"Obama's hypocrisy".. Why does a President's children have armed guards?
-John Wilkes Booth
-. Charles J. Guiteau
-Leon Czolgosz
-Lee Harvey Oswald
-Richard Lawrence
-John F. Schrank
-Lynette Fromme
-Sara Jane Moore
-John Hinckley, Jr..
Are we really debating this issue? That this would become an actual partisan issue destroys the credibility of anyone trying to use it as some debate 'counter-point'. Damo, I like you.. but this line of attack is extremism plain and simple. You can't tell me that it wouldn't be a fucking coup for Al Q or anyone to get a President's kid either as a hostage or simply killing them..You can't tell me that there aren't factions out there that would 'hunt' a Presidents or any other high-ranking officials offspring...
Former US secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld revealed Tuesday that Saddam Hussein had a $60 million bounty on his daughters’ head and also targeted ex-president George W. Bush’s two daughters. “I was concerned,” Rumsfeld told ABC’s “Good Morning America” in his first live television interview since leaving office over four years ago. “Of course, the president and his family had secret service protection. My family did not. And it was a somewhat awkward moment in the meeting,” he added in describing a 2003 national security meeting when he was told of the plot.
Al-Qaida has threatened to kill Prince Harry. The group claimed to have Afghan spies.
The Palace had similar fears in 2008, and pulled Harry back, but Prince Harry received a new death threat this morning, from al-Qaida.
Just 3 days after the palace revealed Prince Harry had been deployed to Afghanistan, the terrorist group said they plan to target the prince.
NBC News reported that the Taliban is referring to Harry as a "precious bird" that they will try to kidnap or kill. Harry is on the front line of the NATO-led war against the Taliban insurgency.
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You can't tell me you see no need whatsoever for this kind of protection over the protection of random joe's kids.You can't tell me that taking your kid as a hostage would be just as much of a 'win' for a terrorist group as it would be taking the President of the United States kid. That doesn't make his kids more special than mine, but if mine or yours are killed or take hostage it's sad,utterly heartbreaking and soul-destroying.. if the President of the United State's children are take hostage or killed, it's a new fucking war... it's an economic slide, it's 1000's being killed in the military offensive to retaliate , it's world leaders against world leaders... It makes us hug our children when we see the 'sandy hooks' of the world.. if it's the Presidents children it literally changes the face of this country and the world..
any President is elected their entire family gets a bull-eyes attached to them. A Bulls-eye that attracts every random nut case whose dog tells them to shoot or terrorist leader looking to make a name for himself or world leader looking for pay back. You kids? My Kids? They don't have that kind of threat on them each and every fucking day, thank god. They don't have whole terrorist groups just looking for the off chance that maybe the SS is lax one day, maybe the NSA doesn't pick up on the chatter, maybe the CIA doesn't find the plan before it can be stopped.. and these threats are mocked in the hopes of scoring a political point? Why? Can't going after the policy be enough?
that idea that this considered a viable issue is disgusting.. it's beyond the realm... Up until now I've ignored this line of debate because it's beneath
me to address it, but Damo's 'Dear Leader'.. WTF dude, he's
your goddamn President too. Where in the hell is the pride for your country? Where is your respect for the office? What in the hell did his children do to you to deserve such venom and hatred? Are you oblivious to our history of assassinations? Or are you just wishing for a new one to happen?
The use of those kids when making his EO..Those parents need something to hold onto right now.(I assume) You've never lost a child to a random mass-murder. They are going through a pain that can't be compared to anything else. You can't describe it because you can't understand it unless it's you, God forbid,living it day and night. They need something to make sense,they need an answer to the mind-crushing,soul-ripping question "Why?"... they need something 'good' to come out of it, they need there to be a purpose.. so they can hold onto that purpose when they're crying themselves to sleep at night.. For you to mock that and say Obama's standing on the coffins of the children who were killed? Holy shit dude! Is it that you're jealous of the attention they're getting? Can you honestly tell me you'd switch places with them? Obama can't give them their child back, but he can give them that purpose they need to get up each day and hope that their child didn't die in vain..he can have them and ones who were there.. standing with him when he makes his plea to congress for help in stopping this from ever happening again..
I am actually ashamed to be an American right now. These kinds of attacks? On the President's children? When we
know why they get SS protection but ignore it because suddenly it's a reason to attack him and really, you're running out of reasons if you have to stoop to this level...? It makes me ashamed to be an American. GWB, every bad thing he ever did.. wars started on a lie, outing a CIA officer for political gain, wire-taps,no-knock-warrants... I never once questioned his or his families need to be guarded. I never once hated the man so much I would destroy the office and use the saftey of his family as an attack ad. I can't.. I still think this is some kind of joke, that the Onion is going to say "Haha, we reported that and you believed it".. I can't fathom a kind of hatred of a person or the office he holds that would make me go after the children of the President and then mock 27 6-7 year olds that were shot 2-11 times as being 'political stunt'.. I would quit politics forever for even thinking of that low in an attack.. What are you doing dude? How do you come back from that? How do you ever, ever say "Hey, I'm proud of the office and what it stands for" again...or "I think that the President made the right choice, even though I don't agree with him on hardly anything else" ..... How you do ever say "I stand proudly with my country".. after using the children of the highest office and honor of this country as a scurrilous political point for a lobbyist group...
and if you really want to attack someone's 'hypocrisy' start with your own 'dear leader' ... want to know the sickest part of that 'ad'? it is about 30 seconds in...
the part at the end, with the "Gun-Free Zone"..in front of the school.. Obama didn't do that... This guy did..
First, we believe in absolutely gun-free, zero-tolerance, totally safe schools. That means no guns in America's schools, period ... with the rare exception of law enforcement officers or trained security personnel.
-Wayne La Pierre.. 1991
That's where your hypocrisy charge should be made.. The person who lobbied the 'gun free' zone who is now attacking a President's children because they have SS protection while your child goes the 'gun free zone' he created..Whose mantra sycophants have picked up to hide his culpability in the whole 'gun free' ideology.. You have been used by the man who is
really using children as a 'human shield' to hide something that he said years ago.. You should be pissed at him for using you in such a way... but that would expecting too much. It's easier ignore that and just attack Obama, or his kids.. again.
Way to go! You win... you finally win.. Obama's kids have secret service protection and yours dont. Let's impeach him now!