to the BLM/Antifa branch of the left.

BLM/Antifa is more numerous, they are more vocal, they can't stay out of the news and with Antifa in the mix, they are more violent. When was the last time some Klansmen used the threat of violence to shut down a free speech rally?

All of that plays against the left, politically. We need more of it.
So even with video, the WaPo, BLM website and the school's newspaper and the discussion on KPFA Desh still doesn't think it occurred?

How very Trump esque of her.
If you are calling me a fake russian, that implies that you are not a fake russian. As such that means that by calling me a fake russian, you acknlowedge I am not a russian, while you not calling yourself a fake russian means you are admitting that you are secretly russian.

you are a fake Ukrainian......
From the BLM Website talking about shutting down last night's ACLU event. Yes, I know. I'm a racist because this event occurred.

Tonight, we shut down an event at William & Mary where Claire Gastañaga, executive director of the ACLU of Virginia, was speaking. In contrast to the ACLU, we want to reaffirm our position of zero tolerance for white supremacy no matter what form it decides to masquerade in.

fake racism.....
Notice how cawacky and aloysious jumped right in believing the OP?

It's what you support that makes you a racist.

Dear idiot; just because leftist retards like you say something is racist, doesn't make one a racist. You idiots need to carry dictionaries around and use them before you emotionally erupt with your blatant ignorance and stupidity.
For literary accuracy, Frankenstein IS the creator. The monster is the creation, and is not called Frankenstein.