NRA hits Obama over ‘hypocrisy’ of armed guards for daughters

No, political indoctrination, expediency, and a need for a "platform" to stand on caused the President to take advantage of the victimized children whose parents were eager to pay their innocence into a system that will use a tragedy to pass bad policy. There were two reactions to Columbine, I notice that Dear Leader doesn't mention the parents and students who work to harden school targets. Any policy that begins with wrapping yourself with the innocent to protect yourself from criticism is obvious, undoctored, political pandering on the backs of child victims.

I find Obama's use of children, to promote his political agenda; as obscene as it would be if the NRA used that women who protected her children, by shooting the criminal 5 times in the face and shoulders.
Bull. He walked on the coffins of the victims from Columbine to Sandy Hook. They didn't "bring them in"... Reality brought children into the topic, and reality shows the measures he's willing to take to protect his own kids while saying you cannot take even the minimum of those measures.

You want desperately to try to shut down all conversation on his hypocrisy, I understand that, because it is epic, obvious, and inescapable. There is no shame pointing out the hypocrisy of leaders using the coffins of children to promote bad policy. Can't let a good crisis go to waste, you know.

He wraps himself in the cloak of innocent kids to announce this policy, he drives the policy on the backs of children who were victims... It isn't others who brought kids into this conversation.

No, it was the shooter at Sandy Hook who brought children into the conversation. Twenty beautiful 6 and 7 year old children who were blow away by a weapon that has no business being anywhere but in a war zone.

You want to shut down all conversation on anything except MORE GUNS.

Hey Damo, are these people walking on the coffins of the victims too?

Parents of slain Sandy Hook victims call for national dialogue on gun madness one month after the school massacre







The only smiles in the room Monday were on the faces of the murdered children of Sandy Hook Elementary.

Grieving parents of the 20 first graders slain in the Newtown, Conn. school massacre held up photos of their doomed kids as they called for a national dialogue on guns aimed at preventing another massacre.

“It’s a sad honor to be here today," said Nicole Hockley, whose son, Dylan, was killed exactly one month ago.

“At times it feels like only yesterday, and at others it feels like many years have passed. I expect him to crawl into bed beside me for early morning cuddles before school. It’s so hard to believe he’s gone."

Nelba Marquez-Greene held up a photo of her slain daughter, Ana Grace in the packed Newtown hall.

“We choose love," she said. "Love wins in Newtown, and may love win in America.”

David Wheeler, whose son Ben was murdered, said parents have to pitch in and help find a solution to this madness.

“What I have recently come to realize is that I am not done being the best parent I can be for Ben," he said in a statement. “If there is something in our society that clearly needs to be fixed or healed or resolved, that resolution needs a point of origin. It needs parents."

Read more:
And exactly who are you to criticize parents of children whose lives were taken so tragically?

Somebody who isn't standing on the graves of children promoting bad policy. Who are you allowing Dear Leader to get away with it because it is something you want?

(And BTW the kids who wrote these letters are alive.)
No, it was the shooter at Sandy Hook who brought children into the conversation. Twenty beautiful 6 and 7 year old children who were blow away by a weapon that has no business being anywhere but in a war zone.

You want to shut down all conversation on anything except MORE GUNS.

Hey Damo, are these people walking on the coffins of the victims too?

Parents of slain Sandy Hook victims call for national dialogue on gun madness one month after the school massacre







The only smiles in the room Monday were on the faces of the murdered children of Sandy Hook Elementary.

Grieving parents of the 20 first graders slain in the Newtown, Conn. school massacre held up photos of their doomed kids as they called for a national dialogue on guns aimed at preventing another massacre.

“It’s a sad honor to be here today," said Nicole Hockley, whose son, Dylan, was killed exactly one month ago.

“At times it feels like only yesterday, and at others it feels like many years have passed. I expect him to crawl into bed beside me for early morning cuddles before school. It’s so hard to believe he’s gone."

Nelba Marquez-Greene held up a photo of her slain daughter, Ana Grace in the packed Newtown hall.

“We choose love," she said. "Love wins in Newtown, and may love win in America.”

David Wheeler, whose son Ben was murdered, said parents have to pitch in and help find a solution to this madness.

“What I have recently come to realize is that I am not done being the best parent I can be for Ben," he said in a statement. “If there is something in our society that clearly needs to be fixed or healed or resolved, that resolution needs a point of origin. It needs parents."

Read more:

Building a platform on which to stand on the graves of children seems to involve many photos of grieving parents. The worse the policy, the more photos of sad parents are necessary. This makes it so your most vapid followers can have that same platform to stand on when they try to shut down any reasonable dialogue and especially any dialogue that may point out the hypocrisy of Dear Leader.
Building a platform on which to stand on the graves of children seems to involve many photos of grieving parents. The worse the policy, the more photos of sad parents are necessary. This makes it so your most vapid followers can have that same platform to stand on when they try to shut down any reasonable dialogue and especially any dialogue that may point out the hypocrisy of Dear Leader.

Brainy. You realize that the reason those kids are dead is because a gun with capabilities beyond a normal rifle was not secured by an upstanding citizen. The owner didn't kill anyone. The owner, the mother, the gun lover, was the one who made the biggest mistake here. Not securing a gun like that with her son that she knew was mentally unstable?

Maybe we should force owners to take longer courses on gun ownership to ensure they lock up their guns. Guess what, we can't because that is "regulating" gun owners and according to your interpretation of the 2nd Amendment we cant do that.

So don't try to play it off like Obama is the cause those kids are dead, its you buddy. *big finger*
Brainy. You realize that the reason those kids are dead is because a gun with capabilities beyond a normal rifle was not secured by an upstanding citizen. The owner didn't kill anyone. The owner, the mother, the gun lover, was the one who made the biggest mistake here. Not securing a gun like that with her son that she knew was mentally unstable?

Maybe we should force owners to take longer courses on gun ownership to ensure they lock up their guns. Guess what, we can't because that is "regulating" gun owners and according to your interpretation of the 2nd Amendment we cant do that.

So don't try to play it off like Obama is the cause those kids are dead, its you buddy. *big finger*

how do you know they were not locked up?
Building a platform on which to stand on the graves of children seems to involve many photos of grieving parents. The worse the policy, the more photos of sad parents are necessary. This makes it so your most vapid followers can have that same platform to stand on when they try to shut down any reasonable dialogue and especially any dialogue that may point out the hypocrisy of Dear Leader.

I don't agree with you on many topics, but you gave me reason to respect your opinion. Not in this case, Damo. Those parent CHOSE to speak out, that seems to be lost on you. That makes me believe you could care less about those children or their grieving parents. Your only concern is your beliefs. What the President proposed is not bad policy or radical restrictions.

Tell me Damo, why are you against background checks on every weapon sold? Do you have criminal's backs like the NRA?
"We have a president who has not hesitated to kill foreign innocent children or American innocent children when they are in a foreign country. He loses credibility when he stands with innocent American children and says 'I'm going to keep you safe,'" - Judge Napolitano

Which president has refused Secret Service protection for his family?

LaPierre's a blooming idiot and those NRA comments do little to put him in a better light.
Building a platform on which to stand on the graves of children seems to involve many photos of grieving parents. The worse the policy, the more photos of sad parents are necessary. This makes it so your most vapid followers can have that same platform to stand on when they try to shut down any reasonable dialogue and especially any dialogue that may point out the hypocrisy of Dear Leader.

What about when Presidents put war veterans in the audience, or the wives of deceased servicemen?
how do you know they were not locked up?

It doesn't matter if they were, it was the mothers responsibility to have them secure.

Or I can take the other approach. Since all guns are equally dangerous in your eyes and there is no effort we can take that will make them safe to own, lets ban all you see where this is headed you extremeist Libertard?
It doesn't matter if they were, it was the mothers responsibility to have them secure.

Or I can take the other approach. Since all guns are equally dangerous in your eyes and there is no effort we can take that will make them safe to own, lets ban all you see where this is headed you extremeist Libertard?

wtf? i never said any of that you retard. you made a claim and you obviously can't back it up. 'nuff said.
Building a platform on which to stand on the graves of children seems to involve many photos of grieving parents. The worse the policy, the more photos of sad parents are necessary. This makes it so your most vapid followers can have that same platform to stand on when they try to shut down any reasonable dialogue and especially any dialogue that may point out the hypocrisy of Dear Leader.

We need to be reminded.

I am sorry you do not see this tragedy for the horror it is, or at least wnt to minimize it.

Just sweep it under the rug, keep the icky out of it.

Don't think of the parents who had to go in and identify their child who was missing half their face.

Let's just pretend it didn't happen.
I can always tell when Damo has picked up a new talking point from his rabid right radio host!

Now that you mention it, Damo is merely parroting what he heard on Rush Limbaugh. Did you catch Rush Limbaugh's childish rant? It was despicable.

Republican reaction to gun control reforms

RUSH: But he's using these kids as human shields. Obama uses kids as human shields. The Democrats use kids as human shields. He brings these kids who supposedly wrote letters to the White House after Newtown, brings them up there to present a picture of support among the children for the president to do something about guns. It's gonna be very difficult, very difficult to oppose it. You got these little kids there. They don't want to die. (crying) How can you not listen to them? We've gotta do something. That's the picture. That's the image that the presence of the kids is designed to create.
I don't agree with you on many topics, but you gave me reason to respect your opinion. Not in this case, Damo. Those parent CHOSE to speak out, that seems to be lost on you. That makes me believe you could care less about those children or their grieving parents. Your only concern is your beliefs. What the President proposed is not bad policy or radical restrictions.

Tell me Damo, why are you against background checks on every weapon sold? Do you have criminal's backs like the NRA?

And you seem to have forgotten the President CHOSE to use the graves of their children to attempt to pass poorly conceived legislation that he knows would never pass without such a tragedy. Taking advantage of the grieving to pass bad legislation while taking advantage of the protection of the same thing you wish to ban is hypocrisy, even if you don't want it to be Bfgrn.

And tell me Bfgrn, why is it that you are afraid to speak about all the laws the man has promoted on the graves of these children and only speak of the background check idea? Is it because you know that it may be the least repugnant of the laws he climbed on these graves to promote?
Now that you mention it, Damo is merely parroting what he heard on Rush Limbaugh. Did you catch Rush Limbaugh's childish rant? It was despicable.

I don't listen to Rush and I don't get my ideas from talking heads on MSNBC like lefty morons. He wraps himself with innocent kids to even speak of it (see little Sarah over there? She wrote this letter... (and now you can't talk about my bad policy, because you'll be traducing the character of Sarah)).
NRAZI'S want you to believe its all black on black murders.
Whites commit most murders
And usually they are killing family members
Now that you mention it, Damo is merely parroting what he heard on Rush Limbaugh. Did you catch Rush Limbaugh's childish rant? It was despicable.

Republican reaction to gun control reforms

RUSH: But he's using these kids as human shields. Obama uses kids as human shields. The Democrats use kids as human shields. He brings these kids who supposedly wrote letters to the White House after Newtown, brings them up there to present a picture of support among the children for the president to do something about guns. It's gonna be very difficult, very difficult to oppose it. You got these little kids there. They don't want to die. (crying) How can you not listen to them? We've gotta do something. That's the picture. That's the image that the presence of the kids is designed to create.

I can't listen to Rush, I feel instantly stupid.