Nude Africa


Will work for Scooby snacks

Mark Robinson and the Republican Whackjob Problem:​

This is what happens when your Party stops trying to keep out the kooks.​

Thursday afternoon, CNN reported that North Carolina Republican Governor candidate Mark Robinson frequented the porn site “NudeAfrica,” where he called himself a “Black Nazi,” said he wished slavery was still legal, heaped abuse on Martin Luther King, and discussed his affinity for transgender pornography.

Many of Robinson’s comments on Nude Africa stand in contrast to his public stances on issues such as abortion and transgender rights. Despite a recent history of anti-transgender rhetoric, Robinson said he enjoyed watching transgender pornography.

“I like watching tranny on girl porn! That’s f*cking hot! It takes the man out while leaving the man in!” Robinson wrote. “And yeah I’m a ‘perv’ too!”

Of course, any political party’s vetting is bound to slip up from time to time. But understanding how Robinson won the gubernatorial nomination in a swing state requires a bit of context for how the Republican Party’s gatekeeping functions have deteriorated to their sorry state.


Mark Robinson and the Republican Whackjob Problem:​

This is what happens when your Party stops trying to keep out the kooks.​

Thursday afternoon, CNN reported that North Carolina Republican Governor candidate Mark Robinson frequented the porn site “NudeAfrica,” where he called himself a “Black Nazi,” said he wished slavery was still legal, heaped abuse on Martin Luther King, and discussed his affinity for transgender pornography.

Many of Robinson’s comments on Nude Africa stand in contrast to his public stances on issues such as abortion and transgender rights. Despite a recent history of anti-transgender rhetoric, Robinson said he enjoyed watching transgender pornography.

“I like watching tranny on girl porn! That’s f*cking hot! It takes the man out while leaving the man in!” Robinson wrote. “And yeah I’m a ‘perv’ too!”

Of course, any political party’s vetting is bound to slip up from time to time. But understanding how Robinson won the gubernatorial nomination in a swing state requires a bit of context for how the Republican Party’s gatekeeping functions have deteriorated to their sorry state.

Just another shameless grifter at the MAGA/Alt-Right GOP troth. That the GOP leadership doesn't publicly denounce this creep speaks volumes!

May he be visited each night by the ghosts of every black American who died under slavery and Jim Crow.
Just another shameless grifter at the MAGA/Alt-Right GOP troth. That the GOP leadership doesn't publicly denounce this creep speaks volumes!

May he be visited each night by the ghosts of every black American who died under slavery and Jim Crow.
Here is the most remarkable thing:

This guy will still get at least 40 percent of the vote. Which means the vast majority of Republicans in the state would rather have a guy who admires Hitler and watches tranny porn, than a moderate southern Democrat as their governor.
Go ahead and tell the board when in 21st century the Democrats nominated someone for statewide office who was pro-Nazi, pro-slavery, and loved to watch tranny porn.
For clarification is your position that no liberal would watch porn? Or that no liberal would watch tranny porn? (because ‘regular’ porn is fine but tranny is disgusting?)

Democrats put openly anti-Semitic folks into office. Did you recommend to your fellow Democrats they should be voting for moderate Republicans instead?

I never heard of this guy in NC until yesterday and I am certainly not defending him. But trying to act virtuous over the many partisans in this country who metaphorically speaking would rather die than vote for a member of the other party is transparent.
For clarification is your position that no liberal would watch porn? Or that no liberal would watch tranny porn? (because ‘regular’ porn is fine but tranny is disgusting?)

Democrats put openly anti-Semitic folks into office. Did you recommend to your fellow Democrats they should be voting for moderate Republicans instead?

I never heard of this guy in NC until yesterday and I am certainly not defending him. But trying to act virtuous over the many partisans in this country who metaphorically speaking would rather die than vote for a member of the other party is transparent.
I said statewide office. Not local school board, city council, or local library commission.

Are you really even attempting to compare opposition to the Gaza war with being pro Nazi, pro Slavery, and being addicted to tranny porn website message boards? :laugh:

You didn't give any names, you just blustered a bunch of allegations

So, you cannot actually name any Democrats running for statewide office who a are pro Nazi and pro Slavery.

I've never had to hold my nose to vote for a Democrat for president, senator, or governor. Republicans are routinely voting for sleazebags like Donald Trump, Mark Robinson, Matt Gaetzz.
For clarification is your position that no liberal would watch porn? Or that no liberal would watch tranny porn? (because ‘regular’ porn is fine but tranny is disgusting?)

Democrats put openly anti-Semitic folks into office. Did you recommend to your fellow Democrats they should be voting for moderate Republicans instead?

I never heard of this guy in NC until yesterday and I am certainly not defending him. But trying to act virtuous over the many partisans in this country who metaphorically speaking would rather die than vote for a member of the other party is transparent.
It's a very good thing that you are not defending him, because that would be a bad look. This guy came to attention nationally when he said 'some people just need killing'. He has declared bankruptcy multiple times, was five years behind on paying his taxes, failed to pay vehicle taxes, and is anti-abortion even though his wife has had one. He described himself on this site as a 'Black Nazi', and suggested that slavery should be re-instituted (he said he's buy a few himself), and that blacks should be paying reparations to whites for taking care of them and giving them free room and board.
Should I go on? There is no Democratic candidate for a major office who has ever said anything as repugnant and disgusting and REMAINED ON THE BALLOT. In fact, I do not recall a Democrat for a major position that ever said anything close to that. I am pretty confident that he is not, in fact, 'Martin Luther King Jr. on steroids'.

The fact that he called himself a 'perv' and professed his enjoyment of watching tranny porn is simply just a delicious irony. The icing on the cake of a guy who may very well have tanked Trumps presidential aspirations.
It's a very good thing that you are not defending him, because that would be a bad look. This guy came to attention nationally when he said 'some people just need killing'. He has declared bankruptcy multiple times, was five years behind on paying his taxes, failed to pay vehicle taxes, and is anti-abortion even though his wife has had one. He described himself on this site as a 'Black Nazi', and suggested that slavery should be re-instituted (he said he's buy a few himself), and that blacks should be paying reparations to whites for taking care of them and giving them free room and board.
Should I go on? There is no Democratic candidate for a major office who has ever said anything as repugnant and disgusting and REMAINED ON THE BALLOT. In fact, I do not recall a Democrat for a major position that ever said anything close to that. I am pretty confident that he is not, in fact, 'Martin Luther King Jr. on steroids'.

The fact that he called himself a 'perv' and professed his enjoyment of watching tranny porn is simply just a delicious irony. The icing on the cake of a guy who may very well have tanked Trumps presidential aspirations.
Without knowing anything about this guy, what he's saying is some pretty f'd up stuff. I never heard of him until yesterday and still haven't read what's going on there beyond the headline.
I said statewide office. Not local school board, city council, or local library commission.

Are you really even attempting to compare opposition to the Gaza war with being pro Nazi, pro Slavery, and being addicted to tranny porn website message boards? :laugh:

You didn't give any names, you just blustered a bunch of allegations

So, you cannot actually name any Democrats running for statewide office who a are pro Nazi and pro Slavery.

I've never had to hold my nose to vote for a Democrat for president, senator, or governor. Republicans are routinely voting for sleazebags like Donald Trump, Mark Robinson, Matt Gaetzz.
You didn't what I asked. Do you liberals not watch porn? Or just not tranny porn? You offer the impression that it's the tranny part that is bad. To each his own as to what kind of porn a person watches, if they watch at all, but from a political perspective seems a little odd a liberal would be suggesting something is wrong with it. Would that qualify as anti-trans?

You had Squad members in Congress who were openly anti-semetic and this was before Oct 7th. Anti-semitism didn't just start on that date.

If you've personally have never held your nose to vote for Democrat then congratulations? I'm not sure the relevance to the fact that there are very many partisans who would never vote for a member of the party.
There are people in this country who are so partisan they will only vote for members of their party?

It’s surprising we have no one like that on JPP.
I know you're being facetious. We obviously do have somebody like that on JPP.

The parties MEAN something.
Today especially, when there is virtually no overlap of values, they mean more than ever.

The Republican Party believes in absolute minimalist government, allowing the corporate oligarchy to essentially run the country.
The Party also leans toward theocracy over secular government.

The Democratic Party believes in a more comprehensive public sector, especially the social safety net,
and a much more regulated private sector.

They're essentially nothing alike, so usually, splitting tickets is the irrational thing to do.

This year is a little different.
The Republican Party has nominated a certifiable maniac.

Some responsible Republicans see this as a very rare time to worry about political issues later
and for this one time, vote person over policy, just to save the republic.
Without knowing anything about this guy, what he's saying is some pretty f'd up stuff. I never heard of him until yesterday and still haven't read what's going on there beyond the headline.

I hate to break this to you, but he represents what has become of your party. It's a shame, but it is what it is. This is a yet another in a long line of Trump endorsed candidates who say things that should never be uttered by a person in a position of power. I know with moral certainty that this is not what you want. But the party is now firmly in the hands of a cult leader who paints a dark, dystopian view of the country, and supports that view with statements that are objectively false. Democrats have made their fair share of mistakes, especially leaders in liberal cities like Chicago, San Francisco, and Portland. But I've said before that I do not see a moral equivalence, and I will stand by that.

I saw a segment on the Daily Show with Stewart and his guest was Steve Ballmer, the owner of the Clippers. It was one of the most refreshing exchanges I have seen in almost a decade. Ballmer is conservative, and his views don't align with mine. But he has started a website that publishes factual data from reliable sources, because he feels that we need an honest and accurate baseline from which to have a discussion. The dialogue was spirited, sometimes humorous, but the bottom line was that both of them shared a common factual framework and a common goal. We need to get back to that. Sadly, the Republican party no longer has either of those things.
You didn't what I asked. Do you liberals not watch porn? Or just not tranny porn? You offer the impression that it's the tranny part that is bad. To each his own as to what kind of porn a person watches, if they watch at all, but from a political perspective seems a little odd a liberal would be suggesting something is wrong with it. Would that qualify as anti-trans?

You had Squad members in Congress who were openly anti-semetic and this was before Oct 7th. Anti-semitism didn't just start on that date.

If you've personally have never held your nose to vote for Democrat then congratulations? I'm not sure the relevance to the fact that there are very many partisans who would never vote for a member of the party.
I'm the only person on here who voted for both Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama, so I have a track record of changing my opinion based on new information.

I don't know why you claim you are not MAGA. You leap out of your chair to run cover for MAGA as enthusiastically as any Trump dick sucker.

I have never watched tranny porn, I have never supported slavery, I have never supported Nazis, and I have never posted on sleazy porn website message boards - all things your boy Mark Robinson did.

I fully reject your claim that the squad hates Jews. Being opposed to policies of the State of Israel is not the same thing as hating Jews. Are you aware that tens of thousands of Israeli Jews have been in the street protesting the War in Gaza?

Kamala Harris has never accepted the support of the student sit in protests at Columbia, and when they show up at her rallies to yell at her, she tells them to shut up. These jerks also protested against the Biden-Harris adminstration

Your boy, the sleazebag Nazi Mark Robinson is running for statewide office. Anyone running for statewide office should be much more thoroughly vetted by the party, than a city councilman or congressional district nominee. Somehow, your sleazy Nazi boy Mark Robinson was fully vetted and approved by your party.