No, it was the shooter at Sandy Hook who brought children into the conversation. Twenty beautiful 6 and 7 year old children who were blow away by a weapon that has no business being anywhere but in a war zone.
You want to shut down all conversation on anything except MORE GUNS.
Hey Damo, are these people walking on the coffins of the victims too?
Parents of slain Sandy Hook victims call for national dialogue on gun madness one month after the school massacre
The only smiles in the room Monday were on the faces of the murdered children of Sandy Hook Elementary.
Grieving parents of the 20 first graders slain in the Newtown, Conn. school massacre held up photos of their doomed kids as they called for a national dialogue on guns aimed at preventing another massacre.
“It’s a sad honor to be here today," said Nicole Hockley, whose son, Dylan, was killed exactly one month ago.
“At times it feels like only yesterday, and at others it feels like many years have passed. I expect him to crawl into bed beside me for early morning cuddles before school. It’s so hard to believe he’s gone."
Nelba Marquez-Greene held up a photo of her slain daughter, Ana Grace in the packed Newtown hall.
“We choose love," she said. "Love wins in Newtown, and may love win in America.”
David Wheeler, whose son Ben was murdered, said parents have to pitch in and help find a solution to this madness.
“What I have recently come to realize is that I am not done being the best parent I can be for Ben," he said in a statement. “If there is something in our society that clearly needs to be fixed or healed or resolved, that resolution needs a point of origin. It needs parents."
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